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Create an Optimized Multi-Itinerary


Bing Maps for Enterprise service retirement

Bing Maps for Enterprise is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps for Enterprise REST APIs and SDKs will need to be updated to use Azure Maps by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type.

Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.

The Bing Maps Multi-Itinerary Optimization API returns a delivery schedule for a set of agents and itinerary times.

This article demonstrates how to use this API with a POST request to create an optimized itinerary for three agents and thirteen itinerary items.


The developer must provide specific information about each agent and itinerary item, summarized by the lists below:


  • Name
  • Agent shift information; for each shift:
    • Shift ending time
    • Shift starting time
    • Shift staring location (Query or Point)
    • Shift ending location (Query or Point)

Itinerary Items:

  • Delivery/visit duration, called "dwell time"
  • Business opening time
  • Business ending time
  • Location (Query of Point)
  • Item Priority (on a scale from 1 to 100, from lowest to highest)


Formatting the Agent Data

Suppose we have three agents: Yuan, Charlie, and Andre. Each agent has at least one shift, each consisting of: the agent's starting location, staring time, ending location, and ending time.

For example, if Charlie delivers packages from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., but has a one hour lunch break at noon, then Charlie will have two shifts: one from 9 A.M to noon, and another from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M.

To keep our example simple, we will assume that, although our agents will start and end at different locations, they will all take their lunch break at the same location, at Zeitgeist Cafe, Downtown Seattle, on South Jackson Street (or, in coordinates: 47.599018, -122.331871).


Below we use a use latitude and longitude coordinates for the Agent's starting and ending locations. Instead, We could instead string query to specify starting/ending locations.

Here is the table of our agent's starting and ending information:

Agent Name Shift Starting Location Shift Starting Coords Shift Ending Location Shift Ending Coords
Yuan Pike Place Market 47.608970, -122.340914 Westlake Park 47.610966, -122.337095
Charlie UW Campus 47.655000, -122.308000 Ballard Ave. 47.666423, -122.383223
Andre Northgate Mall 47.706123, -122.325867 Downtown Bellevue 47.614151, -122.195686

Shift Data

The images below show the starting (green circle) and ending (red circle) locations for each agent.


Start Time Start Coords End Time End Coords
2018-12-24T08:00:00 47.608970, -122.340914 2018-12-24T12:00:00 47.599018, -122.331871
2018-12-24T13:00:00 47.599018, -122.331871 2018-12-24T17:00:00 47.610966,-122.337095

Map showing Yuan's start and end points.


Start Time Start Coords End Time End Coords
2018-12-24T08:00:00 47.655000, -122.308000 2018-12-24T12:00:00 47.666423, -122.383223
2018-12-24T13:00:00 47.599018, -122.331871 2018-12-24T17:00:00 47.610966,-122.337095

Map showing Charlies start and end points.


Start Time Start Coords End Time End Coords
2018-12-24T08:00:00 47.706123, -122.325867 2018-12-24+12:00:00 47.599018, -122.331871
2018-12-24T13:00:00 47.599018, -122.331871 2018-12-24T17:00:00 47.614151, -122.195686

Map showing Andres start and end points.

Formatting the Itinerary Data

We will use 13 itinerary items. To simplify things, we'll assume all the coffee shops our agents are delivering goods to have the same opening and closing hours. However, we will assign different priorities and dwell times to each shop (for our example, the priorities and dwell times are chosen randomly).

Coffee Shop Coordiantes Dwell Time Priority
Starbucks 47.6140060424805,-122.347236633301 01:31:08.3850000 2
Storyville Coffee Company 47.6088790893555,-122.340362548828 02:00:00.00 5
Seattle Coffee Works 47.6087913513184,-122.339477539062 00:05:00.00 67
Monorail Espresso 47.6110000610352,-122.33544921875 00:30:00.00 14
Moore Coffee 47.6116981506348,-122.34105682373 03:00:00.00 9
Citizen 47.6257209777832,-122.345993041992 00:10:00.00 23
Bang Bang Cafe 47.6139373779297,-122.349090576172 01:15:00.00 7
Espresso Vivace 47.6237602233887,-122.32063293457 00:01:00.00 54
Cafe Cesura 47.6195220947266,-122.196739196777 01:15:00.00 34
Top Pot Doughnuts 47.6186218261719,-122.198760986328 00:05:00.00 6
Seattle Coffee Gear 47.6176605224609,-122.196708679199 00:18:00.00 8
777 Cafe 47.6168899536133,-122.19686126709 00:19:30.00 91
Starbucks 47.614330291748,-122.199150085449 00:45:00.00 99

Creating The Request

The above example is large: It includes 6 shifts (two for each agent: one before and one after lunch), and 13 itinerary items.

