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FTP Adapter Configuration Properties

The following table lists the configuration properties that you can set for an FTP adapter receive location:

Property name Type Description Restrictions Comments
uri VT_BSTR Specify the full path of the location monitored by the receive location. The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters. None
serverAddress VT_BSTR Specify the server name or IP address of the FTP server. None None
serverPort VT_BSTR Specify the TCP port over which to communicate with the target FTP server. None None
userName VT_BSTR Specify the user name that is used to access the FTP server. None None
password VT_BSTR Specify the password that is used to access the FTP server. This value is always masked when exporting a binding file. This property must be manually populated with the password before importing the binding file into the target BizTalk Server configuration. None
fileMask VT_BSTR Specify the file mask filter to use when transmitting files. None None
targetFolder VT_BSTR Specify the polling location on the FTP server. None None
commandLogFilename VT_BSTR Specify the location to save a copy of the log file. None You use this file to diagnose error conditions when sending or receiving files through the FTP adapter.
representationType VT_BSTR Select how FTP adapter receives the data. Valid values are:

- Binary
The default value is Binary.
spoolingFolder VT_BSTR Specify the location for a temporary folder on the FTP server. You use this to guarantee recovery from a transfer failure. None None
receiveDataTimeOut VT_BSTR Specify the time in milliseconds before the receive call will abort. This is used to prevent a slow server from causing the receive location to hang. None The default value is 90000.
maximumBatchSize VT_BSTR Specify the maximum number of bytes per BizTalk Server batch. None None
maximumNumberOfFiles VT_BSTR Specify the maximum number of files per BizTalk Server batch. None None
passiveMode VT_BSTR Specify the mode in which the adapter connects to the FTP server. Valid values are:

- Passive
- Active
The default value is Active.
useNLST VT_BSTR Specify this as Yes to retrieve only file names instead of the default system-defined file listing. Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is No.
beforeGet VT_BSTR Specify the FTP commands to execute before the file GET. Separate commands with a semicolon (;) Note: QUIT command is not supported before the file GET. None
afterGet VT_BSTR Specify the FTP commands to execute after the file GET. Separate commands with a semicolon (;) None
firewallType VT_BSTR Specify the type of firewall deployed. Valid values are:

- None
- Socks 4
- Socks 5
The default value is None.
firewallAddress VT_BSTR Specify the address of the firewall (DNS name or IP address). None None
firewallPort VT_BSTR Specify the port for the firewall. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. The default value is 21.
firewallUserName VT_BSTR Specify the user name for the firewall. None None
firewallPassword VT_BSTR Specify the password for the firewall. None None
pollingUnitOfMeasure VT_BSTR Specify the type of units for the pollingInterval property. Valid values are:

- Seconds
- Minutes
- Hours
- Days
The default value is Seconds.
pollingInterval VT_BSTR Specify the interval value for polling this location. None To continuously poll, set this value to 0.

The default value is 60.
redownloadInterval VT_BSTR Specify the interval in seconds after which FTP adapter will download the file again. This property is applicable only if both deleteAfterDownload and enableTimeComparison properties are set to No. A value of -1 indicates that the adapter will not download the file again.

The default value is -1.
ssoAffiliateApplication VT_BSTR Specify the Single-Sign-On (SSO) affiliate application. None None
errorThreshold VT_BSTR Specify the number of errors that BizTalk Server can encounter before the location is disabled. None The default value is 10.
maxFileSize VT_BSTR Specify the maximum downloadable file size, in megabytes. None A value of 0 indicates no limit on the file size.

The default value is 100.
useSsl VT_BSTR Specify this as Yes if the FTP adapter must use SSL when communicating with the FTPS server. Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is No.
useDataProtection VT_BSTR Specify this as Yes if the FTP adapter must use SSL encryption when sending and receiving files to and from the FTPS server. This property is valid if the useSsl property is set to Yes.

Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is Yes.
ftpsConnMode VT_BSTR Specify the mode of SSL connection made to the FTPS server. Valid values are:

- Explicit
- Implicit
The default value is Explicit.
clientCertificateHash VT_BSTR Specify the SHA1 hash of the client certificate that must be used in the SSL negotiation. None Based on this hash, the client certificate is picked up from the personal store of the user account under which the BizTalk host instance is running.
deleteAfterDownload VT_BSTR Specify this as Yes if the adapter must delete the file from the FTP server after the download is complete. Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is Yes.
enableTimeComparison VT_BSTR Specify this as Yes if the adapter must download a file again when there is a change in the file’s timestamp. This property is valid only when deleteAfterDownload is set to No.

The target FTP server must support MDTM command for this feature.

Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is No.

The following code shows the format of the string you use to set the properties:

<CustomProps><AdapterConfig vt="8"><Config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><uri>ftp://localhost:21/in/*.xml</uri><serverAddress>localhost</serverAddress><serverPort>21</serverPort><userName>domain\testuser</userName><password>******</password><fileMask>*.xml</fileMask><targetFolder>in</targetFolder><commandLogFilename>c:\temp\realftplog.txt</commandLogFilename><representationType>binary</representationType><maximumBatchSize>0</maximumBatchSize><maximumNumberOfFiles>0</maximumNumberOfFiles><passiveMode>False</passiveMode><firewallType>NoFirewall</firewallType><firewallPort>21</firewallPort><pollingUnitOfMeasure>Seconds</pollingUnitOfMeasure><pollingInterval>5</pollingInterval><errorThreshold>10</errorThreshold><maxFileSize>5000</maxFileSize><useSsl>False</useSsl><useDataProtection>True</useDataProtection><ftpsConnMode>Explicit</ftpsConnMode><clientCertificateHash>‎bc 32 2c a9 22 75 6a 3f e4 f7 a9 b1 b3 3a 24 20 23 53 68 49</clientCertificateHash><deleteAfterDownload>True</deleteAfterDownload><enableTimeComparison>False</enableTimeComparison></Config></AdapterConfig></CustomProps>  

