HubSpot Marketing V2 (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

Marketing software that enables you to drive revenue, save time and resources, and measure and optimize your investments. All on one easy-to-use platform. Drive revenue by connecting with leads at the right time and place across email, landing pages, forms, and more. Manage your contacts and campaigns in one place and use automation tools to scale your efficiency. Measure the success of your campaigns using powerful reporting tools.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Troy Taylor |
URL | | |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Troy Taylor |
Website | |
Privacy policy | |
Categories | Marketing |
HubSpot Marketing V2
Marketing software that enables you to drive revenue, save time and resources, and measure and optimize your investments. All on one easy-to-use platform. Drive revenue by connecting with leads at the right time and place across email, landing pages, forms, and more. Manage your contacts and campaigns in one place and use automation tools to scale your efficiency. Measure the success of your campaigns using powerful reporting tools.
Publisher: Troy Taylor, Hitachi Solutions
You must have an account with HubSpot and be a Super Admin.
Obtaining Credentials
Once you are logged in to your account, go to Settings -> Account Setup -> Integrations -> Private Apps. You will need to create a private app and assign it only the scopes you will use actions for. Once your private app is created, you will have an access token in the Auth section of the private app.
Supported Operations
Send email
Asynchronously send a transactional email. Returns the status of the email send with a status identifier that can be used to continuously query for the status using the Email Send Status.
Subscribe contact
Subscribes a contact to the given subscription type. This action is not valid to use for subscribing a contact at a brand or portal level and will return an error.
Unsubscribe contact
Unsubscribes a contact from the given subscription type. This action is not valid to use for unsubscribing a contact at a brand or portal level and will return an error.
Get contact subscription statuses
Returns a list of subscriptions and their status for a given contact.
Create bulk communication preferences
Creates a bulk communication preferences request. This request will return a status identifier that can be used to continuously query for the status using the Bulk Communication Preferences Status.
Get subscription definitions
Retrieves a list of all subscription definitions for the portal.
Get aggregated statistics
Retrieves aggregated statistics of emails sent in a specified time span. It also returns the list of emails that were sent during the time span.
Get aggregated statistic intervals
Retrieves aggregated statistics in intervals for a specified time span. Each interval contains aggregated statistics of the emails that were sent in that time.
Get AB marketing email variation
Retrieves the variation of an A/B marketing email. If the email is variation A (master) it will return variation B (variant) and vice versa.
Reset draft
Resets the draft back to a copy of the live object.
Restore draft marketing email
Restores a previous revision of a marketing email to DRAFT state. If there is currently something in the draft for that object, it is overwritten.
Get marketing email draft
Retrieves the draft version of an email (if it exists). If no draft version exists, the published email is returned.
Create or update draft email
Creates or updates the draft version of a marketing email. If no draft exists, the system creates a draft from the current “live” email then applies the request body to that draft. The draft version only lives on the buffer—the email is not cloned.
Get marketing email revisions
Retrieves a list of all versions of a marketing email, with each entry including the full state of that particular version. The current revision has the ID -1.
Get a revision of a marketing email
Retrieves a specific revision of a marketing email.
Create AB test marketing email
Creates a variation of a marketing email for an A/B test. The new variation will be created as a draft. If an active variation already exists, a new one won't be created.
Get marketing emails
Retrieve a list of all marketing emails. The results can be filtered, allowing you to find a specific set of emails.
Create marketing email
Creates a new marketing email.
Restore marketing email revision
Restores a previous revision of a marketing email. The current revision becomes old, and the restored revision is given a new version number.
Clone marketing email
Creates a duplicate email with the same properties as the original, with the exception of a unique identifier.
Get marketing email
Retrieves the details for a marketing email.
Delete marketing email
Deletes a marketing email.
Update marketing email
Change properties of a marketing email.
Create SMTP token
Creates a SMTP token.
Query SMTP tokens
Queries multiple SMTP tokens by campaign name or a single token by email campaign identifier.
Delete token
Deletes a single token by identifier.
Query token
Queries a single token by identifier.
Reset token password
Allows the creation of a replacement password for a given token. Once the password is successfully reset, the old password for the token will be invalid.
Known Issues and Limitations
There are no known issues at this time.