Because the Optimized Itinerary API only allows for a maximum of two agent shifts for synchronous API calls, we have to make an asynchronous request. Moreover, We will also use a POST instead of a GET method to deliver our agent and itinerary.

The body of the POST request is as follows:

    "agents": [
            "name": "Yuan",
            "shifts": [
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.60897,
                        "longitude": -122.340914
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T12:00:00",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.599018,
                        "longitude": -122.331871
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.599018,
                        "longitude": -122.331871
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.610966,
                        "longitude": -122.337095
            "name": "Charlie",
            "shifts": [
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.655,
                        "longitude": -122.308
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T12:00:00",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.666423,
                        "longitude": -122.383223
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.599018,
                        "longitude": -122.331871
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.610966,
                        "longitude": -122.337095
            "name": "Andre",
            "shifts": [
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.706123,
                        "longitude": -122.325867
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T12:00:00",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.599018,
                        "longitude": -122.331871
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.599018,
                        "longitude": -122.331871
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.614151,
                        "longitude": -122.195686
    "itineraryItems": [
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "01:31:08.3850000",
            "priority": 2,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6140060424805,
                "longitude": -122.347236633301
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "02:00:00.00",
            "priority": 5,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6088790893555,
                "longitude": -122.340362548828
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:05:00.00",
            "priority": 67,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6087913513184,
                "longitude": -122.339477539062
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:30:00.00",
            "priority": 14,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6110000610352,
                "longitude": -122.33544921875
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "03:00:00.00",
            "priority": 9,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6116981506348,
                "longitude": -122.34105682373
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:10:00.00",
            "priority": 23,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6257209777832,
                "longitude": -122.345993041992
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "01:15:00.00",
            "priority": 7,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6139373779297,
                "longitude": -122.349090576172
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:01:00.00",
            "priority": 54,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6237602233887,
                "longitude": -122.32063293457
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "01:15:00.00",
            "priority": 34,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6195220947266,
                "longitude": -122.196739196777
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:05:00.00",
            "priority": 6,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6186218261719,
                "longitude": -122.198760986328
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:18:00.00",
            "priority": 8,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6176605224609,
                "longitude": -122.196708679199
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:19:30.00",
            "priority": 91,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6168899536133,
                "longitude": -122.19686126709
            "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:45:00.00",
            "priority": 99,
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.614330291748,
                "longitude": -122.199150085449

We then send this JSON data in the POST body of our API request, making sure to add the POST header Content-Type: application/json, with the following URL:{BingMapsKey}

We get the following response:

    "authenticationResultCode": "ValidCredentials",
    "brandLogoUri": "",
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2018 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",
    "resourceSets": [
            "estimatedTotal": 1,
            "resources": [
                    "__type": "RouteProxyAsyncResult:",
                    "callbackInSeconds": 7,
                    "callbackUrl": "{APIKEY}&requestId={RequestID}",
                    "isAccepted": true,
                    "isCompleted": false,
                    "requestId": "{RequestID}"
    "statusCode": 200,
    "statusDescription": "OK",
    "traceId": "8ff3844af5604854b45e7ae92547bb2b|CO3230EE0A|"

After 7 seconds, we can visit the callback URL to retrieve the JSON response:

