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ALM Rangers @ TR19 … day 2 impressions

To allow us to match ALM Ranger faces and names from the, and share some of the fun moments,  we will share photographs taken while collaborating outside the sessions. The most mind-provoking, fun and 933|< session was prepared by our Ranger  Rob Jarratt today. These pictures speak a thousand NAND gates, signals, bits and bytes Smile

The core focus by the ALM Rangers was on getting together, collaborating and putting faces to names at the ATE event in the evening. Can you recognise any of the Rangers?

DSCN7515DSCN7523 Our ALM Readiness Treasure Map captain, Robert Bernstein, Pierre Donyegro and Pramod Vasanth.
DSCN7520DSCN7522 Robert Bernstein, Darren Rich, our testing SME (he who breaks our stuff), Pierre Donyegro, Steve St Jean and John Spinella.
DSCN7524DSCN7539 John Spinella, Robert Bernstein, Willy-Peter Schaub, Pierre Donyegro, Keith Bankston, our Code-As-Config project product owner, and Willy-Peter Schaub (again).
DSCN7525DSCN7526 Robert Bernstein, Bijan Javidi and Darren Rich, with João Paulo Rodrigues in the background.
DSCN7528DSCN7534 Marcus Fernandez, Hosam Kamel, Jon Guerin  and Pierre Donyegro.
DSCN7535DSCN7536 Hosam Kamel, Jon Guerin, Pierre Donyegro, Willy-Peter Schaub, João Paulo Rodrigues and Cesar Solis Brito .
DSCN7537DSCN7538 Baruch Frei, Hosam Kamel, Dave Crook and Jon Guerin … with Mehmet Aras on the far right. the vsarSecurity team in a huddle to discuss the next steps Smile

It was a very special evening and great to see and talk to all our colleagues face:face!

Tomorrow we meet again to talk about ALM Readiness Treasure Map, TFS Planning, Disaster Avoidance and Recovery Guide and other projects.

DSCN7540 … love the t-shirt I received from our captain Smile

C U @ those sessions!