Creating a connection
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
Access Token (in the form 'Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN') | securestring | The Access Token (in the form 'Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN') for this api | True |
Throttling Limits
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Clone marketing email |
Creates a duplicate email with the same properties as the original, with the exception of a unique identifier. |
Create AB test marketing email |
Creates a variation of a marketing email for an A/B test. The new variation will be created as a draft. If an active variation already exists, a new one won't be created. |
Create bulk communication preferences |
Creates a bulk communication preferences request. This request will return a status identifier that can be used to continuously query for the status using the Bulk Communication Preferences Status. |
Create marketing email |
Creates a new marketing email. |
Create or update draft email |
Creates or updates the draft version of a marketing email. If no draft exists, the system creates a draft from the current “live” email then applies the request body to that draft. The draft version only lives on the buffer—the email is not cloned. |
Create SMTP token |
Creates a SMTP token. |
Delete marketing email |
Deletes a marketing email. |
Delete token |
Deletes a single token by identifier. |
Get a revision of a marketing email |
Retrieves a specific revision of a marketing email. |
Get AB marketing email variation |
Retrieves the variation of an A/B marketing email. If the email is variation A (master) it will return variation B (variant) and vice versa. |
Get aggregated statistic intervals |
Retrieves aggregated statistics in intervals for a specified time span. Each interval contains aggregated statistics of the emails that were sent in that time. |
Get aggregated statistics |
Retrieves aggregated statistics of emails sent in a specified time span. It also returns the list of emails that were sent during the time span. |
Get contact subscription statuses |
Returns a list of subscriptions and their status for a given contact. |
Get marketing email |
Retrieves the details for a marketing email. |
Get marketing email draft |
Retrieves the draft version of an email (if it exists). If no draft version exists, the published email is returned. |
Get marketing email revisions |
Retrieves a list of all versions of a marketing email, with each entry including the full state of that particular version. The current revision has the ID -1. |
Get marketing emails |
Retrieve a list of all marketing emails. The results can be filtered, allowing you to find a specific set of emails. |
Get subscription definitions |
Retrieves a list of all subscription definitions for the portal. |
Query SMTP tokens |
Queries multiple SMTP tokens by campaign name or a single token by email campaign identifier. |
Query token |
Queries a single token by identifier. |
Reset Draft |
Resets the draft back to a copy of the live object. |
Reset token password |
Allows the creation of a replacement password for a given token. Once the password is successfully reset, the old password for the token will be invalid. |
Restore draft marketing email |
Restores a previous revision of a marketing email to DRAFT state. If there is currently something in the draft for that object, it is overwritten. |
Restore marketing email revision |
Restores a previous revision of a marketing email. The current revision becomes old, and the restored revision is given a new version number. |
Send email |
Asynchronously send a transactional email. Returns the status of the email send with a status identifier that can be used to continuously query for the status using the Email Send Status. |
Subscribe contact |
Subscribes a contact to the given subscription type. This action is not valid to use for subscribing a contact at a brand or portal level and will return an error. |
Unsubscribe contact |
Unsubscribes a contact from the given subscription type. This action is not valid to use for unsubscribing a contact at a brand or portal level and will return an error. |
Update marketing email |
Change properties of a marketing email. |
Clone marketing email
Creates a duplicate email with the same properties as the original, with the exception of a unique identifier.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Create AB test marketing email
Creates a variation of a marketing email for an A/B test. The new variation will be created as a draft. If an active variation already exists, a new one won't be created.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Content ID
contentId | string |
The content identifier. |
Variation Name
variationName | string |
The variation name. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Create bulk communication preferences
Creates a bulk communication preferences request. This request will return a status identifier that can be used to continuously query for the status using the Bulk Communication Preferences Status.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
body | True | array of string |
Create marketing email
Creates a new marketing email.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Template Path
templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
include | array of string |
The include array. |
exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
include | array of string |
The include array. |
exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
slug | string |
The slug. |
domain | string |
The domain. |
title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Create or update draft email
Creates or updates the draft version of a marketing email. If no draft exists, the system creates a draft from the current “live” email then applies the request body to that draft. The draft version only lives on the buffer—the email is not cloned.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Template Path
templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
include | array of string |
The include array. |
exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
include | array of string |
The include array. |
exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
slug | string |
The slug. |
domain | string |
