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BizTalk Server MessageBox Database Filegroups SQL Script

This topic provides a SQL script that can be run on the SQL Server instances in a BizTalk Server environment to create multiple files and filegroups for the BizTalk MessageBox databases.


This script is provided “as is,” is intended for demo or educational purposes only, and is to be used at your own risk. Use of this script is not supported by Microsoft, and Microsoft makes no guarantees about the suitability of this script.


The following considerations apply when using this SQL script to create multiple files and filegroups for the BizTalk MessageBox databases:

  1. Rerun the MessageBox database filegroups SQL script under the following conditions:

    • If you install a BizTalk Server hotfix or service pack that runs msgboxlogic.sql, you will need to run the MessageBox database filegroups SQL script again. This is necessary because msgboxlogic.sql reverts the MessageBox filegroups and files to default settings, which is to use the PRIMARY filegroup. To determine if a hotfix or service pack runs msgboxlogic.sql, check the File Information section of the hotfix KB article. Or check the setup.xml file that is included with the service pack files.
    • If you add a new host to the BizTalk Server group, you will need to run the MessageBox database filegroups SQL script again. This is necessary because the stored procedure that creates new hosts configures the tables for the hosts to use the PRIMARY file group by default.
    • Applying the MessageBox database filegroups SQL script in a multi-MessageBox environment: Though not a requirement, the MessageBox database filegroups SQL script can be executed against each MessageBox in a multi-Messagebox environment.

BizTalk MessageBox database filegroups SQL script

The following SQL script can be used to create multiple files and filegroups as described in the topic Optimizing Filegroups for the Databases2.

