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What would you do with $100?

We go through this exercise during the planning stages with customers sometimes. I like it because "to ship is to choose" - it's easy to describe things you want, but we have to ship the product eventually and some things don't make it. Deciding what stays and what goes is the hard (and painful) part of product development.


So now it's your turn.

You have $100 feature-dollars. How do you spend them? Anything we can do is in scope.

Adding more RAM to your Treo - out of scope (we don't manufacture the device)

Bring back wifi debugging! - in scope!

Here's what I came up with for me (biased by the team I work on):

  • $40: cheaper and easier M2M process for ISVs
  • $30: automatic install of root certificates on first exchange sync
  • $15: Better one-handed navigation on PPC, especially in messaging
  • $15: unified power model between PPC and Smartphone

What's yours? I'll aggregate the results in two weeks.


  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
    Will - the Outlook Mail requests you have are solved with FlexMail 2007.

    As for the abilit to delete unneeded apps - you could always do that. Except if they are in ROM. And if they are in ROM, you'd never "gain" any space.

    Now what I'd like to see:
    Wifi Debugging
    Ability to write Exchange side server sync conduits like we can for ActiveSync on the desktop
  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
    You have to split it up - is that $50 for wifi debugging and $50 - server sync plugins?
  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
    $80 - Bring back WiFi Async ;)
    $20 - Button mapper that maps ALL buttons and maps then to useful functions
  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
    I agree to the Buttonmapper that maps ALL buttons.
    An ability to predefine envirioment profiles.
    An improved addressmanagement (multiple selection of contacts).
    Better ringtonemanagement with more supported file formats.
    A better file explorer thats more windows like, please.
    The budgets:

    15$ Buttonmapper
    40$ Profiles
    10$ Addressmanagement
    20$ Ringtones
    15$ Explorer
  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
    $50 - Policy Management with a managemnet UI instead of RAPIConfig.
    $36 - S/Mime support using soft certs
    $10 - JAVA Support in PIE
    $4 - Tall Sam Adams as I sit in the bar and read my e-mail.
  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
    The whole $100 - fix connection manager once and for all.
  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
    Fix correctly not more bells and whistles ending up as triangles and kazoos.

    30$ - correctly define namespace and use, and that includes non-programming switchoff as well as in programming. (SIP,Keyboard,IO Device...) This will allow whatever MS think we may need to be turned off as they are not needed without having to program.

    20$ - ask the industrial mobile device users what they want from the OS rather than the business-suited MP3 listener on the train thinks is a good idea for their next PDA. Industrial mobile device users do need an easier way of navigating - one handed occasionally - but include the gauntlets, dust, water and grime. They have barcode scanners - 1 and 2D, lightpens, RFID transponders, WLAN networks... not a 2 inch plastic stylus in the same colour as the PDA. It will benefit everyone else as well.

    10$ - Correct ActiveSync and ditch ADOCE for something that adheres to the CE mandatory rule of Unicode (such as Unicode version of sqlite) - in the industrial arena data gathering and date-time sensitive data manipulation from multiple devices needed, not database parity on one device.

    20$ - dynamic cook-to-need OS rather than the all singing all dancing 'we can do that with MS MediaPlayer in 32Mb' attitude. Cut the dross - make CE (or the successor to CE or Mobile) an ADD IN not UNLOAD IF NOT NEEDED. Need another function - add it with install. The 'cooked' images can then be 'tailored' to a device so if the device dies or is replaced, the image can be reused.

    20$ - better (and faster) baseline recovery when system recovers from cold or warm boot, as part of the operating system. I think many have had a PDA damaged and repaired only to find that a full OS reload is needed, and the certificate has been 'consumed'...

    While interesting graphics, sounds, certificates etc are needed, they would be covered in the correct namespace definition and added to the base by an install. Mobile devices by their very nature are limited in memory and power - why overload with unnecessary unused memory sapping power-hungry applications? I forgot ... someone wants to shoot an MPEG movie on their smartphone, and send it to another whose phone rings off-key (but cannot answer as their battery is dead).
  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    $40 Correct ClearType support for landscape orientation.
    $30 Possibility to operate almost without the stylus.
    $30 Return back the WiFi sync.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    $50 massivly simplify network connection control panel.
    $10 sync notes
    $10 add gps intermediate driver to smartphone
    $10 put sql everywhere and .Net cf 2.0 in rom
    $10 add RSS to PIE
    $10 add the ability to return devices phone number with a 'prompt' to user to a website from PIE.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    $50 - Make PPC more one hand friendly.
    $25 - Make on device debugging work with more off the shelf devices
    $20 - Make ActiveSync able to do a device backup.
    $5 - Add errno support and a few other missing stdio functions.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    I would spen $100 improving mobile outlook.

