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Audit changes to financial reporting

Financial reporting helps you gather insights into the financial data in your chart of accounts (COA). This article explains ways to monitor changes to your financial report definitions, and how to control access to financial reports.

Set up the Change Log for financial report definitions

You can use the Change Log feature to capture changes users make to the definitions for financial reports. For example, you can find out what changed, who changed it, and when the change was made.

The following table lists the table for financial report definitions and their IDs.

Table Table ID
Report Definition 88
Row Definition 84
Column Definition 333

To learn more, go to Audit changes to your setup.

Get notified when financial report definitions change

To add an extra layer of security around your financial report definitions, you can monitor changes to their fields and get an email when someone changes a value.

To learn more, go to Get notified when system setup change

Analyze changes to financial report definitions

You can use the Data Analysis feature to answer questions such as:

  • Which definition changed?
  • Who changed it, and when?

To learn more, go to Analyze changes to your setup.

Permissions to view or edit financial reports

The following table lists the permission sets that control whether you can view or edit financial reports and their report definitions.

Access Permission set
View financial reports. Account Schedules - View
Edit financial report definitions, including row and column definitions. Account Schedules - Edit

Prepare financial reporting
Financial analytics overview
Setting Up Finance

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