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Microsoft Dynamics Partner Instant Update Screensaver

God Put A Smile Upon My Face...

I came across this new resource for Microsoft Dynamics partners on the PartnerSource web site here.

"The Microsoft Dynamics Partner Instant Update Screensaver gives you the opportunity to get updates on an ongoing basis from the global Microsoft Dynamics Product Management teams. It offers you the opportunity to get global updates directly to your desktop. The news column in the left hand side of the screensaver is updated with new announcements on an ongoing basis and links to the full details on PartnerSource. Once installed, news updates will be fed automatically to your screen whenever you are online and the screensaver is activated. "

Unfortunately, the information only focuses on our ERP products (NAV, GP, AX and SL), but I'm putting some pressure on the CRM product management team to get CRM on there too. I also heard from Simon Gautrey (UK Partner Programme Group Manager) that we are about to release a UK RSS feed from the Partner Portal, so get you your Vista RSS Sidebar Gadget ready.

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Laughing Boy