    1.) Better one handed use
    2.) Ability to get notification on folders other then "inbox"
    3.) Ability to do html email
    4.) Prioritize email (add flags) "Triage"
    6.) Ability to read email without having it marked as "unread"

    Do not bring back ActiveSync for Wifi, I can't find one good reason for it.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    Add the WinForms control TableLayoutPanel to .NET CF.

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
  1. Better one-handed navigation
    2) Find a way prevent accidental screen pushes when taking the phone out of ones pocket when it rings. Perhaps don't enable the touch screen when it wakes up until after answer is pressed.
    3) VoIP phone built into dialer and other phone functions.
    4) Allow remap of ANY button instead of just some as now. eg: I never use the camera and want to leave the voice button mapped to voice dialer, but make camera button activate voice memo

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    One thing I would like: Outlook Journal on the PPC with sync to Outlook.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    most are already mentioned (if not all)

    - WiFi AS to get back! (you never presented a REAL explanation why even home users should be bothered)

    - MUCH better Pocket Office applications (I mean MUCH better) but also include a nice PLAIN text editor

    - MUCH better PIM

    - MUCH less relation on specific graphic resolutions (240x240 yes we support, 480x480 too... but 320x320 not because... of the icons!!!!)

    - Something like Pocket Plus should be IN THE OS

    - A close button that CLOSES (or at least make it configurable) also in Pocket Plus

    ...the rest I can think are only things I would "pay" OEM to add, while the above could/should/must be MS things

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006

    $20:  Improve the PIM applications!! The default Calendar and Contacts should have mnay more of the features available in Outlook on the computer.  I should not need to buy Pocket Informant just to get by.  Isn't PIM use the main reason for many users wanting a PDA or PDA phone?

    $15:  Chat style text messaging in Outlook mobile

    $5:   Outlook should have the option for "auto Bcc."  It should also provide some filtering options.  

    $20:  Improve Windows Media Player (with devices this powerful it should be much more friendly for playlists, ease of use, and adjusting sound equalizer would be a nice touch.)

    $15:  Allow for more customization of the user interface.  Nothing drastic, but more options for adjusting colors, the size of the top and bottom bars, scroll bar size, and similar appearance items would be appreciated.  Many might not admit it but the way something looks is often just as important as how it functions.  

    $10:  Can Word Mobile at least offer the same view options as the desktop version?  If I type something that has columns in one part of the document, Word Mobile should not only show a "reading" layout, thus not showing the columns.  While the current behavour may be easier to see on most devices there should be an option to view the proper version before sending it to someone from the mobile.  

    $15:  Improve Internet Explorer!  This browser is good right now, but it should be much better, and I know it can be done.  Tabbed browsing should be standard.  Better options for scrolling are needed(take notes from the Treo 650 on this point).  Options for memory handling MUST be added.  How about deleting the cache on exit or on soft-resets?  It should make better use of the screen real-estate.  Why waste all of that screen with  big bars on the top and bottom when they could still be useful at half their size...or less?  It should render page a bit quicker too.  The Treos manage to get the text of a website VERY quickly with the rest coming later...IE on the PPC should be just as good...

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    actually i ll spend all $100 on hardware rather than software....
    But since this $100 is for feature development...
    I ll spend:
    $100 to increase the speed, WM5 is just slow compare with pocketpc 2002 or WM2003 if they have got the same spec, eventhough it's a lot more stable ....
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    I'm with Steve on the Alarms issue.  Beyond about a week after a hard reboot, Alarm sounds simply refuse to play.  Maybe a soft reset might make them play immediately after, I haven't noticed... but it is really, really annoying.  Sometimes the reminders dissapear without me hitting anything as well.  Maybe it was another program, but if I'm away when it goes off, it should be waiting for me when I get back.

