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Further details on the Leeds Partner User Group

I've just caught up with Lee Evans of ResultIT Ltd, who is setting up an new Microsoft Partner User Group for the Yorkshire region (Leeds). He's now in a position to confirm all the details and wants to offer one last opportunity for partners to get involved in the first meeting which will have a WESS launch focused agenda. Places are limited, so if you want to get involved contact him now to reserve your space.

Here's a message from Lee...

Hi all,

I’m delighted to confirm the arrangements for our Windows Essential Server System launch event & inaugural Yorkshire SBSC / Microsoft Partner user group.

Please note, our venue has a maximum capacity of 30 and I have already had a lot of interest – if you wish to attend, please confirm your attendance as soon as possible by confirming your details and those of any colleagues who wish to attend to reserve your seat(s).

  • When – the meeting is on Wednesday the 26th of November from 17:30 until around 21:00, retiring for a beer if you so wish! Tea & coffee will be available on arrival.
  • Where - The Light, in Leeds town centre. There is ample parking on site, and it is within walking distance of the train station. Directions etc are available at
  • What – The agenda for our first meeting, which may well be the final session of Microsoft’s WESS launch user group tour, looks like this:
      • WESS Product Launch overview
      • WESS Marketing Fundamentals – external speaker
      • Refreshment break – We will have a selection of pizzas and salads from Brio Pizza
      • The Small Business Specialist Programme – Emily Lambert, Microsoft Community Development Manger
      • Q & A

This will be a great opportunity to network with other partners and IT professionals and further your knowledge on the excellent new WESS products, and I’m hoping we can form a regular SBS partner user group in the area.

Please let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I look forwards to seeing you there .

Kind Regards,


Contact Lee now if you want to attend. Lee can be contacted at or on tel: 0844 87 00 456.
