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Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Ronald Beekelaar - Forefront Server Security

Microsoft Forefront Server security products help protect Microsoft Exchange
2007 servers and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 servers against
viruses, spam, and inappropriate content. The product includes multiple scan
engines from industry-leading anti-virus vendors to increase the chance to
detect new viruses and other malicious content as soon as possible. This
session provides a drill down into how Forefront Security for Exchange (FSE)
scans email messages on the different Exchange 2007 server roles, and how to
configure FSE for optimal scanning performance, while maintaining effective
security of the mailbox servers.

Also the
session explains how Forefront Security for SharePoint (FSS) scans for infected
documents, keywords for inappropriate language, and non-compliant file types,
and how the configuration of realtime and manual scan jobs can be changed to
optimize performance. In this session, we will also cover Forefront Server
Security Management Console (FSSMC). This is a new security product to manage
multiple Forefront Server products, such as FSE and FSS. You will learn how to
use and configure FSSMC to centrally manage Forefront Server configuration,
distribute scan engine updates to Forefront servers, provide high-availability,
and manage quarantine and reports from Forefront servers.