Dynamics AX 4.0 SP1 App Doc Hotfix
Over 1,000 new help files have been release for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 SP1. This content completes all application help topics displayed in the table of contents as well as for all forms reached through the navigation pane.
We now deliver a list of changed and updated topics with every refresh of our Microsoft Dynamics AX help files online. The list of changes and updates in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 SP1 documentation (since Dec. 2006) is available here.
Available Online or As A Hotfix
You can find the complete Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 SP1 help on the Web in the MSDN Library. In addition, you can download a patch containing the complete, up-to-date 4.0 SP1 documentation from either PartnerSource or CustomerSource.
Posted By Fee Nolan