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LCS PIC - unable to add PIC contacts in Office Communicator

Now there are many times we have problems adding contacts so please read this carefully as the problem exposes itself for the user of MSN not Office Communicator (Windows Messenger would likely report the same or similar error, I just didn't test as most customers run OC).

Customer may report that when an MSN user attempts to add them to their contact list they receive the popup stating has added you to his/her contact list.

Do you want:

Allow this person to see when you are online and contact you

Block this person from seeng when youa re online and from contactig you.

Rememember, you can make yoursel appear offline temporarly to everyone at any time

The checkbox for Add this person to my contact list is already selected (by default)

When you select OK (most folks do as they know the person) the following error message pops up: cannot be addd to the permission list. The account name may be invald, you may have already added the maximum number of entries allowed, or the server may be temporarly unavailable. If the problem persons, contact your system administrator.

The customer reporting this issue had 2 items that could have contributed to this problem, although is seems practical to assume that the first one is the root cause

1) On the LCS 2005 Server in the LCS 2005 Management Console -

  1. Right click on the Forest object and select properties
  2. On the Federation tab - The checkbox for Enable federation and public IM connectivity was not selected.
  3. Select this check box and populate the network address with the FQDN of the LCS Access Proxy.

2) The Office Communicator client was running on the Access Proxy and pointed to the Access Proxy for the server. This is not recommended as the Access Proxy will typically use the same name for the Public and Private interfaces. The client MUST resolve the FQDN to the Public address in order to work correctly. We pointed Office Communicator to the internal LCS 2005 server.

Well that is 4 posts in 1 day, I can't believe it. If we could only have quarterly breaks like this in our year think of all the things we could do <grin>

I hope you enjoyed celebrating Christmas* and I wish you Happy New Year!


* Kristin - Happy Hanukkah