    Also, let's have more time options for snooze on remidners, shall we?  Even better: specify the exact time it should remind again.  Sometimes I think to myself "Great, but I won't do this until I get home".  Instead of snoozing for 2 hours, 2 hours, 2 hours, why can't I say "remind me again at 6 pm"?.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    What a treat that you asked!

    Here are some things that bug me every day.

    $50 for better fast forward support for audio and video on Media Player. I record with TiVo and watch TV on the bus to work, but can't effectively skip the commercials. I have to use TCMP instead, and I'd prefer not having two media players on one device

    $15 for an easier way to chose the OK or Start buttons without a stylus. One handedness is poor, as you identified.

    $50 for better integration with Lotus Notes. That's what I spent on a synch program from Pylon that does a terrible job.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    Oh - I missed one.

    I want to be able to sync WM PDA with Symbian or other phone. Shouldn't be any need for me to sync both with a laptop or PC, but I have to if I want both to be synced, even though I don't need my laptop synced with either. Plus I am sure there are plenty of people who have smart devices but no PC or laptop to use as intermediary.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    $50 - WiFI Active Sync !!!
    $20 - Some small caching of pages in PIE so that back button does not have to refetch.
    $20 - Enhance the alarm function, and allow different snoozes.  Above all, make it work and don't EVER automatically turn it off just because you think I want it off.  Make me explicitly turn it off.  I've missed too many wakeups because of this.
    $10 - To the party-for-the-developers fund.
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
    There are a lot of little things that I'd love to see improved, but the one major thing is one-handed navigation. I switched to a PPC-6700 running Windows Mobile 5 from a Treo 600 running Palm OS about 9 months ago, and as much as I love almost all of the other differences, the fact that I cannot elegantly navigate through apps with the 5-way constantly tempts me to switch back. So I'd put my whole $100 towards that.
  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
    $50 : UI Navigation and beautification
    $30 : Provide a reasonable app shutdown model for developers!! *
    $20 : Allow sync with more than 2 computers, and allow sync with another Windows Mobile device
    $10 : Better built-in games

    Oh wait, I spent too much again.
  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
    I’m curious about all of the feedback requesting Wifi sync—what specific functionality are people most interested in here?  Is the underlying request for an over the air SSP model (either to the desktop or as a proxy to servers), remote access desktop files (media?), or something else entirely?
  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
    $100 Support third part client certificates. The sales documentation says s/mime capable but only with a MS CA. Hey this is a real world other people uses non Microsoft CA's

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
  • $20 Make something, where I can set the preferences for connection use. Like applications can use, Wifi (and if not available), UMTS (and if not available), GPRS etc.  
    - $20 Improve the screen support. Come on guys, Symbian (Nokia's series 60) is improving faster and is on a number of points much better than WM 5.0. Built in VoiP support, built in videocalling support etc. That kind of stuf is nice. But what you really need is to support 32 bit color screens, I mean 64k is not good enough anymore. The resolution is also a problem...
    - $20 What is the use of running different programs, when you can't easily switch between them?
    - $20 Get that Vista Aero graphics team over there. Let them built new icons, new graphics etc. Let them make WM pretty.
    - $10 Make a usable power indicator. It is really incredible that any device running on batteries, especially a device that is so advanced as a Windows mobile device, has such a bad power indicator. It is so easy: just make more bars.
    - $10 I love the one handed support in WM 5.0, however it needs to be further improved/implemented. For instance it doesn't work properly in the library view in WMP10 and also in the mail app, it isn't working as it is supposed to.
    - $100 Last but not least, I even want to add another 100 dollars. The office team did a wonderfull job in Office 2k7. How can complexity and usability go hand in hand? They showed us. Please let them do Windows Mobile. Especially the settings need a major overhaul. The network setting tab is bad, but I have to say that most settings are hard to find and unnecessary difficult to set.
  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2006
    I'm going to be completely different.

    $80 - provide agent to control WMP on Windows MCE.  Yes I know there are some 3rd party stuff to do something similar, but I want it seamless, and complete.  I want to use make my phone as usefull at doing common home tasks as it is for orginizing my work life.  as a smart remote control for playing music, controlling the TV, lighting... via bluetooth (or wifi if you like to burn batteries)  
    $20 - fix/improve activesync -- I want to sync at work and see all my appts&contacts, but I want to leave work at work, and not have all the work contacts/appts pollute my home system when I sync up to it.


