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Customize live chat widgets for mobile apps

If the live chat SDK does not meet your requirements, then you can embed a widget code in your mobile app. However, embedding a chat widget code has many limitations such as reduced performance, limited mobile usability, and unavailable features.


Live chat widget features—escalating to voice and video, and downloading the chat transcript—aren't supported on mobile apps.

Render the live chat widget using embedded code

A WebView is an embedded browser that enables a native application to display web content. Use the WebView component of your mobile operating system language to enable rendering of the web version of the chat widget on mobile devices. The WebView capability is offered on both Android and iOS.

The following sample code renders the chat widget in a mobile application.

var html: String = """
                <meta http-equiv="no-cache">
                <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
                <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
                    src = "Use src from widget code snippet"
                    id = Microsoft_Omnichannel_LCWidget
                    data-app-id = "Use data-app-Id from widget code snippet"
                    data-org-id = "Use data-org-Id from widget code snippet"
                    data-org-url = "Use data-org-url from widget code snippet"
                    data-render-mobile = "true"
                    data-hide-chat-button = "true"
                    data-color-override = "desired color code eg. #008577">
    var baseUrl: String = "Get baseUrl from data-org-url eg. https://oc-cdn-ocprod.azureedge.net"
    chatWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL(baseUrl,html, "text/html", null, baseUrl)

The chat widget uses local storage to manage its state. For the chat widget to access local storage on Android, you need to configure a permission in the native code.

chatWebView = findViewById(R.id.webview)
webSettings = webView.getSettings();

You can optimize the rendering of the chat widget for mobile web experience by using data tags such as data-hide-chat-button and data-render-mobile, along with a few APIs and events provided by the live chat widget client SDK. More information: Customize a chat widget using data tags

To open a chat session, you can call the startChat method when the new chat button is selected.


You can use the data-render-mobile data tag to optimize the rendering of the live chat widget on mobile. For example, it hides the header of the chat widget. Along with the header, the Close (X) button also goes away. To close the chat, you have to create an "end chat" button in the mobile app and call the closeChat method on the click event.

    "Microsoft.Omnichannel.LiveChatWidget.SDK.closeChat();", null)

The preceding code covers the scenario where the user of the mobile app ends the chat. However, in another scenario, where an agent ends the conversation, you can listen for the lcw:threadUpdate event and call the closeChat method to end the conversation from the client side, as shown in the following code.

    "window.addEventListener(\"lcw:threadUpdate\", function(){Microsoft.Omnichannel.LiveChatWidget.SDK.closeChat();})", null)

When the chat is closed, the live chat widget triggers the lcw:closeChat event. You can listen for this event, and perform any post-chat steps if required.

Live chat SDK reference
Develop custom live chat widgets
Customize live chat widgets using data tags