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At Long Last - MCSM: Data Platform Knowledge Exam 88-986 Is Live!

The newest MCSM Knowledge exam was released to Prometric yesterday and you can begin scheduling your exams at any time.

If you are a current MCM SQL Server 2008, we are still trying to get the adminstration tasks accomplished to grant you the MCSM: Charter Data Platform certification.

You will not be strictly required to take the exam until your recertification period nears. Plese see here for the original post

The Lab Exam 88-987 is in development, and we hope to have that live by May along with our Practice Labs which will closely resemble the types of tasks that you will need to accomplish to pass the Lab Exam.

More information on the Practice Labs to follow.

Also, the proposed MCSM training rotation for May has been postponed until next fiscal year (November).