  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2006
    Wow, thanks for all the great suggestions! I had some questions and comments:

    Marc - I'm curious what you'd like to achieve by removing files from ROM. Like akac said above, that won't reclaim any RAM or storage space for you. ROM is in its own partition.

    Antoine - Zune is so secret that I don't even have any idea what it is going to be, so I can't say whether or not it will be compatible. Most things I can't say due to them not being public, but in this case I really have no idea!

    Steve - I understand what you're saying about not losing sight of the little things when adding big features. We actually spent quite a bit of time recently fixing or adding things of that nature - painful bugs or "user love" changes rather than big new features.

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2006
    $90- Leftside scrollbars
    $10. WiFi ActiveSync

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2006
    $30 WiFi ActiveSync
    $40 drastically better performance than WM5 (my old 6315 on a 168 MHz processor is outrunning WM5 machines that run on 416 MHz processors!)
    $30 set ActiveSync schedule to manual by default, reduce the "on" time for the nightly wakeup, generally better battery performance.

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2006
    $70 - Left handed support (scrollbars on the left instead of the right)

    $30 - page scroll for IE instead of "down to the next link" when using the hardware buttons.
    or a "hold and slowly scroll down".. or something! Perhaps with a thumbnail of the whole page that pops up at the side and a square that shows the current visable area.

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2006
    I'd spend $75 putting a scroll wheel on every unit and fixing the UI to be less clunky and better suited for the scroll wheeel, one handed operation.

    $10 fixing the close button to work

    $15 to fix the SD card interfaces so that anything can be loaded on the SD card and things work, even if the unit sleeps.

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2006
    $100 change your distribution model. Phone carriers want to sell phones and not updates. it took months for carriers to update with Messaging & Security Feature Pack and even then it is questionable if older phones will be updated.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006
    $100 fix the DSOD issues

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006
    I would love these

    1. Bluetooth based voice navigation.. Enhancing Voice Command OR make it a part of WM
    2. WiFi Activesync
    3. Option to auto install certs
    5. Vista like feature that allows you to use external memory as RAM..

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006
    Add BackgroundWorker control to Compact Framework.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006
    $40 : Make UI more consistent with Desktop OS
    - Task bar and Start menu at the bottom.
    - Close button that closes app
    - Minimize button to get apps out of the way.

    $20 : ActiveSync improvements for home users
    - Multiple devices on a single Fast-User-Switching machine

    $15 : Allow mapping of any button to any feature or App.

    $15 : Improve BT. If our stack was better, OEMs wouldn't need to replace it. And if there is only one, then support for BT becomes a lot better.

    $10 : Improve one handed usage

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006
    $90 - repeat notification
    $10 - better ringtones (not midi)

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006
    How about a disconnect button for the cellular Internet connection (I get charged by the minute by my provider (Telstra) as well as by the kb).

    If you really want to squeeze value out of the $100 how about a pop-up that tells you when a device requests Internet access and lets you allow/deny it?

    And for the last $5 buy lots of copies of Hudson Mobile's Phone Dashboard and integrate it into the Today screen.

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2006
    I work for a consulting firm that acts as an outsourced IT department for small and medium businesses in the Twin Cities... We configure a lot of devices for end users in every imaginable vertical market...

    $25 Ability to synchronize multiple inboxes/contacts/calendars.

    $5 Better logging/troubleshooting features for synchronization failures.

    $10 Greater synchronization flexibility (filter which items/containers get sync'ed against various systems, etc).

    $20 Improved single hand/no stylus operations (especially of phone features--it's hard enough to talk and drive at the same time ;) ).

    $2 Close button quits really quits applications.

    $5 Scroll/jog wheel API/tutorials to inspire hardware designers ( crush the iPod)

    $10 Network (WiFi) Sync/file transfer.

    $10 Easy migration of sync'ed data (email/contacts/appointments) to removable/expandable storage.

    $5 Improved Network Connections control panel.

    $8 VOIP/SIP client for fixed to mobile convergence.

