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Pozvánka na exkluzivní seminář s Paulou Januszkiewicz

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na exkluzivní seminář System Forensics and Incident Handling, který pořádá Počítačová škola Gopas. Proběhne 25. 10. 2016 pod vedením mezinárodně uznávané bezpečnostní expertky Pauly Januszkiewicz (Microsoft Ignite No. 1 speaker).  Paula o semináři říká:

„This is a deep dive seminar on security operations: vulnerability management, anomalies detection, discovery of industry attacks and threats, understanding how compromised system or solution looks like, defining the indicators of the attack, incident handling also daily servicing on SIEM platform. We will also walk through the advanced access rights, password mechanisms, windows internals, PowerShell usage for security purposes, gaining unauthorized access, advanced DNS configuration and common configuration mistakes, forensics techniques, Active Directory security, IIS Security, debugging, advanced monitoring and troubleshooting and much more!“

Více informací o semináři na SECURITY DAY.
