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Gets a list of achievements in a specific progress state for a player.


HRESULT XblAchievementsManagerGetAchievementsByState(  
         uint64_t xboxUserId,  
         XblAchievementOrderBy sortField,  
         XblAchievementsManagerSortOrder sortOrder,  
         XblAchievementProgressState achievementState,  
         XblAchievementsManagerResultHandle* achievementsResult  


xboxUserId   _In_
Type: uint64_t

The Xbox User ID of the player.

sortField   _In_
Type: XblAchievementOrderBy

The field to sort the list of achievements on. TitleId will behave the same as DefaultOrder, as AchievementsManager only handles one title at a time.

sortOrder   _In_
Type: XblAchievementsManagerSortOrder

The direction by which to sort the list of achievements.

achievementState   _In_
Type: XblAchievementProgressState

The achievement state to include in the results.

achievementsResult   _Outptr_result_maybenull_
Type: XblAchievementsManagerResultHandle*

The handle to the result of AchievementsManager API calls. This handle is used by other APIs to get the achievement objects matching the API that was called. The handle must be closed using XblAchievementsManagerResultCloseHandle when the result is no longer needed.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


Header: achievements_manager_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.14x.GDK.C.lib

See also
