Favorite Posts of Week 34
My collection of favorite blog posts from last week in no particular order.
Intel backs Microsoft’s concurrent-computing play on Mary-Jo Foley's blog I found the first reference (I'm always a bit late) to Intel's plans on integrating plenty of their parallel computing tools into Visual Studio. And there's a beta program, too.
- Screencasts are an important arrow in our evangelism quiver. Smashing Magazine tells us "How To Start, Tools and Guidelines" on Windows and on the Mac.
- "For the Overweight, a New Definition of Health" has been posted on NYTimes' Well blog. "Obesity is widely viewed as the nation’s biggest health problem. But research last week showing that one-third of obese people are “metabolically” healthy suggests that health can’t be judged by fat alone." Hmm, is this good or bad? See for yourself.
- Again, Mary-Jo Foley, This time on "Microsoft rolls out a new high-end, proactive support plan". Check out her opinion and read about it on the Premier Services homepage.
Initially I had quite a few more favorites but while writing this post, I had second thoughts. So, that's it for last week. Off to a new week of favorite posts.