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SharePoint End User Training

I received an email from Bob Sutton, Senior Product Manager for SharePoint, informing us that the final and complete edition of the end-user Office SharePoint Server 2007 Training is now available in the Download Center.

The training comes with rich set of videos, tutorials and articles that help end users learn the basics of SharePoint’s workloads. The kit can be installed directly to individual machines (stand alone edition), or directly onto a SharePoint environment (portal edition). IT Departments, or even groups such as HR, Corporate Learning, and others will be able to use and customize the kit to train users on SharePoint usage. Here are the details and pointers to customer-ready materials. You will also find pointers to the recently released the Accessibility Kit for SharePoint (AKS) 1.0. Together, the Training and AKS are important steps towards driving SharePoint broad adoption.

The training is available in two editions:

  • Portal Edition: built on the Microsoft SharePoint Learning Kit (‘SLK’), the Portal Edition must be deployed onto a SharePoint Server site by a server administrator. It includes a reporting function that allows an administrator/trainer to track learners’ completed training topics. The content is compliant to the e-learning standard SCORM 2004.
  • Standalone Edition: can be installed by an individual and easily accessed from a desktop icon. It does not allow customisation or reporting, but gives customers the ability to view the training before they deploy the Portal Edition on a SharePoint Server site.

Training topics included in the Office SharePoint Server 2007 Training:

  • Collaboration: team sites, permissions, Web parts, libraries, lists, blogs, wikis, and workspaces.
  • Enterprise Content Management: document and records management, protecting files, using workflows, compliance, and more.
  • Search: finding files, Web sites, information and people.
  • Portals and personalization: My Sites, targeting content, and managing My Site access
  • Business processes and forms: streamline business processes, gather information with forms, and configure workflows.
  • Business intelligence: share Excel workbooks, work with a Report Center site, use dashboards, integrate internal data, and more.

Some screen shots of the training:

Interactive training

Interactive training: Step-by-step topics teach the user how to use the rich features of Office SharePoint Server.


Reporting: Individual reports for each user help IT pro know which topics have been taken.

Extending the training: The training can be extended to add advanced features (reporting, quizzes, new modules, UI, etc). A number of partners provide such services. In particular, Solutions IQ, our vendor who developed this training kit, have experience in e-learning and SharePoint Learning Kit, among other areas. They are available to help customers customize and extend their implementations of this SharePoint training.
