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TFS 2008: Prescan.exe error while performing a SharePoint upgrade

As part of upgrade, you might decide on upgrading SharePoint from 2.0 to 3.0. The SharePoint upgrade requires a prerequisite step of running a tool called “prescan.exe” which is shipped along with the WSS 3.0 redistributable or can be downloaded here.

When you run the tool, you might see this error:

Error: Prescan has encountered sites or lists that were not updated because they cannot be accessed using the SharePoint Products and Technologies object model. The most likely reasons for Prescan to skip a list are covered in the Knowledge Base article at:
Skipping virtual server: https://<machinename>:8080/. Server state = NeedExtend. Most likely this virtual server is not extended with WSS v2

LOG SNIPPET: Checking if Server="SQLPROD11";Database="STS_Content_TFS";Trusted_Connection=yes;App="prescan.exe" is a WSS V2 SP2 database.
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Checking if any site has not yet been scanned in Server="SQLPROD11";Database="STS_Content_TFS";Trusted_Connection=yes;App="prescan.exe".
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Error: The following site has not been scanned. Id = aecdb1fd-79f8-43f5-8c8a-0e8e2b665bd9 and Url = /sites/Integration
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Checking if any list has not yet been scrubbed in Server="DATATIERNAME";Database="STS_Content_TFS";Trusted_Connection=yes;App="prescan.exe".
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Error: Prescan has encountered sites or lists that were not updated because they cannot be accessed using the SharePoint Products and Technologies object model. The most likely reasons for Prescan to skip a list are covered in the Knowledge Base article at:
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Skipping virtual server: https://<machinename>:8080/. Server state = NeedExtend. Most likely this virtual server is not extended with WSS v2.
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Scan finished with failure.
02/16/2009 14:47:26 ===============================Logs=============================
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Log file: C:\DOCUME~1\tfssetup\LOCALS~1\Temp\PreupgradeReport_633703924432084507_Log.txt
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Summary file: C:\DOCUME~1\tfssetup\LOCALS~1\Temp\PreupgradeReport_633703924432084507_Summary.xml
02/16/2009 14:47:26 ==============================Totals=============================
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of sites skipped (already scanned):   0
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of sites scanned:   16
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of broken sites:   1 (6.25% of total).
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of webs scanned:   16
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of broken webs:   1 (6.25% of total).
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of webs using custom template:   1 (6.25% of total).
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of pages scanned:   1397
02/16/2009 14:47:26 Number of unghosted pages:   14 (1.00% of total).


One of the sites that the pre-scan tool is failing on is using a SFTS template (scrum for team system.)

The issue shows itself after an upgrade to TFS 2008. The symptom can be felt when you try to browse the project portal site with existing SFTS 1.2 template, the site shows a 404 error.

This has been caused by the removal of files required for the WSS template.


1. Backup the following folders:

Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Template\Layouts [ if present - might have been deleted already during upgrade ]

Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Template\1033

2. Download this file and extract it into Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions. The zip contains the relevant paths to the files it needs to copy.

3. Run an IIS Reset.

Now the site should start using the SFTS templates. Run the Prescan tool it should run successfully

More references:

Content by: Raviku

Reviewed by: Lakhmins