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Creating a new SQL instance for LCS 2005 Archiving

I have not documented every single screen step, any step I do not explicitly called out, use the default selection and continue.


SQL 2000 – Autorun

SQL Server 2000 Components

Install Database Server

            SQL 2000 SP2 and below error


Enter name of computer for new instance – Keep the default of Local Computer

Create a new instance of SQL Server, or Client Tools

Server and Client Tools

Dialog for Instance Name: LCSArchiving (I don’t like to test with special characters or spaces)


SQL 2000 SP3


DESELECT the checkbox for Default and in the drop down menu select the proper Instance, in our case it is LCSArchiving

Password – I have test environment so I ignore the security and leave password blank – you need to select what is proper for your environment


Open SQL Server Service Manager

In the Server drop down menu select the newly created instance, ServerName\LCSArchiving

After selecting the server choose Start

Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager


Select Microsoft SQL Servers, right click and select New SQL Server Group

You can name this anything I chose: SQL Server Group LCSArchiving

There will be (No items) under this new object

Right click SQL Server Group LCSArchving and choose New SQL Server Registration

In the Available Servers list select ServerName\LCSArchiving and Add to the Added Servers pane.

Add the SQL Server(s) to an existing SQL Server Group, in the drop down menu select SQL Server Group LCSArchiving

Select Finish and the Register SQL Server Messages dialog comes up, be patient it should populate the Status section with the server registered successfully.

Click on Close

Now there is an object of ServerName\LCSArchiving with databases.



On the LCS 2005 Front End server run LCS 2005 setup

Select Archiving Service

Install Files for Archiving Service

On the IM Archiving Service Settings you are being prompted for the Message Queue path name (MSMQ). Leave the default of .\private$\LcsLog

Note: At this time you are NOT taking any action against the SQL server, this is all about the Local Server configuration for MSMQ


You should be prompted to Activate, select Yes.

Enter the SQL Serverver instance used by the Archiving Server:

You will now input ServerName\LCSArchiving as created in the above SQL steps

Keep the database name as the default of LcsLog


In the end, your resulting SQL Server Enterprise Manager view should be similar to this. Note my default instance of (local), and the newly created instance of EE-BE\LCSArchiving with the LcsLog database.