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Attribute.IsDefaultAttribute Método


Quando substituído em uma classe derivada, indica se o valor dessa instância é o valor padrão para a classe derivada.

 virtual bool IsDefaultAttribute();
public virtual bool IsDefaultAttribute();
abstract member IsDefaultAttribute : unit -> bool
override this.IsDefaultAttribute : unit -> bool
Public Overridable Function IsDefaultAttribute () As Boolean


true se a instância for o atributo padrão para a classe; caso contrário, false.


O exemplo de código a seguir ilustra o uso do objeto IsDefaultAttribute.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// An enumeration of animals. Start at 1 (0 = uninitialized).
public enum class Animal
   // Pets.
   Dog = 1,
   Cat, Bird

// A custom attribute to allow a target to have a pet.
public ref class AnimalTypeAttribute: public Attribute

   // The constructor is called when the attribute is set.
   AnimalTypeAttribute( Animal pet )
      thePet = pet;

   // Provide a default constructor and make Dog the default.
      thePet = Animal::Dog;


   // Keep a variable internally ...
   Animal thePet;


   property Animal Pet 
      // .. and show a copy to the outside world.
      Animal get()
         return thePet;
      void set( Animal value )
         thePet = value;


   // Override IsDefaultAttribute to return the correct response.
   virtual bool IsDefaultAttribute() override
      return thePet == Animal::Dog;

public ref class TestClass

   // Use the default constructor.

   void Method1(){}

int main()
   // Get the class type to access its metadata.
   Type^ clsType = TestClass::typeid;

   // Get type information for the method.
   MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "Method1" );

   // Get the AnimalType attribute for the method.
   AnimalTypeAttribute^ atAttr = dynamic_cast<AnimalTypeAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( mInfo, AnimalTypeAttribute::typeid ));

   // Check to see if the default attribute is applied.
   Console::WriteLine( "The attribute {0} for method {1} in class {2}", atAttr->Pet, mInfo->Name, clsType->Name );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0} the default for the AnimalType attribute.", atAttr->IsDefaultAttribute() ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );
using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace DefAttrCS
    // An enumeration of animals. Start at 1 (0 = uninitialized).
    public enum Animal
        // Pets.
        Dog = 1,

    // A custom attribute to allow a target to have a pet.
    public class AnimalTypeAttribute : Attribute
        // The constructor is called when the attribute is set.
        public AnimalTypeAttribute(Animal pet)
            thePet = pet;

        // Provide a default constructor and make Dog the default.
        public AnimalTypeAttribute()
            thePet = Animal.Dog;

        // Keep a variable internally ...
        protected Animal thePet;

        // .. and show a copy to the outside world.
        public Animal Pet
            get { return thePet; }
            set { thePet = Pet; }

        // Override IsDefaultAttribute to return the correct response.
        public override bool IsDefaultAttribute()
            if (thePet == Animal.Dog)
                return true;

            return false;

    public class TestClass
        // Use the default constructor.
        public void Method1()

    class DemoClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(TestClass);
            // Get type information for the method.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Method1");
            // Get the AnimalType attribute for the method.
            AnimalTypeAttribute atAttr =
            // Check to see if the default attribute is applied.
            Console.WriteLine("The attribute {0} for method {1} in class {2}",
                atAttr.Pet, mInfo.Name, clsType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} the default for the AnimalType attribute.",
                atAttr.IsDefaultAttribute() ? "is" : "is not");
open System

// An enumeration of animals. Start at 1 (0 = uninitialized).
type Animal =
    | Dog = 1
    | Cat = 2
    | Bird = 3

// A custom attribute to allow a target to have a pet.
type AnimalTypeAttribute(pet) =
    inherit Attribute()

    member val Pet = pet

    // Override IsDefaultAttribute to return the correct response.
    override _.IsDefaultAttribute() =
        pet = Animal.Dog

    // Provide a default constructor and make Dog the default.
    new() = AnimalTypeAttribute Animal.Dog

type TestClass() =
    // Use the default constructor.
    member _.Method1() = ()

// Get the class type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<TestClass>

// Get type information for the method.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "Method1"

// Get the AnimalType attribute for the method.
let atAttr = 
    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(mInfo, typeof<AnimalTypeAttribute>) 
    :?> AnimalTypeAttribute

// Check to see if the default attribute is applied.
printf $"The attribute {atAttr.Pet} for method {mInfo.Name} in class {clsType.Name} "
printfn $"""{if atAttr.IsDefaultAttribute() then "is" else "is not"} the default for the AnimalType attribute."""

// Output:
//     The attribute Dog for method Method1 in class TestClass is the default for the AnimalType attribute.
Imports System.Reflection

Module DemoModule

    ' An enumeration of animals. Start at 1 (0 = uninitialized).
    Enum Animal
        ' Pets
        Dog = 1
    End Enum

    ' Visual Basic requires that the AttributeUsage be specified.
    ' A custom attribute to allow a target to have a pet.
    <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)> _
    Public Class AnimalTypeAttribute
        Inherits Attribute

        ' The constructor is called when the attribute is set.
        Public Sub New(ByVal animal As Animal)
            Me.thePet = animal
        End Sub

        ' Provide a default constructor and make Dog the default.
        Public Sub New()
            thePet = Animal.Dog
        End Sub

        ' Keep a variable internally ...
        Protected thePet As Animal

        ' .. and show a copy to the outside world.
        Public Property Pet() As Animal
                Return thePet
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Animal)
                thePet = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        ' Override IsDefaultAttribute to return the correct response.
        Public Overrides Function IsDefaultAttribute() As Boolean
            If thePet = Animal.Dog Then
                Return True
                Return False
            End If
        End Function

    End Class

    Public Class TestClass
        ' Use the default constructor.
        <AnimalType()> _
        Public Sub Method1()
        End Sub

    End Class

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the class type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(TestClass)
        ' Get type information for the method.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Method1")
        ' Get the AnimalType attribute for the method.
        Dim attr As Attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(mInfo, _
        If Not attr Is Nothing And TypeOf attr Is AnimalTypeAttribute Then
            ' Convert the attribute to the required type.
            Dim atAttr As AnimalTypeAttribute = _
                CType(attr, AnimalTypeAttribute)
            Dim strDef As String
            ' Check to see if the default attribute is applied.
            If atAttr.IsDefaultAttribute() Then
                strDef = "is"
                strDef = "is not"
            End If
            ' Display the result.
            Console.WriteLine("The attribute {0} for method {1} " & _
                    "in class {2}", atAttr.Pet.ToString(), mInfo.Name, _
            Console.WriteLine("{0} the default for the AnimalType " & _
                    "attribute.", strDef)
        End If
    End Sub
End Module


A implementação padrão dessa classe retorna falsee deve ser implementada na classe derivada para ser útil para essa classe.

A implementação desse método em uma classe derivada compara o valor dessa instância com um valor padrão padrão e retorna um valor booliano que indica se o valor dessa instância é igual ao valor padrão. O valor padrão normalmente é codificado como uma constante na implementação ou armazenado programaticamente em um campo usado pela implementação.

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