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Warehouse management feature state updates for version 10.0.25


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 15, 2022 Apr 1, 2022

Business value

Turning on features by default helps customers stay current with the latest warehouse management capabilities of Supply Chain Management.

Feature details

Mandatory features with the 10.0.25 release

These features have become mandatory and can no longer be disabled.

  • Capture product variants and tracking dimensions in the warehousing app during load item receiving
  • Allow replenishment template to use existing immediate replenishment work (across units): Adds a new check box to the Replenishment templates page that allows a template to claim unreserved quantities from existing immediate replenishment work.
  • Change work pool on work
  • Cluster position full
  • Cluster Putaway Feature
  • Confirm and transfer
  • Enhanced license plate label layouts
  • Hide the Total Value field on the "All Loads" and "Load Details" pages: The Total Value field, when visible, has a performance impact on the All Loads and Load Details page. When enabled, this feature hides the field.
  • Deferred processing of manual inventory movement operation
  • Change the inventory status of items controlled by tracking dimensions: This feature lets you change the inventory status of items controlled by tracking dimensions and includes the ability to update only selected records. Use settings on the On-hand by location page and the Inventory status change periodic task to apply this feature.
  • License plate label build configuration: This feature introduces a new configuration form with fields that must be populated when a new license plate label is generated. It will allow large-scaled businesses to improve performance of license plate label building by skipping fields not required for specific advanced warehousing processes defined by work templates.
  • Do not allow to create loads that do not meet wave load building template requirements: Ensures that a load meets all requirements from its template. Also, if the load mix group is used, the templates should be created both for criteria codes and constraints to be able to create loads with any code.
  • Load line manual correction for admin or similar trusted users: This feature enables admin users to fix quantity values on load lines that are found to be out of sync.
  • Location license plate positioning
  • Location product dimension mixing
  • Control whether to display a receiving summary page on mobile devices
  • Manual sales line picking service for admin or similar trusted users: This feature allows administrators to manually pick inventory transactions related to sales lines, including lines that have already been released to the warehouse.
  • Make mobile device inventory movement inventory status field editable: Makes the Inventory status field editable in the Warehouse Management mobile app inventory movement flow when moving inventory from a license plate controlled location.
  • Prompt to resolve ambiguous 'Loc / LP' names: Lets warehouse workers specify whether the value entered in a Loc/LP field in the Warehousing Management mobile app identifies a license plate or a location.
  • User settings, icons, and step titles for the new warehouse app: This feature adds settings that apply to the new Warehouse Management mobile app. The new settings let you view and set default app settings for each specific device model and/or user. This feature also adds the back-end changes needed to support icons for menus and actions, and to add illustrations and helpful titles for each step in a process.
  • Evaluate all actions for Multi SKU location directives: For multi-SKU location directives, only one action is evaluated for every location directive line. When this feature is enabled, all actions are evaluated in a sequenced order.
  • Automatic assigning of the GUIDs on WHS user creation: Automatically assigns GUIDs when creating WHS users. This fix improves performance for all installations and is required if you are running a distributed hybrid architecture.
  • Confirm outbound shipments from batch jobs
  • Prevent transfer order shipped license plates from being used on other warehouses than the destination warehouse
  • Quality check
  • Replenish to max based on stocking limits: Adds a new replenishment strategy for wave demand-replenishment template lines. The new strategy uses location directives to find locations that could be replenished, and it will replenish them until the demand is covered.
  • Work pick line overview
  • Change the number sequence for cycle counting work: This feature changes the number sequence used for work creation numbers for cycle counting work.
  • Use existing catch weight tags when reporting production orders as finished
  • Warehouse slotting feature
  • Warehouse Slotting for transfer orders: Allows warehouse managers to replenish picking locations based on demand from transfer orders that aren't yet released to the warehouse.
  • Warehouse Slotting allocation enhancements: Adds an option for the template lines used by the warehouse slotting feature that makes the system consider existing on-hand inventory at a target location.
  • Task-based wave label printing: Wave label printing functionality makes it possible to generate and print wave labels in a separate transaction scope.
  • Wave template grouping
  • Work line details
  • Preserve work template sequence numbers on delete: Prevents the system from automatically overwriting work template sequence numbers after a template has been deleted. It also adds a Regenerate sequence numbers button to the Work templates page to remove all gaps from the sequence.
  • Zone threshold replenishment

Enabled-by-default features with the 10.0.25 release

These features will be turned on by default but can still be manually disabled. These are all targeted to become mandatory with 2022 release wave 2.

Features transitioning to being generally available with the 10.0.25 release

  • Use faster API for containers closing/reopening on packing station: When this feature is enabled, inventory transactions related to containers are created using a new lightweight process to improve performance of closing or reopening containers during manual packing station processing.
  • Cross-docking templates with location directives: Enables the use of location directives to help determine the best location to move cross-docking inventory to. To set this up, assign a directive code to each relevant cross-docking template. Each directive code identifies a unique location directive.
  • Disable expected receipts from quality orders that sample blocked inventory: Prevents the system from creating expected receipt transactions for quality orders that sample inventory with a blocking status.
  • License plate receiving history: This feature logs all license plates registered through the menu items License plate receiving and License plate receiving and put-away. Each record stores the license plate ID, load and shipment information, the date and time of receiving, and the user ID of the worker who handled the license plate. This information is displayed on the License plate receiving history page.
  • Scale unit support for warehouse app work lists: Updates the way work list configurations for the warehouse app are stored in the database to make them portable between the hub and scale unit databases. There are no changes to the user interface. Note: On enabling this feature, the system will update relevant data across all legal entities.
  • Validate templates selected for replenishment jobs: Helps ensure users select valid replenishment templates when setting up a replenishment job. It prevents users from creating a replenishment job without a template and from selecting templates of type wave demand, which won't create any replenishment work and may take a long time to process.
  • Shipment wave label details: Allows tracking of every print of a shipment's labels.
  • Round quantities down to nearest sales unit on release to warehouse: Adds an option that can restrict order quantities on release to the warehouse. When enabled, order quantities will be rounded down to the nearest whole sales unit, and orders that include quantities for less than one sales unit will be rejected for release.
  • Material handling equipment interface

See also

What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.25 April 2022 (docs)