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2006
    Make the conversion from SQL Server CE to SQL Server Everywhere easier.  It is too complicated!

    Did anyone ever say Thank you?

    Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2006
    I'll spend all $100 on getting WiFi sync/debug back!


  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2006

    $25 Ability to synchronize multiple contacts/calendars including those from Exchange Public Folders.

    It's all about the sync baby.

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2006
    PS ... If I can grab 5 bucks back from somewhere... WiFi sync would be cool to see returned, but not critical as I use a hosted Exchange Server for mail and contacts

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2006
    $70 - SafemodeDiagnostic mode or similar. Too many times a 3rd party software install left me doing a hard reset.

    $30 - System event logging. Similar to XP's Event Viewer for troubleshooting application errors etc.

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2006
    I would invest it all in improving Pocket Outlook. there are so many things that (Desktop) Outlook can do and Pocket Outlook can't. this results in me having to do most of my appointment-creating etc. on my desktop.

    now there are a few apps (e.g. Papyrus and PowerTasks) that improve this, but firstly they don't go ALL the way, and secondly i really think these features should be included, without having to buy anything...

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2006
    $50 make using templates easy. in prior version you had access to a new menu and could access templates easy. now you must constantly change options nack and forth just to use a template.

    $25 wifi sync

    $25 close button that really works

  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2006
    $50 - Escape key on soft keyboard (so i can use VI through an SSH client without having to use CTRL-[)

    $10 - Better Key Binding - Allow Binding of hardware keys to sequences of soft-keyboard inputs - NOT just scripting where the stylus is tapping and playing it back but actually issuing the key sequence to the device as if i had used the REAL keyboard to enter the sequence.

    $10 - Task switching, some way to change the current task from the menu bar (perhaps next to the OK button position)

    $10 - Make PPC more one hand friendly

    $5 - Include Notepad in ADDITION to pocket Word.  Sometimes i don't want a full fledged word processor i just want a simple text editor.

    $5 - Shutdown/Startup toggle application to stop the SD/MiniSD card driver so that i can be sure i don't corrupt data on the card when i Eject it. (perhaps this would save RAM for people who don't yet have a memory card.)

    $5 - Better Bluetooth Device Management - allow me to tell the device to not connect to some devices without removing the partnership.

    $5 - Have an option to make Applications ACTUALLY close rather than just minimize when clicking OK, or the X.  (Perhaps use a gesture to close or tap and hold to close - but allow the user to configure HOW the button works.)

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    $90 Fix the phone interface to make it one-handed, it makes no sense to have to pull out the stylus to make a phone call.  Add the ability to swap in a custom phone interface.  Update the Call History screen to be easily filtered by Incoming, Outgoing, Missed, etc., the current menu implementation requires two hands and too many clicks.

    $10 Fix Pocket Media Player to save settings.  Allow the user to configure where the default library is, or better yet, add all mp3's to a single library rather than having two.  I keep my mp3's on a storage card, and I currently have to select "Storage Card" each time I open Media Player.

  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2006
    I would pay $10 if you MS guys can make activesync run much much faster in WM5 equipped PPCs.

    I am now suffering from the unbearable slowness while synchronising more than 1000 new appointments from PC's outlook2003 to my PPC(HP2790).

    This never happened when I use HP6515 with WM2003 on it.

  • Anonymous
    August 26, 2006
    I would pay the whole 100$ for a fixed SIP-interface.
    Because the SIP is a global resource and may be controled from any process (especialy background windows) it is very hard to predict its state.
    Even the MS today-application has sometimes trouble to hide the SIP in the case that you switch an application with an active SIP (i.e. explorer) to it.

  • Anonymous
    August 28, 2006
    $100.00 to Support WPA2 wireless security in my wifi connections.

  • Anonymous
    August 29, 2006
    A few weeks ago I asked how you'd spend 100 feature dollars on Windows Mobile.    When we do...

  • Anonymous
    August 29, 2006
    I also want to use it as a laptop. I do 24/7  support and can't always carry my laptop while the wife drags me shopping!. So, here goes!

    50$ for Terminal server / Remote Desktop client to access our severs with VPN over GPRS.

    25$ Easy use of network settings when trying to connect to a WIFI network (used to have a 5450 and was confusing.

