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Field Trip into the new Portuguese version of TechNet Wiki

Welcome to another Friday post with our International Update!

We've talked a little about our three new versions of of TechNet Wiki for three languages...

TechNet Wiki - Russian

TechNet Wiki - Simplified Chinese

TechNet Wiki - Portuguese (Brazil)

Of those three versions, the Portuguese version is the furthest along. Let's explore how they are further along and why. We'll also discuss your questions about what languages are also going to get their own versions of TechNet Wiki.

How is the Portuguese version of TechNet Wiki further along than the other versions?

They've got some great content "features" going!

On the main page, you have just about everything translated into Portuguese:

The contributor list on the lower right includes all the Wiki versions (so the authors of the English versions are at the top), but the activity list on the lower left is exclusive to just the content in the Brazilian version of TN Wiki! So you can who the most frequent contributors are and what's been contributed lately!

But the great thing about this version is that it's not just one page with Portuguese content. How many pages deep is it? (In context, we started out with links to English articles, so the community has had to build out the content to replace those articles.)

For starters, when you click the portal links at the top (the blue rectangles) you get a page that's completely made up of links to Portuguese articles:

So that example is 3+ pages deep.

Now let's look at one of those "Support and Info" articles on the right of the home page. Here's the Getting Started article:

Okay, so all the links on this page go back to English articles, which means this path is 2 pages deep.

And on the How to Contribute article (also linked on the home page), here:

...We have three links. Two are to Portuguese articles in the main/English Wiki, and one is to an English article. So this example is about 2 1/2 pages deep (in Portuguese).

On the Portuguese "TechNet Articles" page, we're greeted with Portuguese-only activity...

So in that case, it's 3+ pages deep.

The Top lists on the right of that page aren't exclusive to the Portuguese version (mostly English contributors). However, some Portuguese authors/editors are in the Top Contributors list! So that's great to see them there!

The other new language versions don't run as deep yet (see links above)... maybe only 1 or 2 pages deep, but they are works in progress.

Why is the Portuguese version so far along?

It first started when Yuri began evangelizing TN Wiki to the Portuguese community. He began talking about it and got a lot of brainstorms and buy-in from key community members (from emails, tweets, Facebook, and mostly from Brazil conferences and events). He was able to get the right people in place to help him lead efforts around having Portuguese speakers create content and community around TNWiki.

Now there is a large team of Portuguese leadership. Comment about who you think the leaders are, and I'll list them here.

What languages are next to get their own version of TechNet Wiki?

I'd like to turn that question back around to you. Please discuss in the comments.

To make it feasible to add another language, what do we need? Well, looking back at the Portuguese version, we need to build a community who works together as a team. That includes a few Microsoft team members who are passionate about it (collaborative content for your specific language) and it takes a lot of leaders who are customer leaders in the community (such as MVPs, MCCs, and other leaders). So that means we'll need to assemble that leadership around the TN Wiki content.

One way to go about it is to do what the Portuguese community did... Yuri began presenting it at Brazilian conferences and events, and he was able to get the right people together with the right timing. Then those people worked together to lead collaboratively. There are already efforts starting around conferences and events (and user groups) around the world.

So how can we do what Brazil did for other languages? Leave a comment below!


Thanks for reading, for commenting, and thank you to the Portuguese community for working so hard!

- Ninja Ed