This script will create multiple filegroups / files for the  
BizTalk MessageBox database. It will also set the initial  
size, location, and the number of files per filegroup before  
distributing objects among them.  
USE BizTalkMsgBoxDb  
Declare Variables  
      @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP              tinyint,  
      @INITIAL_FILE_SIZE                nvarchar(50),  
      @GROWTH_INCREMENT                 nvarchar(50),  
      @MISC_DATA_FILE_PATH              nvarchar(200),  
      @MISC_IDXS_FILE_PATH              nvarchar(200),  
      @PREDICATE_DATA_FILE_PATH         nvarchar(200),  
      @PREDICATE_IDXS_FILE_PATH         nvarchar(200),  
      @MESSAGE_DATA_FILE_PATH           nvarchar(200),  
      @MESSAGE_INSTANCE_FILE_PATH       nvarchar(200),  
      @MESSAGE_IDXS_FILE_PATH           nvarchar(200),  
      @SQLCmd                           nvarchar(2000),  
      @DBNAME                           sysname,  
      @OBJECT_ID                        int,  
      @UNDO                             bit,  
      @PRIMARY_FILE_GROUP               sysname,  
      @FILE_GROUP                       sysname,  
      @FILE_GROUP_ID                    int,  
      @FILE_PATH                        nvarchar(200),  
      @DEFAULT_FILE_PATH                nvarchar(200),  
      @FILE_NAME                        nvarchar(200),  
      @FULL_NAME                        nvarchar(200),  
      @FILE_COUNT                       tinyint,  
      @COUNTER                          int,  
      @DEFAULT_FILEGROUP                nvarchar(50)  
Declare/Create Tables  
Declare @FILE_GROUP_TABLE table   
          name sysname,  
          file_count tinyint,   
          file_path nvarchar(1024)  
Declare @TABLE_ALLOCATIONS table   
          table_name sysname,   
          main_file_group nvarchar(1024),   
          ncindex_file_group nvarchar(1024)  
Set User-defined Variables  
--Set to 0, this varibale has no effect,   
--Set to 1 to undo changes and move all objects back to Primary filegroups, and delete all empty data files/filegroups  
SET @UNDO = 0  
--Set to the number of data files to be created per filegroup  
--Set to the initial file size per data file in MB - eg: '100MB'  
--Set to the Growth Increment per data file in MB - eg: '100MB'  
--The following 7 Variables should be set to the paths for each filegroup - eg: C:\Data\  
SET @MISC_DATA_file_path ='C:\DATA\'  
SET @MISC_IDXS_file_path ='C:\DATA\'  
SET @PREDICATE_DATA_file_path ='C:\DATA\'  
SET @PREDICATE_IDXS_file_path ='C:\DATA\'  
SET @MESSAGE_DATA_file_path     ='C:\DATA\'  
SET @MESSAGE_INSTANCE_file_path     ='C:\DATA\'  
SET @MESSAGE_IDXS_file_path     ='C:\DATA\'  
--Set Database Name Variable  
--Set Default FileGroup Variable  
If resetting the object distribution, set the Primary  
filegroup as the default  
If @UNDO = 1   
     if not exists(SELECT TOP 1 groupname FROM  sys.sysfilegroups WHERE (status & 0x10 > 0) and groupname = 'PRIMARY')  
Find path of data file in the default filegroup to use   
until we set our user-defined paths - used when 'Undoing'  
SELECT TOP 1 @PRIMARY_FILE_GROUP = sfg.groupname, @FILE_NAME = sf.name, @FULL_NAME = sf.filename   
FROM sys.sysfiles sf, sys.sysfilegroups sfg  
WHERE (sfg.status & 0x10 > 0)  
     AND sf.groupid = sfg.groupid  
--Find and set our default file path variable  
Populate a temporary table with a list of filegroups   
we want to create, their paths and the number  
of data files to create per filegroup  
INSERT INTO @file_group_table (name, file_count, file_path) VALUES (N'MISC_DATA', @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP, @MISC_DATA_file_path)  
INSERT INTO @file_group_table (name, file_count, file_path) VALUES (N'MISC_INDEXES', @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP, @MISC_IDXS_file_path)  
INSERT INTO @file_group_table (name, file_count, file_path) VALUES (N'PREDICATE_DATA', @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP, @PREDICATE_DATA_file_path)  
INSERT INTO @file_group_table (name, file_count, file_path) VALUES (N'PREDICATE_INDEXES', @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP, @PREDICATE_IDXS_file_path)  
INSERT INTO @file_group_table (name, file_count, file_path) VALUES (N'MESSAGE_DATA', @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP, @MESSAGE_DATA_file_path)  
INSERT INTO @file_group_table (name, file_count, file_path) VALUES (N'MESSAGE_INSTANCES', @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP, @MESSAGE_INSTANCE_file_path)  
INSERT INTO @file_group_table (name, file_count, file_path) VALUES (N'MESSAGE_INDEXES', @FILES_PER_FILEGROUP, @MESSAGE_IDXS_file_path)  
Populate a temporary table with a list of  
table and filegroup associations  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'ActiveRefCountLog', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'AddRef', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'ApplicationProps', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Applications', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'BitwiseANDPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'BizTalkDBVersion', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'ConvoySetInstances', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'ConvoySets', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'EqualsPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'EqualsPredicates2ndPass', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'ExistsPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'FirstPassPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Fragments', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'GreaterThanOrEqualsPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'GreaterThanPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Instances', N'MESSAGE_INSTANCES', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'InstancesOperatedOn', N'MESSAGE_INSTANCES', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'InstancesPendingOperations', N'MESSAGE_INSTANCES', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'InstancesSuspended', N'MESSAGE_INSTANCES', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'LessThanOrEqualsPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'LessThanPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'LocalizedErrorStrings', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MarkLog', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MessageParts', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MessagePredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MessageProps', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MessageRefCountLog1', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MessageRefCountLog2', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MessageRefCountLogTotals', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'MessageZeroSum', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Modules', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'NotEqualsPredicates', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'OperationsProgress', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PartRefCountLog1', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PartRefCountLog2', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PartRefCountLogTotals', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Parts', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PartZeroSum', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PredicateGroup', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PredicateGroupNames', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PredicateGroupZeroSum1', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'PredicateGroupZeroSum2', N'PREDICATE_DATA', N'PREDICATE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'ProcessHeartbeats', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Release', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'ServiceClasses', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Services', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Spool', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'StaticStateInfo', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Subscription', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Tracking_Fragments1', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Tracking_Fragments2', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Tracking_Parts1', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Tracking_Parts2', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Tracking_Spool1', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'Tracking_Spool2', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_0_0', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_0_1', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_0_2', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_0_3', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_1_0', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_1_1', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_1_2', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingData_1_3', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingDataPartitions', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingMessageReferences', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrackingSpoolInfo', N'MESSAGE_DATA', N'MESSAGE_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TruncateRefCountLog', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'TrustedUsers', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES (N'UniqueSubscription', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
Find our BizTalk Host specific tables and add them into  
our temporary table  
declare @nvcAppName nvarchar(256)  
declare applications_cursor cursor FAST_FORWARD FOR   
SELECT nvcApplicationName FROM Applications  
OPEN applications_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM applications_cursor INTO @nvcAppName  
     INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES ('[' + @nvcAppName + N'Q]', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
     INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES ('[' + @nvcAppName + N'Q_Scheduled]', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
     INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES ('[' + @nvcAppName + N'Q_Suspended]', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
     INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES ('[InstanceStateMessageReferences_' + @nvcAppName + N']', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
     INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES ('[DynamicStateInfo_' + @nvcAppName + N']', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
     INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES ('[' + @nvcAppName + N'_MessageRefCountLog]', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
     INSERT INTO @table_allocations (table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group) VALUES ('[' + @nvcAppName + N'_DequeueBatches]', N'MISC_DATA', N'MISC_INDEXES')  
     FETCH NEXT FROM applications_cursor INTO @nvcAppName  
CLOSE applications_cursor  
DEALLOCATE applications_cursor  
Loop through our temporary table of filegroups   
and create them  
SELECT name, file_count, file_path FROM @file_group_table  
OPEN file_group_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM file_group_cursor INTO @file_group, @file_count, @file_path  
WHILE ( (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) AND (@UNDO = 0) )  
     SET @file_group_id = FILEGROUP_ID(@file_group)  
     Create Filegroup if it does not already exist  
     IF (@file_group_id IS NULL)  
          exec('ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBNAME + '] ADD FILEGROUP [' + @file_group + ']')  
     print 'Creating FileGroup: ' + @file_path + @file_group  
     Loop through each new filegroup and create the data file  
