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Print Session Status

There are several different messages that show the status of a Host Integration Server print session:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Pending

  • In Session: Indicates the print server session is active, and the logical unit (LU) is bound. For Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC), a conversation is allocated.

  • Offline: Indicates the print session has been created, but the print server is not aware of it.

  • Paused: Indicates the print server session is active, but the printing has been paused.

    To view the status of a print session, simply select the print session in SNA Manager.


The status shown by the SNA Manager and the Diagnostic tool (DISPLAY.EXE) may appear to be different for a given item (for example, LU status). This is because the SNA Manager shows the currently active sessions. The Display tool shows what was negotiated during CNOS setup.

See Also

Host Integration Server Status