    25$ Leave in my pocket for next week when I get my hw6915 so I can come back and buy some more dev time :-)

  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2006
    One of the activities our Product Planning team often use in brainstorming is to consider what features...

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2006
    $50 on supporting AES cipher suites in SCHANNEL (for RFC3268 support), making the cipher suite a plug-in would be a plus (like in VISTA).

    $20 on adding hook APIs to POOM for on the fly decryption/encryption of PIM data (at power-on etc).

    $10 on improving "one-handed" control of the device

    $10 on code signing process simplification for ISV (Mobile2Market etc)

    $5 on rewriting the connection manager and have the guy who designed it to make a public Act of Contrition.

    $5 on reenabling a secure ActiveSync/RAPI over IP (wifi,gprs) ,
    and $100 from my own pocket to fire the guy who took the decision to remove it from WM5

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2006
    I've just read Scott's $100 mobile question this seems like an interesting exercise.  It's very...

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2006
    $60 - Release a minimum install of Windows Mobile with drivers for phone ONLY.  No software!

    $40 - Document and expose a consistant API for the entire phone using CF 2.0

    ...HIDE C++.  Visual C++ is ok.  C# is prefered.  VB.NET/J# is a waste of time.

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2006
    What an exciting week it has been for our team!
    As part of the "Service Desk" Technology Adoption Program, our...

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2006
    $50 - Backup to desktop that can restore after a hard reset. $50 - Something to find what was using about 30 Meg of device storage that made me have to hard reset it. NO, THE STINKING "FIND BIG FILES" THING WAS USELESS!!!!

  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2006
    $10 Mobile Office on Smartphone - no file conversions to ensure no data loss going back and forth.  Input allowed on smartphone. $20 Low cost development tools for enthusiasts.   $10 Mobile Outlook - Match feature for feature on Smartphone.  Call History sync to Contact History automatically.   $10 Journal on Smartphone sync. $10 ActiveSync - Wifi, bluetooth, network, wired - Fix to be simpler and invisible.  Fix Activesync to use fewer resources, less instrusive for the desktop user, automatic rollback backups. $10 Option for Smartphone to act as flashdrive when plugged in. $10 Access shared directories on local network $10 Support ALL Bluetooth connectivity profiles. $10 Pocket Streets - Push Pin Grouping by Category.  GPS trails and waypoints.  Automated Sync.

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2007
    $ 100 left side scroll bar as an option

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    We are in the phone app team. The Phone app is the app that is used to make and manage voice calls. We

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    We are in the phone app team. The Phone app is the app that is used to make and manage voice calls. We

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    $60: Allow to disable PIN dialog programatically (or via Registry) $40: Make the RAS API working properly on WM2005 devices

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    Add a call to the API that returns an array with the name of executables that were active since the end of the last recharge (end-of-external-power-detected) and the amount of miliseconds of processortime used by each application.  By adding the number of milliseconds the user can than be shown which application has drained how much of the battery. It is important that delopers are made aware (by there users) that their application causes battery deplation in recordtime.  This is often blamed on hardware failure while non-optimized code is at the basis of this type of problem.

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    It would be nice to be able to operate the phone/PPC from the desktop computer when it is in the cradle/connected. It is MORE important than to be able to control the desktop computer remotely by phone.  50% of the time my phone is near a perfectly suitable keyboard and display while I can not use those on my phone.  If it were not for this limitation I wouldn't need a laptop anymore!!!

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    100$ - Programatical access to the front speaker for VOIP applications and some special digital signature so only legit apps can access it.

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2007
    Attention Windows Mobile developers. Microsoft is looking for input. Posted to the Windows Mobile blog:

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2007
    Stephan Verbeeck, there's no single API that lets you say "how long has each app run?" but there are a few APIs that you can use in conjunction to get that information.  The general method is this: Use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot in conjunction with Process32First and Process32Next to get a list of processes running on the system. Use Thread32First and Thread32Next to get list of the threads running on the system.  The thread info returned from these gives a ProcessID, so you can attribute each thread to its process. Use GetThreadTimes to find out how long each thread has run. You can then add up each of the thread times to get the process time. If you do this once, store the times somewhere, wait a bit, and do it again, you can compare the times and see how long each thread has run in the intervening time. A couple of gotchas:

