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Using SOAP Headers in WCF Messages with Orchestrations

To send the custom SOAP headers with outgoing WCF messages in orchestrations, you use the context property, WCF.OutboundCustomHeaders. The WCF adapters send the custom SOAP headers combined with the standard SOAP headers that the WCF infrastructure uses for Web services standards such as WS-Addressing, WS-Security, and WS-AtomicTransaction. When you use the OutboundCustomHeaders property, the property must have the <headers> element as the root element. All of the custom SOAP headers must be placed inside the <headers> element. If the custom SOAP header value is an empty string, you must assign <headers></headers> or <headers/> to the OutboundCustomHeaders property.

For orchestrations, the SOAP header context properties are set to strings that contain XML data. You set these strings by using BizTalk Expression Editor in a Message Assignment or Expression shape. For more information about how to use SOAP headers with the WCF adapters, see the SDK sample, Using Custom SOAP Headers with the WCF Adapters, from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=79960.

The following example (from a Message Assignment or an Expression shape) shows the string setting the context property:

outboundMessageInstance(WCF.OutboundCustomHeaders) = "<headers><Origination>Home</Origination><Destination>Work</Destination></headers>"

Creating an XmlDocument to set context properties

You can set the WCF.OutboundCustomHeaders context property by creating an XmlDocument and writing the string value of the XmlDocument to the context property. You declare a variable of type XMLDocument and assign the XML data.

The following example shows declaring a variable of type XMLDocument and assigning the XML data:


The following example shows setting the context property:

RequestMessageInstance(WCF.OutboundCustomHeaders) = xmlDoc.OuterXml;

For more information about using BizTalk Expression Editor, see Requirements and Limitations for Expressions. For more information about calling .NET classes, see Constructing Messages in User Code.

See Also

WCF Adapters Property Schema and Properties SOAP Headers with Consumed WCF Services SOAP Headers with Published WCF Services