The domain. |
title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Create SMTP token
Creates a SMTP token.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Campaign Name
campaignName | string |
The campaign name. |
Create Contact
createContact | string |
The create contact. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Campaign Name
campaignName | string |
The campaign name. |
Create Contact
createContact | string |
The create contact. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Created By
createdBy | string |
The created by. |
Email Campaign ID
emailCampaignId | string |
The email campaign identifier. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
password | string |
The password. |
Delete marketing email
Deletes a marketing email.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
- response
- string
Delete token
Deletes a single token by identifier.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
tokenId | True | string |
The token identifier. |
- response
- string
Get a revision of a marketing email
Retrieves a specific revision of a marketing email.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Revision ID
revisionId | True | string |
The revision identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | string |
The identifier. |
Template Path
object.content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
object.content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
object.from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
object.from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
object.from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
| | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
object.sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
object.state | string |
The state. |
object.subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
object.subject | string |
The subject. |
| | array of string |
The include array. |
| | array of string |
The exclude array. |
| | array of string |
The include array. |
| | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
| | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
| | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
object.createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
object.type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
object.activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
object.archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
object.folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
object.feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
object.testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
object.testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
object.testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
object.testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
object.testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
object.testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
object.testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
object.subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
object.subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
object.subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
object.updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
object.publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
object.language | string |
The language. |
object.campaign | string |
The campaign. |
object.webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
object.webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
object.webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
object.webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
object.webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
object.webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
object.webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
object.rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
object.rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
object.rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
object.rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
object.rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
object.rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
object.rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
object.rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
object.isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
object.isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
object.publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
object.updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
object.createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
object.deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
object.publishedAt | string |
When published at. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
| | string |
The email address. |
Full Name
user.fullName | string |
The full name. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
Get AB marketing email variation
Retrieves the variation of an A/B marketing email. If the email is variation A (master) it will return variation B (variant) and vice versa.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Get aggregated statistic intervals
Retrieves aggregated statistics in intervals for a specified time span. Each interval contains aggregated statistics of the emails that were sent in that time.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
interval | string |
The interval. |
startTimestamp | string |
The start timestamp. |
endTimestamp | string |
The end timestamp. |
Email IDs
emailIds | string |
The email identifiers. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
results | array of object | |
results.interval.end | string |
The end. |
results.interval.start | string |
The start. |
total | integer |
The total. |
Get aggregated statistics
Retrieves aggregated statistics of emails sent in a specified time span. It also returns the list of emails that were sent during the time span.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
startTimestamp | string |
The start timestamp. |
endTimestamp | string |
The end timestamp. |
Email IDs
emailIds | string |
The email identifiers. |
property | string |
The property. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
emails | array of string |
