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The Immediate Window: Simple Printing and Changing Values

Keyboard:  CTRL + ALT + I
Menu:  Debug –> Windows –> Immediate
Command:  Debug.Immediate
Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  9/27/2010
Code:  vstipTool0094


When was the last time you had a hot, steaming bowl of Windows Phone Developer Portal?  Well, partner, that’s too long. :)


The Immediate Window (CTRL + ALT + I) is a really great tool.  It’s versatility is great and it can give instant feedback on information you may need to help with your application.  The first thing people usually learn when using it is how to print values out when debugging:




Basically, just go into debug mode and use either “Debug.Print(foo)” or (more common) just “?foo”.  Additionally, you can modify values as well:



This is pretty basic assignment.  Just for fun I threw in some simple calculations as well:  “eLocal = 20 * 8 / 2" gets evaluated and we see the result.  That’s pretty much it for simple printing and changing values.