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A Batch Of Exchange MCM's and MCA's!

The last month has seen a lot of MCM and MCA activity for Exchange, and so I'm delighted to be able to publically acknowledge the following folks;

First the MCM's

  • Saykham Saykao - Saykham of OBS in Australia passed his 2007 Qual to add 2007 MCM to his 2003 MCM 
  • Ashraf Ismail - Ashraf from Microsoft passed his 2007 Qual too, adding to his 2003 MCM and MCA
  • Matthieu Parfus - Again from Microsoft, Matthieu passed the Qual to add 2007 MCM to his
  • Daniel Schultz - Dan passed his Qual having attended a recent rotation and so becomes a NEW Exchange 2007 MCM - Welcome Dan!
  • Angleo Mazzuchi - Angelo, from Microsoft, passed the Qual to add 2007 MCM to his 2003 MCM
  • Rami Gabra - Rami from Compugen passed the Qual to add 2007 MCM to his existing 2003 MCM and MCA
  • Andrew Ehrensing - Andrew, from Microsoft passed the Qual (after I've been pestering him to take it for EVER, being as how he's one of my instructors... ahem...) in short time to add 2007 MCM to his 2003 MCM/A
  • Heiko Pohl - Heiko, again Microsoft, and a friend of mine from R15 passed his Qual to earn 2007 MCM, adding to his 2003 MCM
  • David Anderson - David from Microsoft passed his 2007 Qual, literally as I typed this, to add 2007 MCM to his 2003 MCM 

And then some MCA's

  • Franz Stoellner - Franz of Microsoft in Germany upgraded his 2003 MCA to 2007 - Great work Franz
  • Ben Appleby - Ben, who now works for the Product Group in Redmond passed the Review Board to become a new 2007 MCA! Great job Ben!
  • Tim Thomason - Tim, who works for IBM in Canada passed his Review Board too and again becomes a new 2007 MCA! Well done Tim!

All of these guys have done incredibly well - the lab is hard, the Review Board is harder, so it's a great achievement.

There are plenty of Qual Labs coming up as we end the 2007 lab once we start teaching 2010 - in March. So guess what, they all left it to the last minute.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Sean, we don't have a published list yet I'm sorry. Right now the best place to start is the help file, it's really detailed for 2010. As whitepapers and other docs start to be produced, we'll get the pre-read list built again.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2010
    Congrats to all. @Greg - I was just wondering if there are any 2010 pre-reading lists available as yet or is it simply read and understand the entire help ;-)

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2010
    you want any information about mca entrance examination,mca modern question papers to visit below site MCA Preparation and Student Community