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Step 10: Configure the X12 and AS2 Trading Partner Agreement

Step 10 of 11

In this step you set up X12 and AS2 trading partner agreements to transport an EDIINT/AS2-encoded message over HTTP. This Fabrikam party sends the EDI interchange to Contoso, which returns the 997 acknowledgment and an asynchronous MDN to Fabrikam.


You must be logged on as a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.

To create an AS2 agreement

  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft BizTalk Server, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, click Parties in the console tree, and in the Parties and Business Profiles page, right-click Fabrikam_Profile, point to New, and then click Agreement.

  3. In the General Properties page, for the Name text box, enter a name for the agreement.

  4. From the Protocol drop-down list, select AS2.

  5. In the Second Partner section, from the Name drop-down list, select Contoso.

  6. In the Second Partner section, from the Profile drop-down list, select Contoso_Profile.

    You will notice that two new tabs get added next to the General tab. Each tab is for configuring a one-way AS2 agreement.

  7. In the General tab, on the General Properties page, in the Common Host Settings section, select Turn ON reporting.

  8. Perform the following tasks on the Fabrikam->Contoso tab.

    1. On the Identifiers page, enter values for AS2-From and AS2-To. For AS2-From, enter Fabrikam. For AS2- To, enter Contoso.

    2. On the Validation page, select the Use agreement settings for validation and MDN instead of message header check box


      Setting this property ensures that the party properties will be used when generating the MDN, rather than the AS2 headers of the received AS2 message.

    3. In the Acknowledgements (MDNs) page, do the following:

      1. Select the Request MDN check box.

      2. Make sure the Request Signed MDN check box is cleared.

      3. Select the Request asynchronous MDN check box.

      4. In the Receipt-Delivery-Option (URL) text box, enter http://localhost/Fabrikam/Default.aspx?Destination=_MDNToFabrikam.

  9. Perform the following tasks on the Contoso->Fabrikam tab.

    1. On the Identifiers page, enter values for AS2-From and AS2-To. For AS2-From, enter Contoso. For AS2- To, enter Fabrikam.

    2. On the Send Ports page under the Interchange Settings section, in the Send Ports list, for Name select Send_Async_997.


      The Send_Async_997 send port needs to be entered into the Send Ports list so that BizTalk Server can resolve the party for the outgoing 997 message. The send pipeline matches the name of the send port with the send port in the agreement properties. This is necessary because in this case, the AS2-To property is not promoted in the context of the message, which is the first match that the send pipeline attempts to make to resolve the party. For more information, see Agreement Resolution for Outgoing AS2 Messages.

  10. Click Apply.

  11. Click OK. The newly added agreement is listed in the Agreements section of the Parties and Business Profiles pane. The newly added agreement is enabled by default.

To create an X12 agreement

  1. Right-click Fabrikam_Profile, point to New, and then click Agreement.

  2. In the General Properties page, for the Name text box, enter a name for the agreement.

  3. From the Protocol drop-down list, select X12.

  4. In the Second Partner section, from the Name drop-down list, select Contoso.

  5. In the Second Partner section, from the Profile drop-down list, select Contoso_Profile.

    You will notice that two new tabs get added next to the General tab. Each tab is for configuring a one-way X12 agreement.

  6. In the General tab, on the General Properties page, in the Common Host Settings section, select Turn ON reporting, and then select Store message payload for reporting.

  7. Perform the following tasks on the Fabrikam->Contoso tab.

    1. On the Identifiers page under the Interchange Settings section, enter values for the qualifier and identifier fields (ISA5, ISA6, ISA7, and ISA8) that correspond to the values for those header fields in your test message. For this tutorial, set ISA5 to ZZ, ISA6 to 7654321, ISA7 to ZZ, and ISA8 to 1234567.


      BizTalk Server requires the qualifier and identifier fields for sender and receiver in order to perform agreement resolution. It will match the values of ISA5, ISA6, ISA7, and ISA8 in the interchange header with those in the properties of an agreement. BizTalk Server will also resolve the agreement by matching the sender qualifier and identifier (without the receiver qualifier and identifier). If BizTalk Server cannot resolve the agreement, it will use the fallback agreement properties.

    2. On the Acknowledgements page under the Interchange Settings section, select the 997 Expected check box.

    3. On the Validation page under the Interchange Settings section, make sure Check for duplicate ISA13 option is unchecked.


      Clearing the Check for duplicate ISA13 property enables you to receive multiple instances of the same message.

    4. On the Local Host Settings page under the Interchange Settings section, under Receiver’s Settings, clear Route ACK to send pipeline on request-response receive port.


      Clearing this property enables you to send the 997 acknowledgment via a separate send port, rather than sending it over the send port associated with the two-way receive port.

  8. Perform the following tasks on the Contoso->Fabrikam tab.

    1. On the Identifiers page under the Interchange Settings section, enter values for the qualifier and identifier fields (ISA5, ISA6, ISA7, and ISA8) that correspond to the values for those header fields in your test message. For this walkthrough, set ISA5 to ZZ, ISA6 to 1234567, ISA7 to ZZ, and ISA8 to 7654321.

    2. On the Charset and Separators page under the Interchange Settings section, for Suffix, select CR LF.

    3. On the Envelopes page under the Transaction Set Settings section, do the following:

      Use this To do this
      Default Select Default. Note: When you select this row as the default, the values for GS1, GS2, GS3, GS7, and GS8 are used even if the values for Transaction Type, Version/Release, and Target namespace are not a match for the message.
      Transaction Type Select the message type of your test message, for example, 864 – Text Message.
      Version/Release Enter 00401.
      Target namespace Select http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12/2006.
      GS1 Verify that the message type of the test message is selected, for example, TX - Text Message (864).
      GS2 Enter 01.
      GS3 Enter 7654321.
      GS4 Select the date format that you want. Select CCYYMMDD. Note: You have to select the value in the drop-down list, not just click in the field to display the default. If you click in the field without selecting the value from the drop-down list, the value will not actually be selected.
      GS5 Select the time format that you want. Select HHMMSSdd.
      GS7 Select T - Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC).
      GS8 Verify that the EDI version has been entered as 00401.
  9. Click Apply.

  10. Click OK. The newly added agreement is listed in the Agreements section of the Parties and Business Profiles pane. The newly added agreement is enabled by default.

  11. Restart the BizTalk service. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, under Platform Settings, click Host Instances, right-click BizTalkServerApplication, and then click Restart.

Next Steps

You test the AS2 solution, as described in Step 11: Test the AS2 Solution.

See Also

Configuring AS2 Properties
Configuring EDI Properties