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VB Power Pack on GotDotNet (by yag)

Robert Green announced that the new VB Power Pack has been added to Gotdotnet. Check out these controls.

The Power Pack controls are:

  • BlendPanel. Provides a gradiant fill background you can use on forms. Set the start color, the end color and the direction for the gradiant.
  • Notification Window. Provides a way to display messages using “toast“ like Windows Messenger uses.
  • UtilityToolbar. Provides a graphical toolbar that looks and behaves very much like the one in Internet Explorer.
  • ImageButton. Provides a button that displays images on a transparent background. So your button displays just the image and not the whole rectangle with the image.
  • TaskFrame. A container for TaskPanes. This control looks and behaves like the TaskPane in Word 2003 or Excel 2003. The TaskPanes are collapsable windows that can contain any control.
  • FolderViewer. Displays a hierarchy of folders on a computer.
  • FileViewer. Displays the files in a specfied folder.

The Power Pack controls live in the VB Power Pack workspace on GotDotNet. The controls come with the complete source code, as well as an article and short sample.

He and I got to demo these in Orlando a month or so ago. Pretty cool stuff.

Update: There's now an article up on MSDN with pictures...