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Configuring a Static Send Port for Messages over AS2

This topic describes how to configure BizTalk Server to send AS2 messages over a static send port. This configuration includes creating the static send port and configuring the agreement. If required, you will also set up an encryption certiticate to be used by the send port.


You can configure a dynamic send port to send AS2 messages, instead of a static send port. For more information, see Configuring a Dynamic Send Port for Messages over AS2.

To send an AS2 message with an EDI or non-EDI message or an EDI acknowledgment, create a solicit response HTTP send port with the following configuration:

Location Property Setting
Send Port Properties: General Port Type - Static Solicit Response (if Request MDN in Acknowledgements (MDNs) page in the one-way agreement tab is selected)

- Static One-way Send Port (if Request MDN in Acknowledgements (MDNs) page in the one-way agreement tab is cleared)
Send Port Properties: General Transport Type HTTP


Only the HTTP adapter can be used for transporting EDIINT/AS2-encoded messages. This transport will not work with an adapter other than the HTTP adapter.
Send Port Properties: General Send handler BizTalkServerApplication
Send Port Properties: General Send pipeline - AS2EdiSend (for EDI-encoded messages)

- AS2Send (for non-EDI messages)
Send Port Properties: General Receive handler

(if Request MDN in Acknowledgements (MDNs) page in the one-way agreement tab is selected)
Send Port Properties: General Receive pipeline

(if Request MDN in Acknowledgements (MDNs) page in the one-way agreement tab is selected)
HTTP Transport Properties Destination URL <Destination URL string>
HTTP Transport Properties Enable chunked encoding Cleared
Send Port Properties: Filters Property BTS.MessageType


You can use a variety of filter expression, including using BTS.ReceivePortName.


For non-EDI messages, you will have to filter on a different property)
Send Port Properties: Filters Operator ==
Send Port Properties: Filters Value - http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12/2006#<schema name> (for an EDI message)

- http://schemas.microsoft.com/Edi/X12#X12_<997 or TA1>_Root (for an X12 acknowledgment)

- http://schemas.microsoft.com/Edi/Efact#Efact_Contrl_Root (for an EDIFACT acknowledgment)
Send Port Properties: Certificates Common Name and thumbprint Enter the certificate name and thumbprint if using an encryption certificate for the outbound AS2 message.


You must be logged on as a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.

To configure BizTalk Server to send AS2 messages over a static send port

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, create a static one-way or solicit response send port with the above configuration.

  2. In the send ports list on the Send Ports page of the one-way agreement tab in the Agreement Properties dialog box, enter the name of the static send port.


    Setting the send port enables BizTalk Server to perform agreement resolution for an outbound AS2 message.

  3. In the Identifiers page of the one-way agreement tab of the Agreement Properties dialog box, set the AS2-To property to the destination and then set other agreement properties as required in the different pages of the Agreement Properties dialog box.


The send port and pipeline does the following to send a synchronous EDI or non-EDI message or acknowledgment over AS2 and process the returned MDN:

  • If sending an EDI message, picks up the EDI message by filtering on the property BTS.MessageType set to the message schema in the http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12/2006 namespace (for example, X12_00401_864 for an 864 message).

  • If sending an EDI acknowledgment, picks up the acknowledgment by filtering on the property BTS.MessageType set to one of the following control schema:

    • http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12#X12_997_Root for a 997 acknowledgment

    • http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12#X12_TA1_Root for a TA1 acknowledgment

    • http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/Efact#Efact_Contrl_Root for a CONTRL acknowledgment

  • If sending a non-EDI message, picks up the message using another filter.

  • Builds an AS2 message. For more information about this process, see Generating an Outgoing AS2 Message.

  • Sends the message or acknowledgment to the destination URL for the send port.

  • Receives the MDN response to the message or acknowledgment, if enabled. For more information about this process, see Processing an Incoming MDN.

See Also

Configuring Ports for an AS2 Solution
Generating an Outgoing AS2 Message
Processing an Incoming MDN