     for the filegroup if one does not exist  
     SET @file_group_id = FILEGROUP_ID(@file_group)  
     IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 groupid FROM sys.sysfiles WHERE groupid = @file_group_id)  
          set @COUNTER = 0  
          WHILE (@COUNTER < @file_count)  
               if @COUNTER = 0  
                    SET @file_name = @DBNAME + '_' + @file_group  
                    SET @file_name = @DBNAME + '_' + @file_group + '_' + CAST(@COUNTER as nvarchar(3))  
               SET @full_name = @file_path + @file_name + '.ndf'  
               print 'Creating Data File: ' + @full_name + ' in ' + @file_group  
               --Build our TSQL string to add our data file to the database  
               SET @SQLCmd = N'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBNAME + '] ADD FILE (   
                                             NAME = N''' + @file_name + ''',  
                                             FILENAME = N''' + @full_name + ''' ,  
                                             SIZE = ' + @INITIAL_FILE_SIZE + ',  
                                             MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,   
                                             FILEGROWTH = '+ @GROWTH_INCREMENT +' )   
                                        TO FILEGROUP [' + @file_group + ']'  
               --Execute our TSQL string  
               EXECUTE (@SQLCmd)  
               Set the requested Filegroup to be the default  
               If @file_group = @DEFAULT_FILEGROUP  
                    --Build our TSQL string to set requested FileGroup as default  
                    SET @SQLCmd = N'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBNAME + '] MODIFY FILEGROUP ' + @file_group + ' DEFAULT'  
                    print 'Changing ' + @file_group + ' FileGroup to DEFAULT'  
                    --Execute our TSQL string  
                    EXECUTE (@SQLCmd)  
               set @COUNTER = @COUNTER + 1  
     FETCH NEXT FROM file_group_cursor INTO @file_group, @file_count, @file_path  
CLOSE file_group_cursor  
Loop through our temporary table of table and filegroup  
allocations and recreate clustered and non-clustered indexes  
on the New Filegroups as well as move heaps to their new  
declare @table_name sysname,  
          @index_name sysname,  
          @column_name sysname,  
          @column_order int,  
          @index_id int,  
          @is_unique bit,  
          @data_space_id int,  
          @ignore_dup_key bit,  
          @is_primary_key bit,  
          @is_unique_constraint bit,  
          @fill_factor tinyint,  
          @is_padded bit,  
          @is_disabled bit,  
          @allow_row_locks bit,  
          @allow_page_locks bit,  
          @ncindex_file_group nvarchar(1024),  
          @ncindex_file_group_id int,  
          @create_index_sql nvarchar(4000)  
DECLARE table_allocations_cursur CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR  
SELECT table_name, main_file_group, ncindex_file_group FROM @table_allocations  
OPEN table_allocations_cursur  
FETCH NEXT FROM table_allocations_cursur INTO @table_name, @file_group, @ncindex_file_group  
          If reverting back to single filegroup, then overwrite  
          filegroups with 'PRIMARY'  
          if (@UNDO = 1)  
               set @file_group = @primary_file_group  
               set @ncindex_file_group = @primary_file_group  
          else if (@ncindex_file_group is null)  
               SET @ncindex_file_group = @file_group  
          set @file_group_id = FILEGROUP_ID(@file_group)  
          set @ncindex_file_group_id = FILEGROUP_ID(@file_group)  
          select @object_id = OBJECT_ID(@table_name)  
          Get data on the clustered and non clustered indexes   
          for the current table.  
          IF (@object_id is not null)  
               DECLARE table_indexes_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR  
               SELECT name, index_id, is_unique, data_space_id, ignore_dup_key, is_primary_key, is_unique_constraint, fill_factor, is_padded, is_disabled, allow_row_locks, allow_page_locks  
                    FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = @object_id AND (type = 0 OR type = 1 OR type = 2)  
                    ORDER BY name, index_id ASC  
               OPEN table_indexes_cursor  
               FETCH NEXT FROM table_indexes_cursor INTO @index_name, @index_id, @is_unique, @data_space_id, @ignore_dup_key, @is_primary_key, @is_unique_constraint, @fill_factor, @is_padded, @is_disabled, @allow_row_locks, @allow_page_locks  
               WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)  
                    Are we dealing with a HEAP? ie Index_id = 0  
                    If so, we need to create a temporary clustered index on   
                    new filegroup to move the table before deleting this  
                    clustered index  
                    if @index_id = 0   
                         If dealing with a HEAP...  
                         Create temp Clustered Index to move data  
                         SET @create_index_sql = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX TEMP_CIX ON ' + @table_name + '('  
                         select @column_name = name from sys.columns where object_id = @object_id and column_id = 1   
                         SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + @column_name + ') ON [' + @file_group + ']'  
                         print 'Create TEMP Clustered index TEMP_CIX on table ' + @table_name + ' on FileGroup ' + @file_group  
                         exec (@create_index_sql)  
                         Delete temp Clustered Index  
                         SET @create_index_sql = 'DROP INDEX TEMP_CIX ON ' + @table_name   
                         print 'Drop TEMP Clustered index TEMP_CIX from table '+@table_name + 'on FileGroup ' + @file_group  
                         exec (@create_index_sql)  
                    Deal with the clustered or non clustered indexes  