The email addresses array. |
Get contact subscription statuses
Returns a list of subscriptions and their status for a given contact.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email Address
emailAddress | True | string |
The email address. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
recipient | string |
The recipient. |
Subscription Statuses
subscriptionStatuses | array of object | |
subscriptionStatuses.description | string |
The description. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
| | string |
The name. |
Source Of Status
subscriptionStatuses.sourceOfStatus | string |
The source of status. |
subscriptionStatuses.status | string |
The status. |
Brand ID
subscriptionStatuses.brandId | string |
The brand identifier. |
Preference Group
subscriptionStatuses.preferenceGroupName | string |
The preference group name. |
Legal Basis
subscriptionStatuses.legalBasis | string |
The legal basis. |
Legal Basis Explanation
subscriptionStatuses.legalBasisExplanation | string |
The legal basis explanation. |
Get marketing email
Retrieves the details for a marketing email.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Include Stats
includeStats | boolean |
Whether to include stats. |
Include Properties
includedProperties | boolean |
Whether to include properties. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Get marketing email draft
Retrieves the draft version of an email (if it exists). If no draft version exists, the published email is returned.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Get marketing email revisions
Retrieves a list of all versions of a marketing email, with each entry including the full state of that particular version. The current revision has the ID -1.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
after | string |
The after. |
before | string |
The before. |
limit | string |
The limit. |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
results | array of object | |
| | string |
The identifier. |
AB Hours To Wait
results.object.abHoursToWait | string |
The A/B hours to wait. |
AB Status
results.object.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test ID
results.object.abTestId | string |
The A/B test identifier. |
Archived At
results.object.archivedAt | string |
When archived at. |
Archived In Dashboard
results.object.archivedInDashboard | boolean |
Whether archived in dashboard. |
Attached Stylesheets
results.object.attachedStylesheets | array of object |
The attached stylesheets object. |
results.object.authorName | string |
The author name. |
Blog Email Type
results.object.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
results.object.campaign | string |
The campaign. |
Category ID
results.object.categoryId | string |
The category identifier. |
Content Group ID
results.object.contentGroupId | string |
The content group identifier. |
Content Type Category
results.object.contentTypeCategory | string |
The content type category. |
Create Page
results.object.createPage | string |
The create page. |
results.object.created | string |
When created. |
Created By ID
results.object.createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
Current State
results.object.currentState | string |
The current state. |
Currently Published
results.object.currentlyPublished | boolean |
Whether currently published. |
Custom Reply To
results.object.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
Custom Reply To Enabled
results.object.customReplyToEnabled | boolean |
Whether custom reply to enabled. |
results.object.domain | string |
The domain. |
Dynamic Page Data Source ID
results.object.dynamicPageDataSourceId | string |
The dynamic page data source identifier. |
Dynamic Page Data Source Type
results.object.dynamicPageDataSourceType | string |
The dynamic page data source type. |
Dynamic Page HubDb Table ID
results.object.dynamicPageHubDbTableId | string |
The dynamic page HubDb table identifier. |
Email Type
results.object.emailType | string |
The email type. |
Enable Domain Stylesheets
results.object.enableDomainStylesheets | boolean |
Whether to enable domain stylesheets. |
Enable Layout Stylesheets
results.object.enableLayoutStylesheets | boolean |
Whether to enable layout stylesheets. |
Featured Image
results.object.featuredImage | string |
The featured image. |
Featured Image Alt Text
results.object.featuredImageAltText | string |
The featured image alt text. |
Folder ID
results.object.folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Footer HTML
results.object.footerHtml | string |
The footer HTML code. |
results.object.fromName | string |
The from name. |
results.object.headHtml | string |
The head HTML code. |
Html Title
results.object.htmlTitle | string |
The HTML title. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
Include Default Custom CSS
results.object.includeDefaultCustomCss | boolean |
Whether to include default custom CSS. |
Is Graymail Suppression Enabled
results.object.isGraymailSuppressionEnabled | boolean |
Whether is graymail suppression enabled. |
results.object.language | string |
The language. |
Link Rel Canonical URL
results.object.linkRelCanonicalUrl | string |
The link rel canonical URL address. |
Mab Experiment ID
results.object.mabExperimentId | string |
The mab experiment identifier. |
Mailing Lists Excluded
results.object.mailingListsExcluded | array of string |
The mailing lists excluded array. |
Mailing Lists Included
results.object.mailingListsIncluded | array of string |
The mailing lists included array. |
Max RSS Entries
results.object.maxRssEntries | integer |
The max RSS entries. |
Meta Description
results.object.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
| | string |
The name. |
Page Expiry Date
results.object.pageExpiryDate | string |
The page expiry date. |
Page Expiry Enabled
results.object.pageExpiryEnabled | boolean |
Whether page expiry enabled. |
Page Expiry Redirect ID
results.object.pageExpiryRedirectId | string |
The page expiry redirect identifier. |
Page Expiry Redirect URL
results.object.pageExpiryRedirectUrl | string |
The page expiry redirect URL address. |
Page Redirected
results.object.pageRedirected | string |
The page redirected. |
results.object.password | string |
The password. |
Public Access Rules Enabled
results.object.publicAccessRulesEnabled | boolean |
Whether public access rules enabled. |
