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DevBoxesClient.RestartDevBox Method


[Protocol Method] Restarts a Dev Box

  • This protocol method allows explicit creation of the request and processing of the response for advanced scenarios.
public virtual Azure.Operation RestartDevBox (Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string projectName, string userId, string devBoxName, Azure.RequestContext context = default);
public virtual Azure.Operation<BinaryData> RestartDevBox (Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string projectName, string userId, string devBoxName, Azure.RequestContext context);
abstract member RestartDevBox : Azure.WaitUntil * string * string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Operation
override this.RestartDevBox : Azure.WaitUntil * string * string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Operation
abstract member RestartDevBox : Azure.WaitUntil * string * string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Operation<BinaryData>
override this.RestartDevBox : Azure.WaitUntil * string * string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Operation<BinaryData>
Public Overridable Function RestartDevBox (waitUntil As WaitUntil, projectName As String, userId As String, devBoxName As String, Optional context As RequestContext = Nothing) As Operation
Public Overridable Function RestartDevBox (waitUntil As WaitUntil, projectName As String, userId As String, devBoxName As String, context As RequestContext) As Operation(Of BinaryData)



Completed if the method should wait to return until the long-running operation has completed on the service; Started if it should return after starting the operation. For more information on long-running operations, please see Azure.Core Long-Running Operation samples.


Name of the project.


The AAD object id of the user. If value is 'me', the identity is taken from the authentication context.


Display name for the Dev Box.


The request context, which can override default behaviors of the client pipeline on a per-call basis.


The Operation representing an asynchronous operation on the service.


projectName, userId or devBoxName is null.

projectName, userId or devBoxName is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.

Service returned a non-success status code.


This sample shows how to call RestartDevBox.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
DevBoxesClient client = new DevBoxesClient(endpoint, credential);

Operation operation = client.RestartDevBox(WaitUntil.Completed, "<projectName>", "<userId>", "<devBoxName>");

This sample shows how to call RestartDevBox with all parameters.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
DevBoxesClient client = new DevBoxesClient(endpoint, credential);

Operation operation = client.RestartDevBox(WaitUntil.Completed, "<projectName>", "<userId>", "<devBoxName>");

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