Tutorial: Manipular fluxos de autenticação em um REACT SPA
Esse tutorial é a parte 3 de uma série que demonstra a compilação de um aplicativo de página única (SPA) do React e a prepará-lo para autenticação. Na parte 2 desta série, você criou um SPA do React e preparou-o para autenticação com o locatário externo. Nesse tutorial, você aprenderá a lidar com fluxos de autenticação no seu aplicativo adicionando componentes da Biblioteca de Autenticação da Microsoft (MSAL).
Neste tutorial;
- Adicione um componente DataDisplay ao aplicativo
- Adicione um componente ProfileContent ao aplicativo
- Adicione um componente PageLayout ao aplicativo
- Adicionar um arquivo claimUtils ao aplicativo
Adicione componentes ao aplicativo
Os componentes funcionais são os blocos de construção de aplicativos React e são usados para criar as experiências de entrada e saída no SPA do React.
Adicionar o componente DataDisplay
Abra src/components/DataDisplay.jsx e adicione o snippet de código a seguir
import { Table } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { createClaimsTable } from '../utils/claimUtils'; import '../styles/App.css'; export const IdTokenData = (props) => { const tokenClaims = createClaimsTable(props.idTokenClaims); const tableRow = Object.keys(tokenClaims).map((key, index) => { return ( <tr key={key}> {tokenClaims[key].map((claimItem) => ( <td key={claimItem}>{claimItem}</td> ))} </tr> ); }); return ( <> <div className="data-area-div"> <p> See below the claims in your <strong> ID token </strong>. For more information, visit:{' '} <span> <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/id-tokens#claims-in-an-id-token"> docs.microsoft.com </a> </span> </p> <div className="data-area-div"> <Table responsive striped bordered hover> <thead> <tr> <th>Claim</th> <th>Value</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>{tableRow}</tbody> </Table> </div> </div> </> ); };
Salve o arquivo.
Adicionar o componente NavigationBar
Abra src/components/NavigationBar.jsx e adicione o snippet de código a seguir
import { AuthenticatedTemplate, UnauthenticatedTemplate, useMsal } from '@azure/msal-react'; import { Navbar, Button } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { loginRequest } from '../authConfig'; export const NavigationBar = () => { const { instance } = useMsal(); const handleLoginRedirect = () => { instance.loginRedirect(loginRequest).catch((error) => console.log(error)); }; const handleLogoutRedirect = () => { instance.logoutRedirect().catch((error) => console.log(error)); }; /** * Most applications will need to conditionally render certain components based on whether a user is signed in or not. * msal-react provides 2 easy ways to do this. AuthenticatedTemplate and UnauthenticatedTemplate components will * only render their children if a user is authenticated or unauthenticated, respectively. */ return ( <> <Navbar bg="primary" variant="dark" className="navbarStyle"> <a className="navbar-brand" href="/"> Microsoft identity platform </a> <AuthenticatedTemplate> <div className="collapse navbar-collapse justify-content-end"> <Button variant="warning" onClick={handleLogoutRedirect}> Sign out </Button> </div> </AuthenticatedTemplate> <UnauthenticatedTemplate> <div className="collapse navbar-collapse justify-content-end"> <Button onClick={handleLoginRedirect}>Sign in</Button> </div> </UnauthenticatedTemplate> </Navbar> </> ); };
Salve o arquivo.
