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SQL product team ROCKs and helps mark the halfway point!!!

Yesterday evening marked the "midpoint" of the Sixth SQL MCM rotation and we celebrated in a way by heading over to Building 35 right after class finished. We congregated in the lower lobby where, with catered food and beverages, we rubbed elbows with some of the best and brightest from the SQL Server product team. I was so impressed by the show of support from the group. We had well over a hundred years of SQL product team experience in the room and the candidates really appreciated it. We had representation from most areas of the product including some areas that don't officially exist yet (NDA NDA NDA). We did send a few candidates to round up some folks from the CAT team, but they were great and also came down to talk with the group. What great show of support from the people who design and write the stuff (SQL Server) we implement (yes, I’m still count myself as one of the “we”). THANKS AGAIN FOLKS!

Having spent a lot of classroom hours with the group I’m VERY impressed. Not to discount all those rotation who went before, they’re probably the strongest group I’ve seen in this program and I’m holding high expectations for their performance on the remainder of the exams. They will be tough and experience has shown that many will not clear the bar on the first attempt, but I think pretty much everyone in this group if they do their best will be able to make it (even if it does require a re-take or two). Here’s a quick shot of the group from last week at the end of a marathon week of 10 hour days in the classroom with Kimberly Tripp and Paul Randal (the Paul and Kim Show).