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Team Meeting...

Wow...what a week.  I just got back from Dallas this week.  Had a great team meeting and got to finally meet my new manager, Melanie.  My team has been going through a bunch of changes, but it finally looks like we're done. :-)  I have a new manager... the west region has a new manager (Steve Alley)... the east region has a new manager (Stacey Copeland.)  My old manager (Mike O'Neill) moved up to handle all three regions... as well as the TechNet team - we're now called the BCC Reach Team.  His old manager, Pat Hayes has moved to Japan to head up a bunch of stuff over there, and his manager (Darren Hueston) has also moved to Japan... to head up Japan!!!  So, I'd like to also welcome to my team, Rodney and Michael... who are replacing Pat and Darren.  In addition... we've offically hired Susan Wisowaty... to cover New York/New Jersey.  Welcome aboard Susan... I know you're a great asset to Microsoft.  And I can't forget, we also have a new contract presenter... Ron M... don't ask me to spell his last name. ;-)

On top of that, we're doing a bunch of great things.  I'll be starting my ASP.NET 2.0: Soup to Nuts webcast/book project on November 7th... I'm also working on a little marketing project to get our DVD into the hands of a bunch more people... I'm working on a couple of internal projects (of the actual software variety) and we're now doing the Academic events - this should be one busy year, indeed.

Wow... that's a bunch!  I have to tell you, I also had a blast down in Dallas... we got to play LaserTag... I only played one game... (the first one of the night.) and I have to say my team... THE GREEN TEAM... simply kicked the Red Teams Butt!  I also have to congratulate Nikki on scoring a kick butt score that was more than twice mine!  (She thinks I'm mad at her for that... but not really!)

Also... I have an update on my flying car project.  I just purchased a "doaner" plane to start hacking on to get it started.  It turns out that there was a plane that was VERY close to my specifications... and I didn't even realize it.  The BD5.  I found a kit on EBay for $1500.  So, next weekend, I'll be driving over to Wisconsin to pick it up.  This will not be turned into a flying machine... but the roadable version prototype.  I'm also going to put all the electronics that I've been working on in it to test it all out as well.

There are a few things that are going to have to be heavily modifed in the airframe to support my ideas, but it looks like it's all doable.  One of the things that will be most noticable is the fact that the BD5 had retractable landing gear... and my flying car concept doesn't.  The engine placement, wheel placement and basic layout of the two are identical.  The BD5 had removable wings... which is perfect for what I'm looking for.  I also found out that Jim Bede... the designer of the BD5 also designed a drivable motorcycle... very similar to the BD5.  Hmmm... was he also onto something?  I've also aquired a "doaner" Honda Rebel motorcycle which will supply some of the mechanicals... including the engine for the roadable prototype.  Should be a fun winter project.  Watch this blog for pictures!!!

Also, if anyone is going to be down in Orlando on November 9th - 12th... I'll be at the National Business Aviation Assocation Seminar helping out my NASA buddies on their Cockpit of the Future display.  I'm also going to be speaking while I'm down there, so stop by and say Hi.