  1. GetThreadTimes is a privledged API.  So any app that uses it will need to be signed if you want to run it on WM Standard (Smartphone).  
  2. If an app frequently spins up a thread, does work with it, closes the thread, and then spins up another, the app could hide some of its processor time from this method. Mike
  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    $100 adding more controls to the Smart Phone API. Currently, I can not port my Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC application to the Smart Phone because the Smart Phone API doesn't support tab pages or button controls. I realize Smart Phones do not have a touch screen to select between the different tabs, but a Smart Phone user could scroll to a Tab Page and then tap the Enter Button to select between the different tabs. Thanks, John

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    Mobile phone got internet thorugh service provider. Can Mobile phone get Wi-Fi ability thorugh application??? (scan and register). Can Mobile phone get LAN ability thorugh application??? (through firewire since it can sync.). Can VOIP implemented into Mobile Phone.

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2007

  • improved battery life when wirelessly sync'ing all day
  • option to suggest email addresses in Outlook compose window based on previous recipients and/or senders, even if they aren't in Contacts (much like Outlook desktop does)  SMS Messaging on Treo750 also does this, but not for email
  • option to sync GAL with name, number, email, office location for my org's employee list
  • option to sync public contacts folder
  • option to control LED notification for SMS and voicemail
  • option to disable reminders notification on Today screen
  • sync Notes wirelessly
  • automatically pull down more of a message while reading the first x kbytes and scrolling down (like goodlink does)
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007
    20$ - Api to control the following from managed signed code: Hang up call, put call on hold, switch call. 40$ Break the phone application out into a MVC type design and allow for a third party "View". essentially, id like to rewrite a different type of phone app and i'd like it if i could write a phone app to replace the existing one. 20$ redo the phone screen so that the buttons for dialing a number are 150% larger. 20$ Please make it look good. add some slight slick animations: e.g. when the caller hangs up slide thier number off screen and slide the default phone controls back on. A little eye candy never hurt anyone.

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2007
    It is absurdly hard to sync my pocketpc to my laptop using vista and activesync. After trying for several days, I have given up. I shouldn't have to be an IT professional to perform this task. I have a graduate degree in business and 20 years of experience using computers, for goodness sake. I can't imagine why you can't provide simple instructions that let me accomplish this goal.

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2007

  • option to sync public contacts folder in WM6
  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2007
    I want to investigate all my money for the x button that this have two events (minimize_with_x_click) and (minimize). So that i knew what the user want's close or chage to another applikation. And with the rest of my money i buy a toolbar what is configurable about the size of the images. So that i can put bigger icons to my toolbar. bye

  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2008
    $100 for storing all the data (mail, attachments, calendar, contacts and so on) on storage card.

  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2008
    fix the problem that exists with the Palm treo 700wx/verizon that I have and others so that the necessary API's are available to operate Google Maps 'My Location" feature. This is a fantastic program and best of all, it's free! Maps work great, the problem is with the location finder. I don't know where to go with this problem or if there is going to be a relatively easy fix but I feel sure that the demand is great!

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2008
    I would gladly put the full $100 worth of features into one simple aspect of Windows Mobile anything: Emergency Backup. From my perspective, back up everything all the time if there is any possibility of loss. I don't care if the user says, "I know you are going to permanently delete everything on my phone, just do it" -- still back it up. I just lost my bosses entire calendar and 5000 contacts (minutes before he was to be on a plane to Europe) and there is nothing I can do about it. Since Active Stync wasn't working because of certificate problems that I inherited, any items created on his phone are lost for good. He is going to be in Europe for a month with absolutely no contacts thanks to ActiveStync. $100 would go a long way (compared to the other requests listed here) towards getting the developers to store multiple backup versions of your phone every time you sync. Every time you have the possibility that any data could be lost, there needs to be a backup, opt-out, "oh, shooot! I didn't mean to do that" function. And it needs to be built-in to the phone's ROM, not some third party app. As far as I am concerned, it's iphone or death! Of the 20+ iphones I have configured for my networks, 0 of them have ever lost a contact, calendar item. Can I just give the $100 to Apple in the hopes of squashing Windows Mobile completely? jase p.s. thanks for the great thread (oldie but a goodie)