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Enumerates types of information expected in text entry.


enum class XGameUiTextEntryInputScope : uint32_t  
    Default = 0,  
    Url = 1,  
    EmailSmtpAddress = 5,  
    Number = 29,  
    Password = 31,  
    TelephoneNumber = 32,  
    Alphanumeric = 40,  
    Search = 50,
    ChatWithoutEmoji = 68


Constant Description
Default No input scope. This will be a fully localized keyboard with no special buttons. This keyboard will show emojis.
Url A uniform resource identifier (URI). This can include naming formats such as URL, file, or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This will a fully localized keyboard that includes language-specific ".COM" buttons.
EmailSmtpAddress An email address in Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) form (accountname@host). This will be a fully localized keyboard with the "@" button featured prominently.
Number Numerical digits (0 through 9).
Password A password, including alphanumeric characters and other symbols, such as punctuation and mathematical symbols. This will be a fully localized keyboard where the textbox hides characters as the user types. Using this with either XGameUiTextEntryOpen or XGameUiTextEntryUpdatePositionHint is invalid.
TelephoneNumber A telephone number. Using this with either XGameUiTextEntryOpen or XGameUiTextEntryUpdatePositionHint is invalid.
Alphanumeric Alphanumeric characters. This will show a Latin keyboard without any special buttons.
Search A search string. This will show a fully localized keyboard with the "enter" button labeled "Search". Using this with either XGameUiTextEntryOpen or XGameUiTextEntryUpdatePositionHint is invalid.
ChatWithoutEmoji This will show a fully localized keyboard without emojis.


The XGameUiShowTextEntryAsync, XGameUiTextEntryOpen, and XGameUiTextEntryUpdatePositionHint function all use this enumeration.


Header: XGameUI.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also