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Consultas para a tabela CloudAppEvents

Para obter informações sobre como usar essas consultas no portal do Azure, consulte o tutorial do Log Analytics. Para a API REST, consulte Consulta.

Alteração da extensão do nome do arquivo

Exibir arquivos que foram renomeados.

| where Application in ("Microsoft OneDrive for Business", "Microsoft SharePoint Online") and ActionType == "FileRenamed"
| extend NewFileNameExtension = tostring(RawEventData.DestinationFileExtension)
| extend OldFileNameExtension = tostring(RawEventData.SourceFileExtension)
| extend OldFileName = tostring(RawEventData.SourceFileName)
| extend NewFileName = tostring(RawEventData.DestinationFileName)
| where NewFileNameExtension == "doc" and OldFileNameExtension == "docx" 
| project RenameTime = Timestamp, OldFileNameExtension, OldFileName, NewFileNameExtension, NewFileName, ActionType, Application, AccountDisplayName, AccountObjectId
| join kind=inner (DeviceFileEvents 
| project FileName, AccountObjectId = InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId , DeviceName, SeenOnDevice = Timestamp, FolderPath) on $left.NewFileName == $right.FileName, AccountObjectId
| project RenameTime, NewFileName, OldFileName, Application, AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName, DeviceName , SeenOnDevice, FolderPath 
| limit 100