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KB: Launching an App-V application fails with "Unable to initialize package information (0x00000000)" error

imageHere’s a new Knowledge Base article we published this morning. This one talks about a couple work arounds for an App-V issue where launching an App-V application fails with "Unable to initialize package information (0x00000000)":



When launching an application virtualized with Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V), the application fails to start and generates the following error message:

Unable to initialize package information (0x00000000)


This can occur when App-V is set to work in Full Infrastructure Mode ( and the Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) client agent is installed on the same machine where the App-V client is already installed. When the Configuration Manager client agent is installed, it assumes that it should handle the virtualized applications. During the Configuration Manager client agent installation, the App-V client cache is flushed and App-V registry keys are modified, causing the error described above.


There are 3 potential work arounds for this issue:

1. The ConfigMgr client agent takes managing virtualized applications when “Allow virtual application package advertisement" in the Advertised Programs Client Agent properties in the ConfigMgr console is checked. If this box is unchecked, it is then possible to run both ConfigMgr and App-V client agents at the same time. To modify this setting, open the ConfigMgr Console, expand Site Database, Site Management, <Site Name>, Site Settings, Client Agents; then open the properties for Advertised Programs Client Agent. The next time the client agents refresh (or if you kick off a Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle), the App-V client will become the default handler again.

2. The second option is to manually modify the registry keys on the client back to the original values. Thus, we can make the following modifications:


Change to the following:

LaunchCommand "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\sfttray.exe" /launch "<APP>"
DDELaunchCommand"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\sftdde.exe" "<APP>" <DDE>"

However, keep in mind that if “Allow virtual application package advertisement" in the Advertised Programs Client Agent properties in the ConfigMgr console remains checked, it is possible that it will reset the registries to their previous values and the issue will reoccur.

3. The third option is to use ConfigMgr to manage the virtual applications instead of using the App-V management server. More info on this can be found here:

More Information

Below are the App-V registry keys that are changed during the SCCM client agent installation:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\UserInterfaceLaunchCommand "C:\Windows\system32\CCM\VappLauncher.exe" /launch "<APP>" DDELaunchCommand "C:\Windows\system32\CCM\VappLauncher.exe" /launch "<APP>"
Instead of the original values shown below:
LaunchCommand "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\sfttray.exe" /launch "<APP>" DDELaunchCommand "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\sftdde.exe" "<APP>" <DDE>"


For the most current version of this article please see the following:

2694295 : Launching an App-V application fails with "Unable to initialize package information (0x00000000)" error

J.C. Hornbeck | System Center & Security Knowledge Engineer

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