Published Date
results.object.publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Publish Immediately
results.object.publishImmediately | boolean |
Whether to publish immediately. |
Reply To
results.object.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
RSS Email Author Line Template
results.object.rssEmailAuthorLineTemplate | string |
The RSS email author line template. |
RSS Email Blog Image Max Width
results.object.rssEmailBlogImageMaxWidth | string |
The RSS email blog image max width. |
RSS Email By Text
results.object.rssEmailByText | string |
The RSS email by text. |
RSS Email Click Through Text
results.object.rssEmailClickThroughText | string |
The RSS email click through text. |
RSS Email Comment Text
results.object.rssEmailCommentText | string |
The RSS email comment text. |
RSS Email Entry Template
results.object.rssEmailEntryTemplate | string |
The RSS email entry template. |
RSS Email Entry Template Enabled
results.object.rssEmailEntryTemplateEnabled | string |
The RSS email entry template enabled. |
RSS Email ID
results.object.rssEmailId | string |
The RSS email identifier. |
results.object.rssEmailUrl | string |
The RSS email URL address. |
results.object.slug | string |
The slug. |
results.object.state | string |
The state. |
results.object.subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
results.object.subject | string |
The subject. |
results.object.subscription | string |
The subscription. |
Subscription Blog ID
results.object.subscriptionBlogId | string |
The subscription blog identifier. |
results.object.subscriptionName | string |
The subscription name. |
Template Path
results.object.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
results.object.transactional | string |
The transactional. |
Translated From ID
results.object.translatedFromId | string |
The translated from identifier. |
results.object.updated | string |
When updated. |
Updated By ID
results.object.updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
results.object.url | string |
The URL address. |
Use Featured Image
results.object.useFeaturedImage | boolean |
Whether to use featured image. |
Use RSS Headline As Subject
results.object.useRssHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use RSS headline as subject. |
VIDs Excluded
results.object.vidsExcluded | array of string |
The VIDs excluded array. |
VIDs Included
results.object.vidsIncluded | array of string |
The VIDs included array. |
results.object.workflowNames | array of string |
The workflow names. |
Is Recipient Fatigue Suppression Enabled
results.object.isRecipientFatigueSuppressionEnabled | boolean |
Whether is recipient fatigue suppression enabled. |
Feedback Survey ID
results.object.feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
| | string |
The email address. |
Full Name
results.user.fullName | string |
The full name. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
Updated At
results.updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
total | integer |
The total. |
| | string |
The after link. |
| | string |
The link. |
paging.prev.before | string |
The before link. |
| | string |
The link. |
Get marketing emails
Retrieve a list of all marketing emails. The results can be filtered, allowing you to find a specific set of emails.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Created After
createdAfter | string |
The created after. |
Created Before
createdBefore | string |
The created before. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Updated After
updatedAfter | string |
The updated after. |
Updated Before
updatedBefore | string |
The updated before. |
sort | string |
The sort. |
after | string |
The after. |
limit | string |
The limit. |
Include Stats
includeStats | boolean |
Whether to include stats. |
type | string |
The type. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Include Properties
includedProperties | boolean |
Whether to include properties. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
results | array of object | |
Template Path
results.content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
results.content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
results.from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
results.from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
results.from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
| | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
results.sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
results.state | string |
The state. |
results.subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
results.subject | string |
The subject. |
| | array of string |
The included. |
| | array of string |
The excluded. |
| | array of string |
The included. |
| | array of string |
The excluded. |
Limit Send Frequency
| | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
| | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
results.createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
results.type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
results.activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
results.archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
results.folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
results.feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
results.testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
results.testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
results.testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
results.testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
results.testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
results.testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
results.testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
results.subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
results.subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
results.subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
results.updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
results.publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
results.language | string |
The language. |
results.campaign | string |
The campaign. |
results.webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
results.webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
