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JsRuntimeAttributes Enumeration

Attributes of a runtime.


enum JsRuntimeAttributes;  



Name Description
JsRuntimeAttributeAllowScriptInterrupt The runtime should support reliable script interruption. This increases the number of places where the runtime will check for a script interrupt request at the cost of a small amount of runtime performance.
JsRuntimeAttributeDisableBackgroundWork The runtime will not do any work (such as garbage collection) on background threads.
JsRuntimeAttributeDisableEval Using eval or function constructor will throw an exception.
JsRuntimeAttributeDisableNativeCodeGeneration Runtime will not generate native code.
JsRuntimeAttributeEnableExperimentalFeatures Runtime will enable all experimental features.
JsRuntimeAttributeEnableIdleProcessing Host will call JsIdle, so enable idle processing. Otherwise, the runtime will manage memory slightly more aggressively.
JsRuntimeAttributeDispatchSetExceptionsToDebugger Calling JsSetException will also dispatch the exception to the script debugger (if any) giving the debugger a chance to break on the exception.
JsRuntimeAttributeNone No special attributes.


Header: jsrt.h

See Also

Reference (JavaScript Runtime)