The following table lists the configuration properties that you can set for an FTP adapter send port:

Property name Type Description Restrictions Comments
uri VT_BSTR Specify the full path of the location to send data to. The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters. None
serverAddress VT_BSTR Specify the address of the firewall, either a DNS name or an IP address. None None
serverPort VT_BSTR Specify the port address for the FTP server. None The default value is 21.
userName VT_BSTR Specify the user name to log on to the FTP server. None None
password VT_BSTR Specify the password to log on to the FTP server. This value is always masked when exporting a binding file. This property must be manually populated with the password before importing the binding file into the target BizTalk Server configuration. None
accountName VT_BSTR Specify the account name for the FTP server. Optional None
targetFolder VT_BSTR Specify the location to move the files to on the FTP server. None None
targetFileName VT_BSTR Specify an alternative name for the file. Retaining the default name will guarantee unique message names for each message sent. None The default value is %MessageID%.xml.
commandLogFilename VT_BSTR Specify the location to save a copy of the log file. Use the log file to diagnose error conditions when sending or receiving files through FTP server. None None
representationType VT_BSTR Select how FTP sends the data, either as binary or as ASCII. Valid values are:

- binary
The default value is binary.
beforePut VT_BSTR Specify the FTP commands to run before the file PUT, such as commands to change default values on the FTP server. Separate commands with a semicolon (;). Note: QUIT command is not supported before the file PUT. No open command is required.
afterPut VT_BSTR Specify the FTP commands to run after the file PUT. Separate commands with a semicolon (;). None
allocateStorage VT_BSTR Specify whether to allocate storage space for legacy host systems. Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is No.
spoolingFolder VT_BSTR Specify the location for a temporary folder on the FTP server. You use this to guarantee recovery from a transfer failure if the transfer mode is binary. If the transfer mode is ASCII, the adapter restarts the upload. None None
connectionLimit VT_BSTR Specify the maximum number of concurrent FTP connections that can be opened to the server. None A value of 0 means no limit.
passiveMode VT_BSTR Specify whether to use passive mode or active mode. Valid values are:

- True (passive mode)
- False (active mode)
The default value is False (active mode).
firewallType VT_BSTR Select the type of firewall deployed. Valid values are:

- Socks 4
- Socks 5
- None
The default value is None.
firewallAddress VT_BSTR Specify the address of the firewall, either a DNS name or an IP address. None None
firewallPort VT_BSTR Specify the port for the firewall. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. The default value is 21.
firewallUserName VT_BSTR Specify the user name for the firewall. None None
firewallPassword VT_BSTR Specify the password for the firewall. This value is always masked when exporting a binding file. This property must be manually populated with the password before importing the binding file into the target BizTalk Server configuration. None
ssoAffiliateApplication VT_BSTR Specify the Single-Sign-On (SSO) affiliate application. None None
useSsl VT_BSTR Specify this as Yes if the FTP adapter must use SSL when communicating with the FTPS server. Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is No.
useDataProtection VT_BSTR Specify this as Yes if the FTP adapter must use SSL encryption when sending and receiving files to and from the FTPS server. This property is valid if useSsL is set to Yes.

Valid values are:

- Yes
- No
The default value is Yes.
ftpsConnMode VT_BSTR Specify the mode of SSL connection made to the FTPS server. Valid values are:

- Explicit
- Implicit
The default value is Explicit.
clientCertificateHash VT_BSTR Specify the SHA1 hash of the client certificate that must be used in the SSL negotiation. None Based on this hash, the client certificate is picked up from the personal store of the user account under which the BizTalk host instance is running.

The following code shows the format of the string you use to set the properties:

<CustomProps><AdapterConfig vt="8"><Config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><serverAddress>TestServer</serverAddress><serverPort>21</serverPort><userName>testuser</userName><password>******</password><accountName>testuser</accountName><targetFolder>output</targetFolder><targetFileName>%MessageID%.xml</targetFileName><commandLogFilename>c:\logfile\ftpsendlog.txt</commandLogFilename><representationType>binary</representationType><beforePut>CDW dir</beforePut><afterPut>CDUP </afterPut><allocateStorage>False</allocateStorage><spoolingFolder>tempfolder</spoolingFolder><connectionLimit>0</connectionLimit><passiveMode>False</passiveMode><firewallType>Socks4</firewallType><firewallAddress>TestServer</firewallAddress><firewallPort>21</firewallPort><firewallUserName>domain\testuser</firewallUserName><firewallPassword>******</firewallPassword><useSsl>False</useSsl><useDataProtection>True</useDataProtection><ftpsConnMode>Explicit</ftpsConnMode><clientCertificateHash>‎bc 32 2c a9 22 75 6a 3f e4 f7 a9 b1 b3 3a 24 20 23 53 68 49</clientCertificateHash><uri>ftp://TestServer:21/output/%MessageID%.xml</uri></Config></AdapterConfig></CustomProps>  


When specifying TransportTypeData configuration data for an adapter built using the Adapter Framework, all the name/value pairs that are used must be stored into the <AdapterConfig> element. Since the <AdapterConfig> element specifies the VT_BSTR (vt="8") data type then the < > characters in the data must be escaped.