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Global Readiness Tour Questions - Germany & UK

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It has been a really hectic couple of weeks. Last week was school half-term and I took a week off work to help my wife look after our two boys. My goodness, anyone who says that staying at home looking after the children is the easy option is seriously deluded - by the end of the week I was exhausted. It didn't help that my youngest boy is teething and woke up every couple of hours during the night. However, on Sunday afternoon I jumped on an airplane to Munich in order to run the 4-hour technical readiness track for our German CRM partners attending the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Global Readiness Tour (GRT) on Monday. I then got back on the airplane to Heathrow on Monday evening ready to do the same thing again for our UK CRM partners on Tuesday. Luckily, this time I had help from Reuben & Phil who delivered two of the four 1-hour sessions, leaving me with just two of the sessions.

During both events, there were a number of questions asked that I didn't know the answers to, so I made a commitment to find out (as far as possible) and post them here on my blog. The questions I collected (in no particular order) are as follows:

  1. With the new improvements in tracking in the CRM 4.0 for Outlook client, are we able to track non-standard items such as read-receipts, voice-mails (as introduced in Exchange 2007) etc?
  2. When synchronising changes whilst going online, is it possible to compare the actual date/time of the change of a record on the client with the last changed date/time on the server and only update the server if the client record was the last one changed?
  3. CRM 4.0 supports the import and export of language strings/label etc so that you can modify the values to suit your needs, but can you do export from one CRM system to another when the base languages of the two systems are different?
  4. What base languages will come with Release Candidate 0 (RC0) when it ships in the next few weeks?

My thanks go to Michael Rich for jotting down the questions whilst I was speaking. I will revisit this post as I get the answers, and if you attended any of my sessions this week and have additional questions, please post them here and I will add them to my list.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Laughing Boy


  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2007
    I believe another question was whether the data migration tool would be able to update as well as insert records. David