  "authenticationResultCode": "ValidCredentials",
  "brandLogoUri": "",
  "copyright": "Copyright © 2018 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",
  "resourceSets": [
      "estimatedTotal": 1,
      "resources": [
          "__type": "OptimizeItinerary:",
          "agentItineraries": [
              "agent": {
                "name": "Yuan",
                "shifts": [
                    "endLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.599018,
                      "longitude": -122.331871
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T12:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.60897,
                      "longitude": -122.340914
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00"
                    "endLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.610966,
                      "longitude": -122.337095
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.599018,
                      "longitude": -122.331871
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:00:00"
              "instructions": [
                  "distance": 0,
                  "instructionType": "LeaveFromStartPoint",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.60897,
                      "longitude": -122.340914
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00"
                  "distance": 17524,
                  "duration": "00:14:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T08:14:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "00:18:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T08:32:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:18:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6176605224609,
                      "longitude": -122.196708679199
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 8
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:14:00"
                  "distance": 17681,
                  "duration": "00:15:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T08:47:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:32:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "01:31:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T10:18:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "01:31:08.3850000",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6140060424805,
                      "longitude": -122.347236633301
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 2
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:47:00"
                  "distance": 17736,
                  "duration": "00:15:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T10:33:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T10:18:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "00:19:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T10:52:00",
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                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6168899536133,
                      "longitude": -122.19686126709
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 91
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T10:33:00"
                  "distance": 18086,
                  "duration": "00:14:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T11:06:00",
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                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T10:52:00"
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                  "instructionType": "ArriveToEndPoint",
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                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.599018,
                      "longitude": -122.331871
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T11:06:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "instructionType": "LeaveFromStartPoint",
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                      "longitude": -122.331871
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:00:00"
                  "distance": 3763,
                  "duration": "00:05:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T13:05:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:00:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "00:01:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T13:06:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:01:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6237602233887,
                      "longitude": -122.32063293457
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 54
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:05:00"
                  "distance": 2730,
                  "duration": "00:05:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T13:11:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:06:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "02:00:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T15:11:00",
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                  "itineraryItem": {
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                    "location": {
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                      "longitude": -122.340362548828
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 5
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                  "distance": 17375,
                  "duration": "00:14:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T15:25:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T15:11:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "01:15:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T16:40:00",
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                    "dwellTime": "01:15:00",
                    "location": {
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                      "longitude": -122.196739196777
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 34
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                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T16:54:00",
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                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.610966,
                      "longitude": -122.337095
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T16:54:00"
              "route": {
                "endLocation": {
                  "latitude": 47.610966,
                  "longitude": -122.337095
                "endTime": "2018-12-24T16:54:00",
                "startLocation": {
                  "latitude": 47.60897,
                  "longitude": -122.340914
                "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                "totalTravelDistance": 111866,
                "totalTravelTime": "01:36:00",
                "wayPoints": [
                    "latitude": 47.6176605224609,
                    "longitude": -122.196708679199
                    "latitude": 47.6140060424805,
                    "longitude": -122.347236633301
                    "latitude": 47.6168899536133,
                    "longitude": -122.19686126709
                    "latitude": 47.599018,
                    "longitude": -122.331871
                    "latitude": 47.599018,
                    "longitude": -122.331871
                    "latitude": 47.6237602233887,
                    "longitude": -122.32063293457
                    "latitude": 47.6088790893555,
                    "longitude": -122.340362548828
                    "latitude": 47.6195220947266,
                    "longitude": -122.196739196777
              "agent": {
                "name": "Charlie",
                "shifts": [
                    "endLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.666423,
                      "longitude": -122.383223
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T12:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.655,
                      "longitude": -122.308
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00"
                    "endLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.610966,
                      "longitude": -122.337095
                    "endTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.599018,
                      "longitude": -122.331871
                    "startTime": "2018-12-24T13:00:00"
              "instructions": [
                  "distance": 0,
                  "instructionType": "LeaveFromStartPoint",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.655,
                      "longitude": -122.308
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00"
                  "distance": 7895,
                  "duration": "00:13:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T08:13:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "01:15:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T09:28:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "01:15:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6139373779297,
                      "longitude": -122.349090576172
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 7
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T08:13:00"
                  "distance": 20355,
                  "duration": "00:16:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T09:44:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T09:28:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "00:45:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T10:29:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:45:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.614330291748,
                      "longitude": -122.199150085449
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 99
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T09:44:00"
                  "distance": 19216,
                  "duration": "00:15:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T10:44:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T10:29:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "00:05:00",
                  "endTime": "2018-12-24T10:49:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2018-12-24T17:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:05:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6087913513184,
                      "longitude": -122.339477539062
                    "openingTime": "2018-12-24T08:00:00",
                    "priority": 67
                  "startTime": "2018-12-24T10:44:00"
                  "distance": 8754,
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