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StringFormat.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(CharacterRange[]) Método


Especifica uma matriz de estruturas de CharacterRange que representam os intervalos de caracteres medidos por uma chamada para o método MeasureCharacterRanges(String, Font, RectangleF, StringFormat).

 void SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(cli::array <System::Drawing::CharacterRange> ^ ranges);
public void SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(System.Drawing.CharacterRange[] ranges);
member this.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges : System.Drawing.CharacterRange[] -> unit
Public Sub SetMeasurableCharacterRanges (ranges As CharacterRange())



Uma matriz de estruturas CharacterRange que especifica os intervalos de caracteres medidos por uma chamada para o método MeasureCharacterRanges(String, Font, RectangleF, StringFormat).


Mais de 32 intervalos de caracteres são definidos.


O exemplo a seguir foi projetado para uso com o Windows Forms e requer PaintEventArgse, que é um parâmetro do manipulador de eventos Paint. O código executa as seguintes ações:

  • Define os intervalos de caracteres do StringFormat.

  • Mede os intervalos de caracteres para uma determinada cadeia de caracteres e retângulo de layout.

  • Desenha a cadeia de caracteres e o retângulo de layout.

  • Pinta as regiões. Cada Region especifica uma área ocupada por um intervalo de caracteres. Os valores nas regiões são definidos quando os intervalos de caracteres são medidos pelo método MeasureCharacterRanges.

  • Repete as quatro primeiras etapas, mas inclui espaços à direita na medida de cada intervalo de caracteres.

  • Limpa os sinalizadores de formato do StringFormat para que os espaços à direita não sejam incluídos na medida de cada intervalo de caracteres.

  • Repete as quatro primeiras etapas, mas usa um retângulo de layout diferente apenas para demonstrar que o retângulo de layout afeta as medidas dos intervalos de caracteres. O tamanho da fonte também afetará a medida.

void SetMeasCharRangesExample( PaintEventArgs^ e )
   Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
   SolidBrush^ redBrush = gcnew SolidBrush( Color::FromArgb( 50, 255, 0, 0 ) );

   // Layout rectangles, font, and string format used for displaying string.
   Rectangle layoutRectA = Rectangle(20,20,165,80);
   Rectangle layoutRectB = Rectangle(20,110,165,80);
   Rectangle layoutRectC = Rectangle(20,200,240,80);
   System::Drawing::Font^ tnrFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Times New Roman",16 );
   StringFormat^ strFormat = gcnew StringFormat;

   // Ranges of character positions within a string.
   array<CharacterRange>^ charRanges = {CharacterRange(3,5),CharacterRange(15,2),CharacterRange(30,15)};

   // Each region specifies the area occupied by the characters within a
   // range of positions. the values are obtained by using a method that
   // measures the character ranges.
   array<System::Drawing::Region^>^charRegions = gcnew array<System::Drawing::Region^>(charRanges->Length);

   // String to be displayed.
   String^ str = "The quick, brown fox easily jumps over the lazy dog.";

   // Set the char ranges for the string format.
   strFormat->SetMeasurableCharacterRanges( charRanges );

   // loop counter (unsigned 8-bit integer)
   Byte i;

   // Measure the char ranges for a given string and layout rectangle. Each
   // area occupied by the characters in a range is stored as a region. Then
   // draw the string and layout rectangle, and paint the regions.
   charRegions = g->MeasureCharacterRanges( str, tnrFont, layoutRectA, strFormat );
   g->DrawString( str, tnrFont, Brushes::Blue, layoutRectA, strFormat );
   g->DrawRectangle( Pens::Black, layoutRectA );

   // Paint the regions.
   for ( i = 0; i < charRegions->Length; i++ )
      g->FillRegion( redBrush, charRegions[ i ] );

   // Repeat the above steps, but include trailing spaces in the char
   // range measurement by setting the appropriate string format flag.
   strFormat->FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags::MeasureTrailingSpaces;
   charRegions = g->MeasureCharacterRanges( str, tnrFont, layoutRectB, strFormat );
   g->DrawString( str, tnrFont, Brushes::Blue, layoutRectB, strFormat );
   g->DrawRectangle( Pens::Black, layoutRectB );
   for ( i = 0; i < charRegions->Length; i++ )
      g->FillRegion( redBrush, charRegions[ i ] );

   // Clear all the format flags.
   strFormat->FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags(0);

   // Repeat the steps, but use a different layout rectangle. the dimensions
   // of the layout rectangle and the size of the font both affect the
   // character range measurement.
   charRegions = g->MeasureCharacterRanges( str, tnrFont, layoutRectC, strFormat );
   g->DrawString( str, tnrFont, Brushes::Blue, layoutRectC, strFormat );
   g->DrawRectangle( Pens::Black, layoutRectC );

