Garmin Nuvifone
That's one of the reasons why I am convinced the industry needs companies like Apple. Why else would someone like Garmin come up with a cool device like this, competing directly with the iPhone. I remember buying my first GPS receiver from Garmin about 7 years ago. Not very innovative, not very compelling, just functional.
Apple (and a few others) constantly innovating not only on features and functionality but also on design keeps everyone else busy innovating. Keep it up.
January 31, 2008
Rather than innovating, the consumer craze after the Apple brand presurizes companies to keep "innovating". Only, their design values are state of the art.Anonymous
February 10, 2008
AMEN Brother! Love the iPhone, but the Nuvifone is more what I'd like. I'm such a GPS Geek and Navigational Nerd! Ron