How do I launch a browser after my install completes?
How do I launch a browser after my install completes?
Please have a look at the MSDN topic: Using a Custom Action to Launch an Installed File at the End of the Installation
Key Custom Action Snippit from Tutorial.cpp from Windows Installer Section of Platform SDK
// LaunchTutorial
// Launches a installed file at the end of setup
UINT __stdcall LaunchTutorial(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
// szTutorialFileKey is the primary key of the file in the
// File table that identifies the file we wish to launch
const TCHAR szTutorialFileKey[] = TEXT("[#Tutorial]");
PMSIHANDLE hRecTutorial = MsiCreateRecord(1);
if ( !hRecTutorial
|| ERROR_SUCCESS != MsiRecordSetString(hRecTutorial, 0, szTutorialFileKey))
// determine buffer size
DWORD cchPath = 0;
if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == MsiFormatRecord(hInstall, hRecTutorial, TEXT(""), &cchPath))
// add 1 to cchPath since return count from MsiFormatRecord does not include terminating null
TCHAR* szPath = new TCHAR[++cchPath];
if (szPath)
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == MsiFormatRecord(hInstall, hRecTutorial, szPath, &cchPath))
// ensure quoted path to ShellExecute
DWORD cchQuotedPath = lstrlen(szPath) + 1 + 2; // szPath + null terminator + enclosing quotes
TCHAR* szQuotedPath = new TCHAR[cchQuotedPath];
if (szQuotedPath
&& SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopy(szQuotedPath, cchQuotedPath, TEXT("\"")))
&& SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(szQuotedPath, cchQuotedPath, szPath))
&& SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(szQuotedPath, cchQuotedPath, TEXT("\""))))
// set up ShellExecute structure
// file is the full path to the installed file
ZeroMemory(&sei, sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO));
sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; // don't show error UI, we'll just silently fail
sei.hwnd = 0;
sei.lpVerb = NULL; // use default verb, typically open
sei.lpFile = szQuotedPath;
sei.lpParameters = NULL;
sei.lpDirectory = NULL;
sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei);
// spawn the browser to display HTML tutorial
fSuccess = ShellExecuteEx(&sei);
delete [] szQuotedPath;
delete [] szPath;