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If I Were A Var (IIWAV)....

I know it's rather bold for me to presume that I completely know what it's like to be a VAR, especially in the SMB business in the current NYMetro market, so I write this post a little tongue in cheek.  The intention behind the title is simply to let the VARs know what I, as their all-knowing-all-seeing-NYMetro-Microsoft Partner Territory Manager (again, tongue-in-cheek), think is a great promotion or important development or valuable update in the NYMetro Microsoft SMB business.

 Today, I would encourage all VARs out there to keep in mind that there are only 4 days left to close a deal that qualifies for Big Easy dollars.  (see  Don't miss out on the opportunity to get your customer more $$ to spend with you.  I know what you're thinking - "You're going to bring it back in Q4/extend it another month" but several little birds have confirmed that this is indeed the last week of the Great Microsoft Stimulus Package (as I like to call it).  At least until FY11.

Good Selling!