   // Paint the regions.
   for ( i = 0; i < charRegions->Length; i++ )
      g->FillRegion( redBrush, charRegions[ i ] );
public void SetMeasCharRangesExample(PaintEventArgs e)
    Graphics     g = e.Graphics;
    SolidBrush   redBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0));
    // Layout rectangles, font, and string format used for displaying string.
    Rectangle    layoutRectA = new Rectangle(20, 20, 165, 80);
    Rectangle    layoutRectB = new Rectangle(20, 110, 165, 80);
    Rectangle    layoutRectC = new Rectangle(20, 200, 240, 80);
    Font         tnrFont = new Font("Times New Roman", 16);
    StringFormat strFormat = new StringFormat();
    // Ranges of character positions within a string.
    CharacterRange[] charRanges = { new CharacterRange(3, 5),
        new CharacterRange(15, 2), new CharacterRange(30, 15)};
    // Each region specifies the area occupied by the characters within a
    // range of positions. the values are obtained by using a method that
    // measures the character ranges.
    Region[]     charRegions = new Region[charRanges.Length];
    // String to be displayed.
    string  str =
        "The quick, brown fox easily jumps over the lazy dog.";
    // Set the char ranges for the string format.
    // loop counter (unsigned 8-bit integer)
    byte  i;    
    // Measure the char ranges for a given string and layout rectangle. Each
    // area occupied by the characters in a range is stored as a region. Then
    // draw the string and layout rectangle, and paint the regions.
    charRegions = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(str, tnrFont,
        layoutRectA, strFormat);
   g.DrawString(str, tnrFont, Brushes.Blue, layoutRectA, strFormat);
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, layoutRectA);
    // Paint the regions.
    for (i = 0; i < charRegions.Length; i++)
        g.FillRegion(redBrush, charRegions[i]);   

    // Repeat the above steps, but include trailing spaces in the char
    // range measurement by setting the appropriate string format flag.
    strFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces;
    charRegions = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(str, tnrFont,
        layoutRectB, strFormat);
    g.DrawString(str, tnrFont, Brushes.Blue, layoutRectB, strFormat);
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, layoutRectB);

    for (i = 0; i < charRegions.Length; i++)
        g.FillRegion(redBrush, charRegions[i]);   
    // Clear all the format flags.
    strFormat.FormatFlags = 0;                   
    // Repeat the steps, but use a different layout rectangle. the dimensions
    // of the layout rectangle and the size of the font both affect the
    // character range measurement.
    charRegions = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(str, tnrFont,
        layoutRectC, strFormat);
    g.DrawString(str, tnrFont, Brushes.Blue, layoutRectC, strFormat);
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, layoutRectC);
    // Paint the regions.
    for (i = 0; i < charRegions.Length; i++)
        g.FillRegion(redBrush, charRegions[i]);   
Public Sub SetMeasCharRangesExample(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
    Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
    Dim redBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0))

    ' Layout rectangles, font, and string format used for
    ' displaying string.
    Dim layoutRectA As New Rectangle(20, 20, 165, 80)
    Dim layoutRectB As New Rectangle(20, 110, 165, 80)
    Dim layoutRectC As New Rectangle(20, 200, 240, 80)
    Dim tnrFont As New Font("Times New Roman", 16)
    Dim strFormat As New StringFormat

    ' Ranges of character positions within a string.
    Dim charRanges As CharacterRange() = {New CharacterRange(3, 5), _
    New CharacterRange(15, 2), New CharacterRange(30, 15)}

    ' Each region specifies the area occupied by the characters within
    ' a range of positions. The values are obtained by using a method
    ' that measures the character ranges.
    Dim charRegions(charRanges.Length) As [Region]

    ' String to be displayed.
    Dim str As String = _
    "The quick, brown fox easily jumps over the lazy dog."

    ' Set the char ranges for the string format.

    ' Loop counter (unsigned 8-bit integer).
    Dim i As Byte

    ' Measure the char ranges for a given string and layout rectangle.
    ' Each area occupied by the characters in a range is stored as a
    ' region. then draw the string and layout rectangle and paint the
    ' regions.
    charRegions = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(str, tnrFont, _
    RectangleF.op_Implicit(layoutRectA), strFormat)
    g.DrawString(str, tnrFont, Brushes.Blue, _
    RectangleF.op_Implicit(layoutRectA), strFormat)
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, layoutRectA)

    ' Paint the regions.
    For i = 0 To charRegions.Length - 1
        g.FillRegion(redBrush, charRegions(i))
    Next i

    ' Repeat the above steps, but include trailing spaces in the char
    ' range measurement by setting the appropriate string format flag.
    strFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces
    charRegions = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(str, tnrFont, _
    RectangleF.op_Implicit(layoutRectB), strFormat)
    g.DrawString(str, tnrFont, Brushes.Blue, _
    RectangleF.op_Implicit(layoutRectB), strFormat)
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, layoutRectB)

    ' Paint the regions.
    For i = 0 To charRegions.Length - 1
        g.FillRegion(redBrush, charRegions(i))
    Next i

    ' Clear all the format flags.
    strFormat.FormatFlags = 0

    ' Repeat the steps, but use a different layout rectangle. The
    ' dimensions of the layout rectangle and the size of the font both
    ' affect the character range measurement.
    charRegions = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(str, tnrFont, _
    RectangleF.op_Implicit(layoutRectC), strFormat)
    g.DrawString(str, tnrFont, Brushes.Blue, _
    RectangleF.op_Implicit(layoutRectC), strFormat)
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, layoutRectC)

    ' Paint the regions.
    For i = 0 To charRegions.Length - 1
        g.FillRegion(redBrush, charRegions(i))
    Next i
End Sub


A configuração de mais de 32 intervalos de caracteres não é permitida e causará um System.OverflowException.

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