Adicionar o componente PageLayout
Abra src/components/PageLayout.jsx e adicione o snippet de código a seguir
import { AuthenticatedTemplate } from '@azure/msal-react'; import { NavigationBar } from './NavigationBar.jsx'; export const PageLayout = (props) => { /** * Most applications will need to conditionally render certain components based on whether a user is signed in or not. * msal-react provides 2 easy ways to do this. AuthenticatedTemplate and UnauthenticatedTemplate components will * only render their children if a user is authenticated or unauthenticated, respectively. */ return ( <> <NavigationBar /> <br /> <h5> <center>Welcome to the Microsoft Authentication Library For React Tutorial</center> </h5> <br /> {props.children} <br /> <AuthenticatedTemplate> <footer> <center> How did we do? <a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR_ivMYEeUKlEq8CxnMPgdNZUNDlUTTk2NVNYQkZSSjdaTk5KT1o4V1VVNS4u" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" > {' '} Share your experience! </a> </center> </footer> </AuthenticatedTemplate> </> ); }
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Adicionar o arquivo claimUtils
Abra public/claimUtils.js e adicione o seguinte trecho de código:
/** * Populate claims table with appropriate description * @param {Object} claims ID token claims * @returns claimsObject */ export const createClaimsTable = (claims) => { let claimsObj = {}; let index = 0; Object.keys(claims).forEach((key) => { if (typeof claims[key] !== 'string' && typeof claims[key] !== 'number') return; switch (key) { case 'aud': populateClaim( key, claims[key], "Identifies the intended recipient of the token. In ID tokens, the audience is your app's Application ID, assigned to your app in the Azure portal.", index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'iss': populateClaim( key, claims[key], 'Identifies the issuer, or authorization server that constructs and returns the token. It also identifies the Azure AD tenant for which the user was authenticated. If the token was issued by the v2.0 endpoint, the URI will end in /v2.0. The GUID that indicates that the user is a consumer user from a Microsoft account is 9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'iat': populateClaim( key, changeDateFormat(claims[key]), 'Issued At indicates when the authentication for this token occurred.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'nbf': populateClaim( key, changeDateFormat(claims[key]), 'The nbf (not before) claim identifies the time (as UNIX timestamp) before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'exp': populateClaim( key, changeDateFormat(claims[key]), "The exp (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time (as UNIX timestamp) on or after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing. It's important to note that in certain circumstances, a resource may reject the token before this time. For example, if a change in authentication is required or a token revocation has been detected.", index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'name': populateClaim( key, claims[key], "The name claim provides a human-readable value that identifies the subject of the token. The value isn't guaranteed to be unique, it can be changed, and it's designed to be used only for display purposes. The profile scope is required to receive this claim.", index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'preferred_username': populateClaim( key, claims[key], 'The primary username that represents the user. It could be an email address, phone number, or a generic username without a specified format. Its value is mutable and might change over time. Since it is mutable, this value must not be used to make authorization decisions. It can be used for username hints, however, and in human-readable UI as a username. The profile scope is required in order to receive this claim.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'nonce': populateClaim( key, claims[key], 'The nonce matches the parameter included in the original /authorize request to the IDP. If it does not match, your application should reject the token.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'oid': populateClaim( key, claims[key], "The oid (user's object id) is the only claim that should be used to uniquely identify a user in an Azure AD tenant. The token might have one or more of the following claim, that might seem like a unique identifier, but is not and should not be used as such.", index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'tid': populateClaim( key, claims[key], 'The tenant ID. You will use this claim to ensure that only users from the current Azure AD tenant can access this app.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'upn': populateClaim( key, claims[key], '(user principal name) – might be unique amongst the active set of users in a tenant but tend to get reassigned to new employees as employees leave the organization and others take their place or might change to reflect a personal change like marriage.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'email': populateClaim( key, claims[key], 'Email might be unique amongst the active set of users in a tenant but tend to get reassigned to new employees as employees leave the organization and others take their place.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'acct': populateClaim( key, claims[key], "Available as an optional claim, it lets you know what the type of user (homed, guest) is. For example, for an individual's access to their data you might not care for this claim, but you would use this along with tenant id (tid) to control access to say a company-wide dashboard to just employees (homed users) and not contractors (guest users).", index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'sid': populateClaim(key, claims[key], 'Session ID, used for per-session user sign-out.', index, claimsObj); index++; break; case 'sub': populateClaim( key, claims[key], 'The sub claim is a pairwise identifier - it is unique to a particular application ID. If a single user signs into two different apps using two different client IDs, those apps will receive two different values for the subject claim.', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'ver': populateClaim( key, claims[key], 'Version of the token issued by the Microsoft identity platform', index, claimsObj ); index++; break; case 'uti': case 'rh': index++; break; case '_claim_names': case '_claim_sources': default: populateClaim(key, claims[key], '', index, claimsObj); index++; } }); return claimsObj; }; /** * Populates claim, description, and value into an claimsObject * @param {String} claim * @param {String} value * @param {String} description * @param {Number} index * @param {Object} claimsObject */ const populateClaim = (claim, value, description, index, claimsObject) => { let claimsArray = []; claimsArray[0] = claim; claimsArray[1] = value; claimsArray[2] = description; claimsObject[index] = claimsArray; }; /** * Transforms Unix timestamp to date and returns a string value of that date * @param {String} date Unix timestamp * @returns */ const changeDateFormat = (date) => { let dateObj = new Date(date * 1000); return `${date} - [${dateObj.toString()}]`; };
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