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Better Late Than Never - New MCM's to Announce

I was going to blog about how everyone else promises at New Year to blog more than they did last year blah blah blah, but I'd only be lying and so I won't. :-)

Still, I admit I was lax in not following up from the last rotation we ran in October, and announcing the new MCM's we have in Exchange. I shall blame it only on lack of time, the holiday season and spending two weeks in a room with my instructors and other invited guests, dreaming up all the exam questions for MCM Exchange 2010. It took two weeks, several dinners and a lot of lunch vouchers to create the questions we needed  - but we did, and they rock. I think so anyway. We'll see what the first candidates who see them in March think...  

Back to MCM Exchange 2007 R4 - the last 2007 rotation ever. It went great, we had a really good group and the pass rate first time round was higher than average. So, please join me in congratulating the following people who gained MCM Exchange 2007 whilst in Redmond;

  • Casper Pieterse - Casper is a Principal Consultant for Dimension Data based in South Africa
  • Chris Schrimsher - Chris is a Senior PFE working for Microsoft in the US
  • Doug Gowans - Doug is a Senior Consultant working for MCS in the UK
  • Gabor Kazup - Gabor is a PFE working for Microsoft and is based in Hungary
  • Joshua Thiessen - Josh works for Compugen in Canada
  • Michael Sexton - Michael is a PFE working for Microsoft in the US
  • Rhoderick Milne - Rhoderick is a Scot who now lives in Canada and is working for a service provider up there
  • Rogier Honselaar - Rogier works in the Partner Technical Support team for Microsoft in Germany
  • Simon Geary - Simon works for the CCS Group in Bermuda
  • Zoltan Harmath - Zoltan is an Architect for MCS in Hungary (and is also an MCM in 2008 Directory, and 2008 R2 Directory... that's 3 MCM's - count them)

Yes, 10 people from the class passed. That's great going. And I know that a few more will pass over the next few months too, some have just the Qual to pass, some have an exam or two to re-take as well. But I'll be delighted to announce them too when they get them sorted out.

Well done to them all, R4 was a great success, we all had a good time, and for a matter of a few minutes the day after, I really missed them all. :-)