                    if ( ( (@index_id = 1) AND (@data_space_id != @file_group_id) ) OR  
                          ( (@index_id > 1) AND (@data_space_id != @ncindex_file_group_id) ) )  
                         Build string to recreate this index  
                         SET @create_index_sql = 'CREATE '  
                         if (@is_unique = 1)  
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'UNIQUE '  
                         if (@index_id = 1)        
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'CLUSTERED '  
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'NONCLUSTERED '  
                         SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'INDEX ' + @index_name + ' ON ' + @table_name + '('  
                         Get details of columns for this table  
                         DECLARE index_columns_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR  
                         SELECT ic.key_ordinal, c.name FROM sys.columns c  
                              JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = @object_id AND ic.index_id = @index_id AND c.column_id = ic.column_id  
                              WHERE c.object_id = @object_id  
                              ORDER BY ic.key_ordinal ASC  
                         OPEN index_columns_cursor  
                         FETCH NEXT FROM index_columns_cursor INTO @column_order, @column_name  
                         WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)  
                              if (@column_order > 1)  
                                   SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + ', '  
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + @column_name       
                              FETCH NEXT FROM index_columns_cursor INTO @column_order, @column_name  
                         CLOSE index_columns_cursor  
                         DEALLOCATE index_columns_cursor  
                         SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + ') WITH ('  
                         if (@ignore_dup_key = 1)  
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON, '  
                         if (@allow_page_locks = 0)  
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF, '  
                         SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'DROP_EXISTING = ON) '  
                         if (@index_id = 1)  
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'ON [' + @file_group + ']'  
                              SET @create_index_sql = @create_index_sql + 'ON [' + @ncindex_file_group + ']'       
                         print @create_index_sql  
                         --Execute SQL string to recreate the index  
                         exec (@create_index_sql)  
                    FETCH NEXT FROM table_indexes_cursor INTO @index_name, @index_id, @is_unique, @data_space_id, @ignore_dup_key, @is_primary_key, @is_unique_constraint, @fill_factor, @is_padded, @is_disabled, @allow_row_locks, @allow_page_locks  
               CLOSE table_indexes_cursor  
               DEALLOCATE table_indexes_cursor  
          FETCH NEXT FROM table_allocations_cursur INTO @table_name, @file_group, @ncindex_file_group  
If we are setting everything back to a single filegroup  
we have to remove previously created files now that they  
are empty before we delete the empty filegroups  
if (@UNDO = 1)  
     OPEN file_group_cursor  
     FETCH NEXT FROM file_group_cursor INTO @file_group, @file_count, @file_path  
     WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)  
          SET @file_group_id = FILEGROUP_ID(@file_group)  
          IF (@file_group_id IS NOT NULL)  
               DECLARE files_in_group_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR  
               SELECT name FROM sys.sysfiles WHERE groupid = @file_group_id  
               OPEN files_in_group_cursor  
               FETCH NEXT FROM files_in_group_cursor INTO @file_name  
               WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)  
                    exec('ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBNAME + '] REMOVE FILE [' + @file_name + ']')  
                    FETCH NEXT FROM files_in_group_cursor INTO @file_name  
               CLOSE files_in_group_cursor  
               DEALLOCATE files_in_group_cursor  
               exec('ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBNAME + '] REMOVE FILEGROUP [' + @file_group + ']')  
          FETCH NEXT FROM file_group_cursor INTO @file_group, @file_count, @file_path  
     Truncate T-Log.  WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY not available from SQL Server  
     2008 therefore have to alter recovery model to simple,  
     issue a checkpoint, then change recovery model back to full  
     declare @Currentdbname sysname  
     set @Currentdbname = db_name()  
     declare @cmd varchar(1000)  
     SET @cmd = 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @Currentdbname + ' SET RECOVERY SIMPLE'  
     print 'Set Recovery Model to Simple'  
     print 'Perform CheckPoint'  
     print 'Set Recovery Model back to Full'  
     CLOSE file_group_cursor  
DEALLOCATE file_group_cursor  
print '********Object to FileGroup Distribution Completed********'  
Verify that Distribution of tables among filegroups has   
completed successfully  
SELECT sysobjects.[name] AS TableName, sysindexes.[name], sysfilegroups.groupname AS FileGroupName,  
sysfiles.[filename] AS PhysicalFileName, sysfiles.[name] AS LogicalFileName  
FROM sysobjects   
JOIN sysindexes ON sysobjects.[id] = sysindexes.[id]   
JOIN sysfilegroups ON sysindexes.groupid = sysfilegroups.groupid   
JOIN sysfiles ON sysfilegroups.groupid = sysfiles.groupid   
where sysobjects.[name] not like 'sys%' and sysobjects.xtype = 'U'  
ORDER BY sysobjects.[name], sysindexes.[name]  
print '********Object to Filegroup Distribution Report Completed********'  

See Also

Optimizing Database Performance