results.webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
results.webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
results.webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
results.webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
results.webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
results.rssData.maxEntries | string |
The maximum entries |
results.rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
results.rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
results.rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
results.rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
RSS Entry Template
results.rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The RSS . |
Use Headline As Subject
results.rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
results.rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
results.isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
results.isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Publish Date
results.publishDate | string |
The publish date. |
Updated At
results.updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
results.createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
results.deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
results.publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
total | integer |
The total. |
| | string |
The after link. |
| | string |
The link. |
Get subscription definitions
Retrieves a list of all subscription definitions for the portal.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Subscription Definitions
subscriptionDefinitions | array of object | |
Created At
subscriptionDefinitions.createdAt | string |
When created at. |
subscriptionDefinitions.description | string |
The description. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
Is Active
subscriptionDefinitions.isActive | boolean |
Whether is active. |
Is Default
subscriptionDefinitions.isDefault | boolean |
Whether is default. |
Is Internal
subscriptionDefinitions.isInternal | boolean |
Whether is internal. |
| | string |
The name. |
Updated At
subscriptionDefinitions.updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
subscriptionDefinitions.purpose | string |
The purpose. |
Communication Method
subscriptionDefinitions.communicationMethod | string |
The communication method. |
Query SMTP tokens
Queries multiple SMTP tokens by campaign name or a single token by email campaign identifier.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
campaignName | string |
The campaign name. |
Email Campaign
emailCampaignId | string |
The email campaign identifier. |
after | string |
The after. |
limit | string |
The limit. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
results | array of object | |
Campaign Name
results.campaignName | string |
The campaign name. |
Create Contact
results.createContact | string |
The create contact. |
Created At
results.createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Created By
results.createdBy | string |
The created by. |
Email Campaign ID
results.emailCampaignId | string |
The email campaign identifier. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
results.password | string |
The password. |
| | string |
The after link. |
| | string |
The link. |
Query token
Queries a single token by identifier.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
tokenId | True | string |
The token identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Campaign Name
campaignName | string |
The campaign name. |
Create Contact
createContact | string |
The create contact. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Created By
createdBy | string |
The created by. |
Email Campaign ID
emailCampaignId | string |
The email campaign identifier. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
password | string |
The password. |
Reset Draft
Resets the draft back to a copy of the live object.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
- response
- string
Reset token password
Allows the creation of a replacement password for a given token. Once the password is successfully reset, the old password for the token will be invalid.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
tokenId | True | string |
The token identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Campaign Name
campaignName | string |
The campaign name. |
Create Contact
createContact | string |
The create contact. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Created By
createdBy | string |
The created by. |
Email Campaign ID
emailCampaignId | string |
The email campaign identifier. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
password | string |
The password. |
Restore draft marketing email
Restores a previous revision of a marketing email to DRAFT state. If there is currently something in the draft for that object, it is overwritten.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Revision ID
revisionId | True | string |
The revision identifier. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Restore marketing email revision
Restores a previous revision of a marketing email. The current revision becomes old, and the restored revision is given a new version number.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Revision ID
revisionId | True | string |
The revision identifier. |
- response
- string
Send email
Asynchronously send a transactional email. Returns the status of the email send with a status identifier that can be used to continuously query for the status using the Email Send Status.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email ID
emailId | string |
The email identifier. |
to | string |
The to address. |
from | string |
The from address. |
Send ID
sendId | string |
The send identifier. |
Reply To
replyTo | array of string |
The reply to array. |
cc | array of string |
The CC array. |
bcc | array of string |
The BCC array. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
status | string |
The status. |
Status ID
statusId | string |
The status identifier. |
Send Result
sendResult | string |
The send result. |
Requested At
requestedAt | string |
When requested at. |
Started At
startedAt | string |
When started at. |
Completed At
completedAt | string |
When completed at. |
eventId.created | string |
When created. |
| | string |
The identifier. |
Subscribe contact
