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Connections and the SnaCfg Utility

SnaCfg is a useful command-line utility for deploying and managing SNA Server configurations.

The following table describes the command-line parameters.

Property Description Validation
/conntype:type Connection type. IP-DLC.
/RemoteAddress:adr Address of the remote DLUS service. This property is not accessible through the user interface. It provides a way of establishing a direct connection with DLUS rather than routing the connection through the NNS. Valid IP address or DNS name.
/PrimNetworkName:name Network name of the primary DLUS server. 1–8 characters, SNA Type A string.
/PrimCPName:name Control point name of the primary DLUS server. 1–8 characters, SNA Type A string.
/BackupNetworkName:name Network name of the backup DLUS server. 1–8 characters, SNA Type A string.
/BackupCPName:name Control point name of the backup DLUS server. 1–8 characters, SNA Type A string.
/DLURRetryType:N DLUR retry type. 0 indicates none

1 indicates infinite

2 indicates limited
/DLURRetryLimit:N DLUR retry limit. This parameter is invalid unless the DLUR retry type is set to limited. 1–65534
/DLURRetryDelay:N Delay after a DLUR retry. This parameter is invalid unless the DLUR retry type is set to limited. 1–65535
/RetryLimit:N Number of the connection retries. 0 indicates unlimited

1–65534 number of retries
/RetryDelay:N Delay after a connection retry. 0–327670, must be a factor of 5.
/XIDFormat:N XID type. Set to:

1 – "Format 3"
/RemoteNetName:name This value is always set to the network name of the IP-DLC link service. Must be left blank for a new connection.
/RemoteCPName:name This value is always set to the control point name of the IP-DLC link service. Must be left blank for a new connection.

See Also

Creating an IP-DLC Connection
Viewing Connections
Defining Dependent LUs
Secure Deployment of the IP-DLC Link Service