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Unique Solution Brings Communications Capabilities to People With Special Needs.

In this post I’d like to bring your attention to an amazing solution developed by our partner ICT Wortell in the Netherlands. The solution, called (“I Talk” in English), is a secure, virtual communications environment on the Internet developed for people with mental limitations. The application, built on Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Office Communications Server, provides a simple UI that enables users to initiate email, instant message or video chatting in five easy steps. Many of us take these types of communications for granted, but they have not always been within everyone’s ability to use. In the video, we meet Roseanne, who now uses Office Communications Server to stay in touch with her brother. Having access to daily communication with loved ones is making a huge difference in these user’s lives.


Wortell, Microsoft Netherlands, and healthcare facility deHartekampgroep collaborated on the development of this communications solution. Using Microsoft SharePoint Server, they created a simplified, customizable user interface that makes it easier for people at different developmental levels to access the capabilities of Office Communications Server and Exchange Server.



I particularly like this story because it shows how relevant technology can be for improving people’s lives. So many opportunities exist to help people become less isolated in both their personal and professional lives through these technologies. When Wortell took advantage of the easy integration of Office Communications Server with other Microsoft software products, they created a solution that filled a gap and redesigned communications processes to make a huge impact on people’s lives. Creating these types of solutions provides a terrific opportunity for partners to develop deeper relationships with their existing customers and expand their customer base.


Watch the video case study

Kind regards,

Rainer Podjoutomo

Product Manager, Office Communications Group


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks for sharing this example.  We are so used to the corporate business examples of how UC can simplify our work flow and make us productive.  I love that someone is utilizing this for quality of life purposes as well!  I will definitely use this as an example in our UC training courses.

  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2010
    <a href="">unified communications</a> is great for anybody. Its really easy to use and great for a big company or small.