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MicrosoftGame.config Element - EnableWritesToPackageRoot (DEPRECATED)

Set to true if your game needs to write to the package install location.


This element's parent is the DesktopRegistration element.


This element is optional and is not required to be set.


This element only pertains to PC devices.


  • No attributes.
  • Default value is false.
  • Allowed values are true or false.


  • As of the March 2022 Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK), this element is now deprecated due to changes in how packages are installed. For more information, see Flat File Install Overview.
  • If this element is set in your MicrosoftGame.config, it will be ignored in the March 2022 Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) and future releases.
  • If these elements are present in a MicrosoftGame.config that has been updated to Game configVersion="1", an error will be presented when attempting to package your title. The error will output "The DesktopRegistration entries "modFolder", "enableWritesToPackageRoot", "disableRegistryWriteVirtualization" and "disableFilesystemWriteVirtualization" are deprecated in configVersion >= 1". Removing these elements from the MicrosoftGame.config will resolve this issue. For more information on Game configVersion="1" and if it affects your title, see MicrosoftGame.config Version Details.

See Also

MicrosoftGame.config Reference - Table of Contents