Subscribes a contact to the given subscription type. This action is not valid to use for subscribing a contact at a brand or portal level and will return an error.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email Address
emailAddress | string |
The email address. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Legal Basis
legalBasis | string |
The legal basis. |
Legal Basis Explanation
legalBasisExplanation | string |
The legal basis explanation. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
description | string |
The description. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Source Of Status
sourceOfStatus | string |
The source of status. |
status | string |
The status. |
Brand ID
brandId | string |
The brand identifier. |
Preference Group
preferenceGroupName | string |
The preference group name. |
Legal Basis
legalBasis | string |
The legal basis. |
Legal Basis Explanation
legalBasisExplanation | string |
The legal basis explanation. |
Unsubscribe contact
Unsubscribes a contact from the given subscription type. This action is not valid to use for unsubscribing a contact at a brand or portal level and will return an error.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email Address
emailAddress | string |
The email address. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Legal Basis
legalBasis | string |
The legal basis. |
Legal Basis Explanation
legalBasisExplanation | string |
The legal basis explanation. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
description | string |
The description. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Source Of Status
sourceOfStatus | string |
The source of status. |
status | string |
The status. |
Brand ID
brandId | string |
The brand identifier. |
Preference Group
preferenceGroupName | string |
The preference group name. |
Legal Basis
legalBasis | string |
The legal basis. |
Legal Basis Explanation
legalBasisExplanation | string |
The legal basis explanation. |
Update marketing email
Change properties of a marketing email.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Email ID
emailId | True | string |
The email identifier. |
Template Path
templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
include | array of string |
The include array. |
exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
include | array of string |
The include array. |
exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
slug | string |
The slug. |
domain | string |
The domain. |
title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Template Path
content.templatePath | string |
The template path. |
Plain Text Version
content.plainTextVersion | string |
The plain text version. |
from.fromName | string |
The from name. |
Reply To
from.replyTo | string |
The reply to. |
Custom Reply To
from.customReplyTo | string |
The custom reply to. |
id | string |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Send On Publish
sendOnPublish | boolean |
Whether to send on publish. |
state | string |
The state. |
subcategory | string |
The subcategory. |
subject | string |
The subject. |
to.contactLists.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactLists.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
to.contactIds.include | array of string |
The include array. |
to.contactIds.exclude | array of string |
The exclude array. |
Limit Send Frequency
to.limitSendFrequency | boolean |
Whether to limit send frequency. |
Suppress Graymail
to.suppressGraymail | boolean |
Whether to suppress graymail. |
Created By ID
createdById | string |
The created by identifier. |
type | string |
The type. |
Active Domain
activeDomain | string |
The active domain. |
archived | boolean |
Whether archived. |
Folder ID
folderId | string |
The folder identifier. |
Feedback Survey ID
feedbackSurveyId | string |
The feedback survey identifier. |
Test ID
testing.testId | string |
The test identifier. |
Hours To Wait
testing.hoursToWait | integer |
The hours to wait. |
AB Success Metric
testing.abSuccessMetric | string |
The A/B success metric. |
AB Sample Size Default
testing.abSampleSizeDefault | string |
The A/B sample size default. |
AB Status
testing.abStatus | string |
The A/B status. |
AB Test Percentage
testing.abTestPercentage | string |
The A/B test percentage. |
AB Sampling Default
testing.abSamplingDefault | string |
The A/B sampling default. |
Subscription ID
subscriptionDetails.subscriptionId | string |
The subscription identifier. |
Preferences Group ID
subscriptionDetails.preferencesGroupId | string |
The preferences group identifier. |
Office Location ID
subscriptionDetails.officeLocationId | string |
The office location identifier. |
Updated By ID
updatedById | string |
The updated by identifier. |
Published By ID
publishedById | string |
The published by identifier. |
language | string |
The langauge. |
campaign | string |
The campaign. |
webversion.slug | string |
The slug. |
webversion.domain | string |
The domain. |
webversion.title | string |
The title. |
Meta Description
webversion.metaDescription | string |
The meta description. |
Redirect To URL
webversion.redirectToUrl | string |
The redirect to URL address. |
Redirect To Page ID
webversion.redirectToPageId | string |
The redirect to page identifier. |
Expires At
webversion.expiresAt | string |
When expires at. |
Max Entries
rssData.maxEntries | string |
The max entries. |
rssData.url | string |
The URL address. |
HubSpot Blog ID
rssData.hubspotBlogId | string |
The HubSpot blog identifier. |
Blog Email Type
rssData.blogEmailType | string |
The blog email type. |
Blog Image Max Width
rssData.blogImageMaxWidth | string |
The blog image max width. |
Entry Template
rssData.rssEntryTemplate | string |
The entry template. |
Use Headline As Subject
rssData.useHeadlineAsSubject | boolean |
Whether to use headline as subject. |
Blog Layout
rssData.blogLayout | string |
The blog layout. |
Is Transactional
isTransactional | boolean |
Whether is transactional. |
Is Published
isPublished | boolean |
Whether is published. |
Published Date
publishDate | string |
The published date. |
Updated At
updatedAt | string |
When updated at. |
Created At
createdAt | string |
When created at. |
Deleted At
deletedAt | string |
When deleted at. |
Published At
publishedAt | string |
The published at. |
This is the basic data type 'string'.