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Employee engagement 2015 – what employees should expect from their companies this year (Guest Blog)

Because of a constant need to understand the emotional factors that persuade people’s decisions, companies have started paying more attention to the connection between business performance, engaged employees and customer satisfaction. According to official sources, employees will rule the work environment this 2015.  Things are simple – if your brand’s priority is customer satisfaction, you must keep employees engaged. Basically, when bosses appreciate the work that their workers do on a daily basis, these workers have a reason to do everything in their power to excel. Here’s how the business environment works these days:


Someone once said that what goes around comes around; and they couldn’t be more right. A company that cares about its employees should want to make them happy; happy people are motivated to work harder and strive to achieve higher goals. This boosts your company’s productivity. Customers are happy and more money comes in - so far so good. But you must always find new ways to engage workers, otherwise they’ll lose interest.

Employees should expect to be rewarded

Today’s modern enterprises know that the key to an employee’s heart is attention. Workers want to feel appreciated and they want their bosses to notice their hard work. There are a few intrinsic rewards that employees should receive from their companies to increase their level of commitment. In general, many of today’s employees are required to self-manage up to a certain point. They’re compelled to use their experience and intelligence to drive their work activities and thus accomplish necessary organizational purposes.

What kind of rewards should employees expect from their bosses? For starters, we must stress out that financial incentives are important. Workers don’t necessarily thrive for colossal raises after 6 months, but they would love to receive bonuses based on performance. In fact, they need to get these bonuses to feel a sense of satisfaction and be convinced that their work is being appreciated.


Wellbeing at work

This 2015, a couple of newly-implemented trends will rule over the way CEOs and company owners lead their companies. A greater emphasis will be out on total wellbeing. The health status of an employee influences attendance, work behavior and productivity/performance. Basically, workers that are healthier function better. It’s rather simple to measure and understand wellness. Many companies are aware that a properly-design work space promotes comfort.

Aside from providing healthy, comfortable work spaces, employees have started focusing more on movement and ergonomics. Enterprises are currently examining new ways to endorse movement at work – they designed multifunctional rooms for collaboration and brainstorming, and they set up games to allow workers to relax and unwind for a couple of minutes. The concept of working in an open-space office is not new; initially created by top-tier companies like Google, Facebook and Foursquare, many employees are thrilled at the thought of working in teams. They socialize more, they interact with peers and they feel appreciated.


High-tech office spaces

As trivial as this may seem, companies are willing to equip offices with next-gen technology in the hopes of boosting productivity. The initiative has proven to be quite effective. When employees are sitting behind their desks, they don’t just want to feel comfortable; they want their computers to work fast for them to do their jobs properly. Fast Wi-Fi matters the most, as well as further systems such as cloud computing and online collaboration tools. Because the modern work environment is open-space, employees must find other means of communication to stay in touch. They can’t talk loud because the whole office dynamics will be interrupted.

This year, we’re looking at how far companies are willing to go to obtain employee engagement. Let’s face it – some enterprises are willing to do everything in their power to retain workers and boost productivity. More money is not the way to stimulate your team; appreciation on the other hand, can have a lot more benefits. Employees want to feel valued by their bosses; they want to be appreciated and they want their hard work to be recognized. Cool technology eases their jobs and stimulates creativity, although what matters the most is trust. As long as there’s trust between a company and its employees, both of these parties have a lot to win.


Author Bio: Davis Miller is the writer to this article. He is a regular contributor at many sites and mainly focuses on business related topics. He also recommends a site which provides Employee Engagement and Staff Survey Experts across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.