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MicrosoftGame.config Element - StoreId

Specifies the store identity of this title. Specified in Partner Center under Product Management -> Product Identity.


This element's parent is the Game element.


This element is optional and is not required to be set.


This element pertains to PC and Console.


  • No attributes.
  • No default value.
  • Allowed value is the StoreId, derived from Partner Center.


  • The StoreId is 12 characters long (alphanumeric values).
  • The StoreId element, in your MicrosoftGame.config, must match the value in Partner Center. The MicrosoftGame.config Editor provides a tool, called the Store Association Wizard, which will automatically sync the local .config values for MSAAppId (and other Id values) with what is present in Partner Center for your product.

See Also

MicrosoftGame.config Reference - Table of Contents