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Changing the Due Date for Outlook Tasks 'en masse'

If you're a heavy user of Tasks in Outlook you'll no doubt find the occasional time when  you don't complete a task by the planned due date. OK, I'll be honest. This happens to me all the time. But seeing a bunch of tasks which are 3 months overdue can be really demoralising so it's worth doing one of two things: either (1) delete those old tasks because they aren't ever going to happen or (2) update their Due Date to something more realistic and, er, futuristic. But how do you change the due date for multiple tasks in double-quick time?

Simple! Create a new task view where the tasks are grouped by Due Date. Now simply drag the group header for your overdue tasks and drop it on a group that represents tasks with a due date in the future. As if by magic, your due dates are instantly updated and you no longer feel depressed that you're so far behind schedule... Of course, you still have to do the tasks but until we perfect time travel it's generally much easier to do tasks now or in the future than in the past ;-)

Step by step instructions:

  1. Start with a table view of your Tasks folder, then right-click the column headings and choose Customize Current View.
  2. Click Group By, and choose Due Date as the grouping field. Click OK until you return to the view.
  3. Choose View, Expand/Collapse Groups, Collapse All Groups to make the groups easier to see.
  4. Finally, select all the groups that represent dates that have already past, then drag them a group with a future date. Before you release the mouse button, you should see the pop-up tip Change Due Date to <tomorrow>, indicating that dropping the items on the group will change the Due Date to the next day.